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Everything posted by alexcba

  1. lol that vid was pretty cool. altho at one point the reporter over estimates the depth of the river by a few HUNDRED feet lol... "500 feet deep" hahahahahaha try 170 at its deepest pal.
  2. wtg pete, you and the skunk hunk strike again! LOL to bad about the one that didn't make it, but it happens. we really need to step somethin up. i promise i wont look at the lure LOL!
  3. welcome to OFC bud. you'll find the community here more than willing to help you out in regards to fishing and many other things aswell.
  4. very interesting. thanks for the heads up garrry.
  5. the sanctuary ends at the dam. anything you catch in the lake is fair game. i used to fish there with my dad for carp all the time. it used to have an incredible fishery, but one day it seemed like all the fish just packed up and left. if you fish the south side where the lake comes to a point and makes a river you should be good for rainbows, nothing to big but they are there.. it's a rock bottom on the west end of that area, and a sand/mud bottom on the east side. east side has a ton of fallen tree's too so prepare to lose some lures lol. hope this helps. please let me know if your at all successful as i would love to take my dad there again. it used to be his favorite spot.
  6. humps my friend, humps and point drop off's. you will be in bass heaven all day. rice lakes deeper water is where i spend most of my time.
  7. maybe the seasons over for them, perhaps the network only gave them a certain number of shows for this season. not sure how it works but that could be a good possibility. i love both shows aswell, and im pretty sure many others enjoy them aswell so i doubt they've been canceled.
  8. my emoticons dictate i clearly agree with terry.
  9. bump! annnddd vote with another alternate
  10. 3 more from me today.
  11. awesome report. love the pooches. wish mine would fish with me, but knowing his personality he'd make me go nuts lol.
  12. couple more from me. keep it up folks, Mackenzie isn't that far out of 1st.
  13. i own one. i've recommended it to others on this site aswell. it's the piranhamaxx 160. as a fish finder it works great so long as you learn to use it properly. i personally love it and think it's one of the best investments i've made. its really helped me locate fish in water i was not familiar with. the first time i plugged it in we found a drop off, with a hump in FOW and were in fish all day. the model i purchased retails for $161.00
  14. they are a cool lookin fish. mostly just cause of the eyes. lol robo carp.
  15. wow, thank goodness they got out ok. some people dont respect the water until after it's to late or it nearly kills them.
  16. my dads favourite bait is chicken liver, mixed with garlic chunks, wonderfully baked by the sun all day before you go out that evening. i can argue with the smell, but i cant argue with some of the monster cats he's pulled out.
  17. way to go averie! way to go to you aswell dad for taking the time out.
  18. one thing i didn't point out in my previous post. if i see a white buoy marker near shore i do not launch a hook anywhere near it. i have been to alot of places that have these set up for swim area's. they are usually located to the side a little ways away from the dock it self tho.
  19. he posted another shortly after, looks worse than the one above. he's gonna need a few stitches for sure.
  20. logged into my facebook and this was the first thing that popped up. the caption reads: "Here's a Fact of Fishing always be careful when unhooking a 40 inch Pike or you may need stitches lol." hope it heels up quick dave!
  21. garry since i started reading your posts, and also going back and forth with curtis i gotta say my bass hook up % has increased astronomically. thank you for all the time you put into posting and educating your fellow OFC'ers. one of these days soon to come im gonna drop you a line and get out there with you. thank you garry.
  22. very well done. she got my vote. also forwarded it to some friends.
  23. lotsa sheepies in there from what i remember. one place the banjo minnow worked really well.
  24. hahahahaha
  25. lol! next time you purge im there with my wallet open.. ohh boy i think i left this one open for cudz!
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