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Anyone Make Their Own Adult Beverages?
superdad replied to DRIFTER_016's topic in General Discussion
I believe that operating a still is really, really illegal. I think buying part for a still is also illegal. You can do it. Check You tube for DIY. If you don't have a good supply for a mash, you can make batches of beer and distill that down. You have to be careful as the first distillation creates Acetone... bad stuff. You might have to distill twice. David (Hick!!) aka Superdad -
There was a post on quintefishing.com by Grateful Angler, I'll follow up to try and show what a great day everyone had and the joy of the live release derby. It was the Ninth Annual Live Release Fall Classic Walleye Derby, In Support of University Hospital Foundation Kingston - Kingston General Hospital (Kid at Christmas) A portion of each ticket is set aside and before Christmas, those Kids in Hospital all receive presents from this fund. The Derby's funds are added to the fund so all the kids receive some joy at the holiday season. Thanks to Les Corbay as the organizer of this well attended event, the tickets are generally sold out in August. As Paul mentioned, the 10th edition is planned for expansion to permit more fishers to attend. Stay Tuned for announcements in the summer Enough of the sales pitch, here's the drill on the Derby. All boats were required to come to the launch ramp at Shermans Point for a live-well inspection and at 0630 the opening salvo of firecrackers told everyone, "It's fishing time" The boats roared away from the area and from our vantage point, everyone was heading towards the ferry . Laaker John and I motored past the ferry to witness a flotilla of fishers in boats of all sizes. We began fishing at 0700 setting four lines and trolling towards Keith Shoal. We marked a lot of fish in 70 - 80 feet, but we couldn't attract anything. As we trolled, I did a count of the boats that I could see from the ferry down past the lighthouse and over to the Bat-cave. I counted 65 boats - that's a lot of rods in the water. The day was absolutely gorgeous, sun shining, no winds (especially after Friday); however the winds began out of the SW and we were fearful of a repetition of Friday, so we headed back to Hay Bay. We trolled up and down and tried big lures, small lures - we ran thru our favourites, but we couldn't attract a strike. We landed at Shermans launch and there were only three walleye and a rainbow having been weighed, as the clock ticked down towards 1330 hrs, the boats roared into the launch ramp with livewells brimming. This years fish count was much better than the last couple of years. Les the organizer was busy weighing fish and releasing them to ascertain they were alive and kicking. Any fish not swimming away to survive would have been disqualified, ALL fish released were survivors. With the closing of the weigh-in, the assembled throng moved up to the clubhouse and reviewed the names on the leader board and had a look at the prizes and availed themselves of the Chili and the Stew. As the fishers were sated with food, Les began the awarding of the cash prizes. He announced the winner with a walleye of 11.1 lbs. There were a chorus of cheers for Bob Fendley, a long time supporter of the Derby. The second place was awarded to Doug Orton. Doug weighed a fish of 10.6 lbs. Congrats to Doug. Third place was Sam Callum with a walleye weighing 9.6 lbs. Way to go Sam, nice fish. The balance of the prizes were drawn from the tickets and everyone received a trip to the prize table. A special prize of two cases of 5 Year Balderson Cheese for the last ticket drawn - well the donor - Les Corbay won his own prize. In the spirit of the fund-raising event, Les announced an auction for the 20 lbs of cheese. The bidding went $20 - $40 - $60 - $80 and was sold for $100 and that amount would be added to the total fund for Kids for Christmas. What a great idea and what a great donation. The boats were being pulled from the water and crowd hit the road and although we were first boat in the morning, we were the last to taken out - no problem. The weather gods smiled on the derby and it was super. Everyone is looking forward to the 2014 version of the Fall Classic. The organizer asked me to thank everyone who came to the derby and to all who donated prizes. David aka Superdad
On Friday, Laker John and I fished in Long Reach and we trolled about three miles up and a mile back before the three foot waves forced us to head for the ramp. When we started trolling down-wind, the graph was filled with images that we couldn't figure out. Is there anyone there who has seen this and does ANYONE know what the heck it is? To see a larger photo hit this http://s138.photobucket.com/user/superdad4sure/media/IMG_1794-GraphImage-4x6_zps08e74295.jpg.html?sort=3&o=5#/user/superdad4sure/media/IMG_1794-GraphImage-4x6_zps08e74295.jpg.html?sort=3&o=5&_suid=138470447481206648844799875312 David aka Superdad
After we picked 'Superdad' from the shop after winterization, we took the boat back to Hay Bay for the winter. Well, we're at Hay Bay - may as well do some fishing. Loaded John's boat and launched and began to fish at 0945, we were fishing the middle of Hay Bay with a water temp of 46-47 degs F. Marked some fish in deep pockets, but after changing the lures very often, we couldn't find the right combination to attract any fish. We thought of heading to Long Reach, but the winds had picked up and it would take a LONG run there, so we continued to fish the area in the lee of the winds. Back and forth in our trolling lanes we went with no luck at all. We packed it in at 1545 after 6 hours of trolling. We got the big SKUNK!!!!! You can't win all the time. Fishing has a funny way of bringing you back to reality, just when you feel you know the answer, they change the question. Looking forward to 15th and 16th for some more fishing. Stay Tuned David aka Superdad
On Tuesday, Laker John, My Dad and I were off to take the "Superdad' to MP Marine for winterization and on the way, John asked me, "When are we going fishing?" I said, " how about tomorrow, the winds are supposed to be light." That's how the fishing was planned. On Wednesday, we picked the boat and stuff from my place and headed to the ramp and then towards the Batcave, where we figured to do some trolling and see what we could see in the water. We started trolling at 1000 hrs, heading east, we trolled for an hour and never had a strike. We did notice that the wtaer temp was 56 degs F and that as we moved out into deeeper water, we began to see signs of fish below us. Looks like they're there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After an hour, we decided to motor to the Gap and check that out. Got there and set the rods and found ourselves in 18' of water, headed out to deeper water and found ourselves in 50'. The the outer board with the lead core fired and John was into a fish.I handled the inner rod and board and the net. John brought the fish slowly to the boat and I slipped the net under a nice walleye. The fish was 24.5 inches and weighed 5.5 lbs. The three colour lead core with a Ripstick ( discontinued colour) was a success. We are beginning to have confidence in the lead core. We continued to troll the same basic line, learning the depths. We ended up after a turn in 16' of water, watching the lines like a hawk, don't wish to hook the bottom, then we started to drop into deeper water and it looked like the inner board might have scraped the bottom as the flag was bouncing, better check that out..... Fish ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I brought the board in and as John grabbed it the fish lunged and pulled the line out of the back clip - WHOA!!!!! Brought the fish to the net and John brought the bonus catch aboard. This one took the LIve Target Perch lure. A nice 16 inch SM Bass weighing 2.5lbs - something we weren't expecting. Released the bass and we kept fishing. After a while, we made another turn and heading back to the troling line, the inside board fired and John had a fish on, he was bringing the board in and then the outer board (Same Side) fired - DOUBLE HEADER!!!!!!!!!!! John brought the board in and I got it off, while the other rod was still in the holder, can't do very much. John bought a 14 inch SM Bass and Live Target Perch and and I took the other rod. Just as John as reaching for the board, the line went slack - DARNNNNNNNNNNN The line was clean cut - must have been a pike..... We were three for four with a lost Ripstick. Trolled around the Gap checking out the structure, watching boats far off on the horizon and some getting closer. Decided at 1500 hrs that we should motor back as we had a ride of 8-10 miles. We thought we might have time to make one trolling pass before we landed but the length of the run-in decided that we would land and head home. Fished an area we hadn't fished seriously in eight years (tried spring brown/lake trout fishing - wait til next year!!!!!!) and reminded ourselves about light penetration.The water in the Gap is very very clear... Don't know when we're back out (depends on the weather) - Stay Tuned. David aka Superdad
With regards to the fall walleyes all the deep diving cranks mentioned are walleye producers, We have had success with smaller cranks as well, the CC Shad and Flicker Shad have given us some nice fish also. With Manns Stretch +20, the Blueberry Muffin has taken over from DR. Death. We need something to drop the water temps, it's hovering around 62 degsF, gotta get a lot lower. In the spring and summer, The Uzick Spinner and worm combo has been welded to our rods and constantly produced fish, especially close to the weed edges and of late - fishing right in the weeds. Stay Tuned David aka Superdad
Well, we had the family dinner on Saturday and celebrated early birthdays, and the weather promised light winds, so Laker John & I decided to hit the waters of Zone 3 (according to MNR Fall Fishing survey) and after picking up the boat and launching, we had the rods in the water by 0920. The "light" winds were kicking up 3 footers, so after a pass over the preferred area, we headed for some lee and found some deep water and set the rods again, using a 4 rod set-up with one rod using 3 colours lead core. We trolled around and on the down-wind troll, the flag was funny and it went back and forth, must be a fish!!!! Sure enough, we dragged a 13 inch SM Bass from over 35' of water, with the lead core and a Husky Jerk, a quick flip and it was over the side. The wind had switched and was calming down as the sun broke through, so we headed back to the preferred area and set the rods again. We had hardly got the fourth rod set and the outer board fired, Laker John was into a fish. He brought the fish to the boat and it dove like crazy right at the boat, not fighting like a walleye, It wasn't!!!! I slipped the net under the fish and fought the slime and the tangled net as the pike wiggled and squirmed. A quick photo, a measure (for the Survey) and a visit to the Rapala Scales and it was overboard for the fish. Well, that was exciting, set the rod back out and settled back and the other outer board fired. I was into a nice fish. As we drifted towards the shore, the lead core caught the bottom, now we were in a pickle!!!!! Laker John slipped the net under the fish and after the usual procedures(Weight,scales, length) the fish was returned to the water. Now, we had to retreive the leadcore board as the line had broken. The board was floating out there with the lure attached to the bottom. We drove around and finally sighted the board. Got the board, re-attached the line and reeled the lead core up and unhooked the lure from the bottom. What a pile of action in 20 minutes....... The waves continued to grow in strength and we headed for the lee of the shore,but couldn't find a fish there, so we headed back to where we hit those fish,(waves not withstanding), trolled out of the wind into the lee and had a huge strike and thought that we had touched the bottom, left the board out as it was riding fine. Not a good idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just before we decided to head for the launch, the lead-core board fired and I grabbed the rod and was hopeful for a walleye, BUT it wasn't. It was another pike. weight, scales and length and over the side, the darned fish got my finger as I took the hook out and I was bleeding all over the board. Brought the lines in and well golly darn!!!!! the lure was missing from the outer board, guess that wasn't the bottom after all. If anyone gets a Pike(probably) with a Live Target Perch in its mouth, give us a call....... Back to the launch at 1600 and were on our way home. A windy day with three species landed, good size pike (pair of 8 lbers) and a real nice walleye(7.5lns). We hit the first pike on a Grey Ghost Reef Runner, the walleye hit a Live Action Deep Perch and the last pike hit a Rapala Extreme Minnow. Looking forward to our next outing, can't tell where we'll go. Stay Tuned David aka Superdad
have a look at this one: http://www.fishingbayofquinte.com/maps/boat-ramps/ The Black River Ramp is closed. The McFarlene park ramp has been comprimised by earth removal - take care - if it works at all. David aka Superdad
We had planned a trip in mid September for a return visit to Merland Park, like we had done in 2012; but, unforeseen circumstances in scheduling caused us to forego a 2013 Merland trip. My Dad (RedcapBert) really to fish another time with me and my son, so we talked and were able to come up with a compremise that would get us fishing together. The plan came together on Monday when Dave arr'd from Toronto and the three of us headed for Hay Bay, with stops at No Frills and LCBO!!!!!! We got our gear set after arrival at Hay Bay and hit the water at 1115 fishing the waters of Shermans Point, (where I been assured there was fish there and my sources hit six on Sunday!!!) Trolled deep and shallow but NADA..... So we fired the big motor and headed for Mallory, but on the way, we had a change of plans and made the long troll from Q6 buoy right into Perch Cove. We fished the 10-12' levels combatting the weeds all the time. Finally, one of the weeds fought back and I was into a nice walleye, Dave did the net and we weren't skunked with a 19 inch fish. We weaved in and out of the weeds and then RedCapBertcied says 'Fish ON'. He brought the beast and into the net - MR PIKE.. Oh well it was 25 inches long and put up a good fight and was released. All the while when fighting the weeds, we were fighting the small fish....Perch, Rock Bass, LM Bass, Sunfish, that made seven different species landed. We were always busy.. Just before we called it quits, I had another strike in 9 feet of water and brought a nice 17 incher to the net, My grandsons would have a feed of walleye - that's a good thing!! Back to Hay Bay at 1500 and took a break for several hours before we decided to try again and instead of running 4 or 5 miles, thought we would try the shoals in front of Bayview Resort. Trolled from 1700 hours, landing a couple of 10" walleyes and thinking our day was closing, we headed to the dock taking a final troll over the shoal, when Redcap yells "Big Fish ON" - the fish was taking line and putting up a terrific effort. Our thoughts drifted to a big Sheepshead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as the fish neared the boat, I saw a swirl and said "No Sheepshead here". I slid the net under a really nice 23 inch fish, tipped the scales at an even 4 lbs. That made the day and everyone felt really good. Steaks on the Barby and a bottle of wine and a dram of Whisky - couldn't get any better. On Tuesday, the 1st, we had time restraints and before we cast off, Dave took a photo of the Superdad at the dock, you can see how low the water is and is dropping more each day...... We headed over to the Old Chruch area and trolled the 10-12 foot levels. Near the end of the first trolling pass, Redcap hooks a fish coming off a dropoff into 14 feet of water. A nice 18 incher. We trolled downwind past the launch ramp and were heading for headed for the big weedbed just east of the Old Church, when Redcap says he has fish. Sure enough he reeled in MR Sheepshead, the one species we hadn't seen for some time. Dave was busy doing something and had his rod in the rod-holder watchng the perch taps and the weeds, when suddenly, the weeds weren't releasing the lure. He grabs the rod and has a fish on. He's using his ultra light rod and he's having troubles. He slowly gains control and brings the fish to the surface and I slip the net under the fish and he's ours. This one is a healthy 20 inches and is exactly 3 lbs. It's ihis first of season - we're really happy,happy,happy. Got the boat out and the gear stashed and our gear packed and into the Explorer to head home. Made it back to town with lots of time to spare and dropped Bert, took Dave to the Train Station and called it a day. The final results were, landed seven walleye, countless numbers of some good sized perch and a plethora of other fish. We had a good time with good company and as a family shared the joy of fishing. Stay Tuned David aka Superdad PS Began the MNR Fall Fish count. PPS - Learned from a impecable source about a double digit walleye bring caught and released on Monday. They're coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question for the tackle / fly rod experts
superdad replied to spincast's topic in General Discussion
Yes, the fly rod appears to be a mass produced product. The wooden box is a dead give away regarding the rod. My Dad's first fly rox had a wooden box and was a low end product. Caught a lot of trout in the late 50's. The flies look like trout flies. Learning to fly fish would a be tribute and it's well worth while. Pan fish ( perch, bluegill and bass) will take a fly and they pull hard on a fly rod. If you don't wish to use the rod, it could be made into a wall display to decorate your "Man Cave" Cheers David aka Superdad -
Thanks for sharing your Quinte story, especially about the big blades. David aka Superdad PS Only a month and a bit til November!!!!!
Nice pix of Fall Fish......It was a whole lot sunnier than the pix. Weather was excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Landed five walleyes, biggest was 6.3 lbs and one for the table at 19" Stay Tuned
First boat outing of 2013, nice Lake O Brown
superdad replied to muskymatt's topic in General Discussion
Way to go Matt - L.J. Told me all about the trip. Always good to travel and not get skunked. David aka Superdad -
Interesting that the House of Commons had its agenda modified so that the debate today would focus on a Terrorist Act? You don't think the Government may have had an inkling about the RCMP announcement!!!!!!!!!! A mere coincidence or plain politics. Just my .05 (can't use pennies anymore) David aka Superdad
Guy caught 3lb Goldfish from Lake St. Clair
superdad replied to adempsey's topic in General Discussion
Must have been flushed down the loo!!!!!!!!!!!! David aka Superdad -
January 12th open water walleye report
superdad replied to mike rousseau's topic in General Discussion
Mike - Thanks for sharing your open water fishing - yes many of the other boats struck out on Saturday. David aka Superdad -
With the weather forecast for plus 2or 3, Laker John and I headed out to dig the boat out of the snow and see if we might be able to put it in the water for some fishing. Thanks to the ice fishers near my place a road had been plowed past my trailer and we shovelled a twin row about 30 feet and the boat was ready to go. Gather the gear and head for Finkles. We got there aound 1100 and set up the boat and we were ready to go. You can see how clean and dry the ramp is - not a problem. We headed west and started a troll past the generating station but we weren't marking fish so we decided to head towards the light house. A boat approached us from the east and pulled along side and we had a chat. This chap had been fishiing the week after Xmas and had done real well. We parted and he headed west and once around the lighthouse point,we never saw him again - don;t know where he was fishing. The last time we were out we had success in the middle in deep water and we trolled upwind to Lyons Island, when we truned and headed east. Trolling eastward we began to mark lot of fish . The winds had died down and the sun beat down on us and it was very pleasant. Another boat appeared at the lighthouse and trolled very close to shore and past Lyons Island, when we last saw them they were out in the middle opposite the Island. Knowing we had a healthy run back to the ramp and wanted to get things put away in daylight, we headed back at 1515, the run at 17MPH was 45 miinutes. Boat on the trailer, strip the gear and head for home at 1420. The water was 34.5 degs F. We tried an assortment of lures at differing depths but weren't able to put the lure in front of one to grab it. Nontheless we had a great day. We're going to watch the weather like hawks and see if we can get out again soon. Stay Tuned David aka Superdad
Looks like the fat lady has sung her sad song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hay Bay is full of ice and we saw a couple out in front of Bayview Resort walking out there. Travelled around Route 9 back to Napanee and it's all ice and blowing snow. The boat at my place has three feet of snow in it BUT there's a trail down past it, so with a little work and some sweat, it looks like we can it up to the road and ready to go. We'll wait for a nice day to spend some time and dig it out. We were pretty glum looking at all the snow and ice and were even pondering getting out the sleds and augers. We headed back from a gas purchase and went down to Rte 133 by the generating station - there's lots of open water there...... We drove down towards the ferry and had a look at the water from Bayside Drive, all we could see was ice from Keith Shoal all the way back towards the ferry, we didn't bother drive to the ferry to have a look, it would have to be iced in. On our way back to Kingston, we stopped at Finkles Park Ramp. The parking lot is plowed and so is the ramp. A little closer inspection shows that a little sand or salt might be all that is needed to get the boat in the water. After seeing the ramp, our spirits were brightened and there is hope full of it some soft water fishing after all. Only thing required would be decent weather and LITTLE winds...................... We had hope for the coming weekend BUT the forecasts are for 40-45KPH West Winds - not a good thing!!!!!!! If you want to see the difference in a year have a look at what I posted last January - BIG difference....... http://forum2.quintefishing.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=13523&hilit=launch+ramp Stay Tuned................ David aka Superdad
After a road trip to review the launch ramps on Tuesday, we hit the water at 0830, made a first pass from Lyons Island to Pull Point, tough going into the west wind, made the return pass out over 65-70 feet of water and and the outside board fired at 1020 ( Rapala TDD11 Bubble Gum{something like that- bought the lure at Pro Tackle last year} approx 200' from the board). Brought the planer board across the inside board and fouled lines - D"oh!!!!!!! Laker john slide the net under the walleye - first since NOV 17TH..... A nice fish - 23.5 inches and tipped at 5.68 lbs. We changed all the lures to TDD11's and made another pass from Pull Pt down past the island. The pattern wasn't working real well, so Plan B. Trolled down the middle of Adolphus Reach (many good memories in that area), Spread 4 rods, two TDD11's and a pair of Reef Runners. We wondering if we would see another strike, we assured ourselves that things could change in five minutes- at 1320 the inside board with the Reef Runner (Purple with gum drop colours). Laker John was into a fish, we got ourselves positioned and the net ready. 200 feet of line takes a while. He brought the fish to the net and she was ours. A nice 25.5 incher weighing at 6.25 lbs. Couple of quick pix and splash, back she went. As I was resetting the line, the other inner board fired and I was able to have the board removed and then a quick head-shake at 175' and the fish was gone. Two hits, one landed in five minutes....Never can tell. Trolled eastward until the winds were getting out of order and we pulled the pin and hit the launch ramp and headed home. We both felt better with a 2 for 3 day after our last number of skunky outings. We have fished from the boat in every month this year - that's our main claim to fame. Stay Tuned David aka Superdad
A couple of monsters from Quinte - thanks for sharing your experience - it looked cold on the bass boat. David aka Superdad
I don't think that you'll be able to launch off the Short Road, it looks like its closed and the water is REALLY low. If you launch at Desronto, you're only five to ten minutes away from Short Road - watch out for the marker at Desronto, it's a killer rock - Ask Young One..... Lotsa Luck David aka Superdad
Way to go - congrats on the PB's................ I see the fish are 'IN' at the same spot as last year. Thanks for sharing David aka Superdad
PB's are always a good thing - thanks for showing us your PB. David aka Superdad
Thanks for sharing your Quinte fishing with us, many fishers are searching and searching - guess you found some of the golden girls David aka Superdad