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Everything posted by The JAY

  1. Well, Vinnimon came through for me today, and I got got my first baitcast. Devided to try it out on the Grand, downstream a bit from Caledonia. Found a nice little pool and hookked on a nice fat nightcrawler in hopes of finding a kitty or two... After birdnesting the baitcaster 3 times, I decided to wait until I did some reading and switched to the spinning rig. No nibbles, but I saw a ton of fish surfacing. Saw a muskrat too... Oh well, it's a better way to spend the evening than watching the tube, right? Maybe I'll have some better luck on Monday, if the river slows down a bit. It's still flowing really fast.
  2. Dara, I'd apprecaite it if you could PM me some GPS co-ords when you get home, if you're so inclined.
  3. Well, today I'm buying.... Can't wait for picking... MUST
  4. There's half a dozen of us heading up there in September, so I'm a little curious about that myself. Haven't looked at the regs yet, but I think everything will be open at that time. Mainly looking for pike, but I do remember how tasty Walleye is.... Yummmm.... Last time I fished Walleye, a Mepps spinner with a juicy piece of worm trailing from the treble was the ticket. Colours to be determined by conditions. Hope that helps.
  5. Probably a little chilly tonight. It's best after an evening shower. As a kid, I used to water the lawn after dinner, then go picking after sundown. Never failed.
  6. I'm at work from 8-3, but may head down later.
  7. I really need a cheap baitcast setup to learn with, I'm hoping they'll have one there. Fingers crossed...
  8. Umm, Frisco's... Actually, my guitar player lives right beside Bill's, so I'm going to send him in for me to pick up some essentials... Thanks for the reminder!
  9. I see them every night when I take the puppy out for a pee. (His, not mine) I usually sit on the porch and watch the leaves or grass moving. You can see them 15' away. A rain make it even more prolific. I just don't know what to put them in to keep them for more than a day or two...
  10. Ummm, pike... I'm jealous.... OOS here, but if they're good to go in Zone 4 I may be in for a drive... Where's Zone 4? LOL
  11. I used to use a similar contraption made from a tuna can, corrogated cardboard and parafin wax. I like this one better. I think I'll make a couple of these up, as I just happen to have some Heineken cans available. Of course they're still full, so I'll have to remedy that first....
  12. I'm in the Hammer, as you know, but I'll be working. And very, very jealous. Make sure to bring the camera!
  13. I saw something like this painted on a garge door years ago. Thought about airbrushing something like that on my garage door, and went as far as to draw up the design on the garage door... Then my wife got home..... It's a solid colour now....
  14. That, sir, is a priceless story! Thanks for sharing!
  15. Is it bad that I'm looking for Whiteman's Creek on GoogleMaps? No interest in looking for the pond, other than putting a big red X on it, but the creek in a nice short drive I think...
  16. Lunatic, I got the same troubles you do. I used to fish for Walleye out of Pt Maitland, but not for years. Miss fishing for them, and my river fishing chops are a little rusty, so I'll be practising them this year. Did a little worm drowning yesterday up on the Grand, managed to get a 14" sucker, but that was it for the day. If I manage to find some Wallys I'll pass along the info. Fishing in Hamilton is getting tougher and tougher with so many rods in the water...
  17. Yup, use a toothbrush, or if they're really bad some 0000 steel wool. Autosol or Mother's chrome polish will work too.
  18. Musky in the Grand? No way!? I have never heard that. That being said, I'll be looking for them this summer! Thanks for the tips!
  19. Hey all. Nice site you have here. I think I'll stay a while.

  20. Nice haul guys! I'm jealous...
  21. As a little tip I learned years ago, even with No Trespassing/Fishing/Hunting signs up, if you have personal permission from the landowner, you can still legally use the land.... The signs are more a tool for the police to use to charge someone if they are called out. Just FYI...
  22. Hmm, Dryden, why yes you are! Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. Fishermen can be tough about divulging ANY information, glad that's not the case here.
  23. Well, thanks to all for the input. I think I'm going to try my hand on the Grand in the morning. I'm going to wait until I've got another heavier rod to try for the kitties in Dunnville. (Had a pike borrow my rod while canoe fishing last year ) With a little luck I'll have something to show for it in 24 hours...
  24. Nice fish you got yourself there Vinnimon! That being said, I'm sure I was having much more fun sitting at work...
  25. Another handy link is the TrendHousecall. http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ It seems to catch anything AVG doesn't.
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