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Status Updates posted by spincast

  1. Jan 12, +5 degrees. Global warming is a myth, obviously.

  2. Just another day in the salt mines.

    1. misfish


      Take G man ice fishing.

    2. zamboniwaterboy


      Trade you mines! Open water just around the corner!


  3. Just waiting for spring.....

    1. Freshtrax


      Your missing out the ice if fun

    2. spincast


      yeah, and my accountant enjoys doing taxes.....

    3. misfish


      Wish I had today off. It,s a great spring day out there.

  4. Just walk right in, its around the back, just a half a mile from the railroad track..

  5. Kind of hard to kind a 4 day stretch of good weather for camping so far this "summer"

  6. lake O in the am for a few hours. Finally

  7. Lake O is 42 in tight - now if we can just get some W winds.

  8. Lake O, here we go. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BillM


      I think I am going to give the southern shore of Lake O another 3 weeks before wasting anymore gas :)

    3. misfish


      Just say when Rick. Are there browns swimming around or just kings cohos and bows?

    4. spincast


      Lots of browns to be had in the spring, even from the shore. Kings, coho and bows are around too. And of course Lakers, but not as many as later in the year. Hoping the new boat comes home next weekend. Then we're back out again


  9. Lake St Clair sunday .... perhaps finally the weather will cooperate?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. spincast


      Thanks Bri - just need mother nature to cooperate. Enjoy the vid - got anything to do with Cadillac? That'll warm ya up

    3. misfish
    4. Crooked Rapids

      Crooked Rapids

      yes Spincast...perch

  10. Last time I felt something this cold she was 6 ft and built like a dream with red hair and green eyes.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fisherpete


      Hahahahaha gross Joey!

    3. Rodbender


      colder than a hookers heart

    4. HTHM


      Colder than management making business decisions...

  11. Lookin' like the Starfire may be going up for sale in a couple weeks.

    1. spincast


      and then, maybe not :(

  12. looks like 2 foot - itis won. The Starfire is up for sale.

    1. Tim Mills

      Tim Mills

      Congrats I'm sure it will sell quick. What did you buy?

    2. spincast


      176 Starfish, 115 main, 20 hp kicker, plus matching set up. Just needed something little bigger and deeper for the Lady O outings.

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Congrats!,nice choice!

  13. looks like my plans for St Clair for tomorrow just got blown out. phft

  14. make that 4-0.........

  15. Man, Father Time must have said a real doosey to Mother Nature, 'cause shes been giving him a veeeerrrry cold shoulder for a loooooooong time.

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Thinking the same...he needs to man up and make things right.



  16. man, these weekend winds are the pits!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      May work for where I'm going.Just have to figure the rain and thunderstorm parts.And when

    3. misfish


      It,s all Terrys fault. Nice weather will be here when he gets the new boat

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      I figured. lol.

  17. Merry Christmas Everyone! Let the magic live on

  18. Merry Christmas to all

    1. Joey


      Merry Christmas to you and your family too!!

  19. need a different forecast for Friday Saturday in Marten River please. COld front with East winds is not what I ordered from the menu

    1. asdve23rveavwa


      Hope it gets better for you bud!

  20. New Cambridge Sail store grand opening today. Lunch time Christmas shopping :)

    1. Christopheraaron


      20 percent off store wide starting tomorrow too!

  21. nice bonus today - got a small king while fishing Erie! Lots of fun on the walleye setups!

    1. misfish


      They have kings there Rick? Never knew that. WOW Nice.

    2. spincast


      I think he was seriously lost! Thought he was at Dalhousie, but it was Weller swam like heck and never looked back. Just a small one (7 or 8 lbs)

  22. Nicest weekend of the year and I'm recovering from surgery :(

    1. misfish


      Just leave the keys in the boat Rick. I,ll come by and wash it for you. Friends dont lets friends boat sit dry dock. Crap forgot,I dont have a hitch receiver.LOL

      Speedy recovery bud.

    2. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Bummer. Hope recovery is short!

    3. spincast


      thanks guys - Brian - I might be able to work something out, if you aint afraid of setting up for me. :) - don't forget the sunscreen. That sun can do some serious hurt.

  23. Nipigon in July - booked :)

    1. Christopheraaron


      Nice! I'm sure you'll have a great time :)

  24. Nipigon V.2.0 trip booked - esox, wallys and specks, can't wait.

    1. misfish


      I didn't know esox season was open in January?

    2. BillM


      I don't he's ice fishing Nipigon, lol


    3. spincast


      Who, me Ice fishing.... at -31? No thanks, I'll wait till July


  25. Not liking the look of the wind forecast for the weekend - East winds all weekend, yuck

    1. irishfield


      All I care about is the minimal 5 to 10K favouring the channel for Friday Rick!

    2. asdve23rveavwa


      As a wise man (or maybe it was just a Hollywood actor, lol) "You better get a BIGGER boat!"

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Lol,I have a bigger boat and still like the winds 20k or less.

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