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Everything posted by doubleheader

  1. Absolutetly the best boat customization article I've ever read. I'm keeping a copy.
  2. Really super rig. Not sure what you're going to like more the Lund or the Verado, but I know you'll love the Verado if you've not owned one before.
  3. In the fall after my last trip for the year I add Stabil then top off the tank. Then to the lake where I run both 4 stroke motors long enough to insure Stabil throughout the fuel delivery system. Then home where I remove the cowlings and plugs, squirt the fogging oil into the cylinders, clean and reinstall plugs. Then before hooking up spark plug wires I turn over the engine. After that's all done I hook everything up and change my engine oil and oil filters. After that I move to the lower unit to change the lub oil, and finally I remove the prop and clean and regrease the thrust bearing and shaft. The last think I do is hit every grease fitting with marine grade grease, and check my trailer fittings as well. The whole thing pretty much takes 1/2 day with going to the lake and back home but I kind of enjoy doing the work myself.
  4. Hi Lew, just in case you aren't aware of this potential problem I thought I'd mention it here since you mentioned you plan to troll alot with your new 150 Yammie. Four strokes need to be broke in properly and then run hard when new to set the rings properly. I trolled alot with my Verado when it was new (after break-in) and I experienced the problem of "making oil". It's not uncommon. Check this out. It's an older thread but you'll get the idea. Just in case you weren't aware. Beautiful rig- good luck http://continuouswave.com/ubb/Forum4/HTML/001503.html This is a better article that explains the whole deal. http://www.boats.com/news-reviews/article/...e-contamination
  5. Hi everyone, only 8 more weeks and if you would be so gracious as to allow Amy and me to be considered part of your gang we'll be there with bells on, well heck, we're gonna be there anyhow so you'll just have to deal with it. This weekend is the start of pickeral here in northwest PA, it surely isn't like being on the west arm but our local water will give me a temporary fix anyhow. Really looking forward to meeting all of you and swapping a few stories. They worked so well last year we're bringing our baby duckling musky harnesses again this year. I made some design changes to the harnesses so now you can even cast the little critters without beating them up too bad.
  6. Church's, another manufacturer of boards, has some good planer board tips on their site. http://www.churchtackle.com/index.htm
  7. I agree with all the above. Nothing but a big advertisement , and a boring one at that. Too bad, I used to think it was the number one show. Not too impressed with the magazine either.
  8. The Quintessential Quesnel
  9. lots of good info here, and it's really good that you are thinking of this now, before you get your pup. Let me comment on some things I've learned over the years. 1. crate train for sure. not only will the pup soon accept the crate as his sanctuary, it will be better for his mental development, and God forbid, should the pup ever be injured and require confinement through the healing process you won't have a problem. 2. A pup has limited bladder control. It irks me when I hear people talk about scolding a pup that has soiled the carpet. They can't help themselves until about 16 weeks. In that training period remember to take him out after every meal and drink, each time he wakes, before and after any extended indoor play, and every hour at first except in the night. Limit his water intake in the eveniong but you'll still need to take him out in the middle of the night. Accidents will happen, be prepared for them, use a good neutralizing cleaning agent as soon as possible after an accident. 3. Begin basic commands as soon as possible, short intervals but multiple times/day. These should include sit, stay, come, a release command, down, and so on. Reward compliance with small treats and praise, ignore non compliance. Standardize a hand signal to use with the verbal command. Getting everyone in the house to standardize the command language is a must, so agree up front. 4. Pups need sleep, let them have it 5. Avoid scolding, it's far easier to get a dog what you want it to do with treats and praise then to tell it what not to do. 6. Get him around all kinds of sounds, other people, other dogs and so on. 7. Enroll in obedience training, it helps socialize the dog being around other dogs.
  10. Pigeonfinder, we live in Warren PA, in the northwest corner about an hour from Erie.
  11. Thanks everyone. Troutologist, I'll check out that website. Fishnwire, I'll probably have the same experience as you, but maybe with the economy here in the US, who knows. I sure would like to own this place. Great summer retirement home and I'm not far from hanging it up. Thanks again everyone. Any more ideas are welcome. Okay I just did something cool using Google Earth I got the coordinates of the island and included that in my enquiry to the Ontario Land Registry Office. If you want to check it out here are the coordinates. 46,13,31.74N and 80,18,36.56W
  12. There is this nice camp on an island on the west arm of Nipissing that hasn't had any activity for a few years. How does one find the name and address of the owner? I have nosed around the internet to no avail probably just because of my own ignorance. The interesting thing is I know the owner is from a small town in Pennsylvania not too far from where I live, I just don't have a name or telephone number. Appreciate your input OFC'rs and have a great day.
  13. Last night I realized Lowrance discontinued the 5oo series in favor of the new HD units, but I'll bet if you get on E-bay or just do a search you'll find retailers with stock. Jollly Marine is a source in the US that might be able to help. Okay, here's a link to Jolly Marine, look at the 522 Series which they apparently have in stock. http://www.jollyannsales.com/FFwithGPS/lowrance_lms_522c.htm
  14. These are all really great stories guys. Lew, yours brought back a lot of family memories for me, and isn't that one of the things that has us going back to our old haunches. I always catch myself thinking about this time or that when I'm in a particular area. I have a story fellas, and it was over 45 years back, I guess I was about 8, so closer to 50. Anyhow, my dad and my brother and I decided last minute to go to Nipissing, not an easy descision back then coming from Pennsylvania. We stopped at my gandads on the way to pick up the gaff (thinking was different back then) but he wasn't home. We used to troll a lot during the day, mostly because dad knew I liked to catch pike, and back then you could catch hammerhandles one after another on a daredevil. Well, we had just come out of Deer Bay, fishing in a Lakair rental, when dad gets this hit. He always used heavy tackle but this fish would have none of it. It was putting on a heck of an aerial display and it was far bigger than any musky we had caught before or since. Well, we lost her at the boat at the last second, our net wasn't big enough and we were too inexperienced, but for years it was THE story that the three of us could relive. Both my dad and my brother are gone now. Some say once you pass everything is revealed, you know it all. I hope so, because Dad always wanted to know how big that fish was. She was a Nipissing giant, a once in a lifetime fish. Like all of you I've had many memorable moments on the water, but this one stands alone.
  15. Fishnwire you need to chill. Nothing illegal ocurred, what about personal choice, and using a picture to memorialize the day? You're about a degree away from arguing that fishing is inhumane. Hey, we all have a bad day from time to time, but your thinking is along the line that we should all do something a certain predefined way. I prefer individual choice, and the stressing the fish arguement is totally bogus. Somewhere down the line from your train of thought is the government dictating how we take pictures of legally caught fish. Does this mean I have to change my handle?
  16. As is true of much of today's technology there is a time and place, although I would not use Fluoro for anything but leader material for spinning/casting/trolling or tipett for fly fishing. I don't like the way it handles in general off the reel nor the way it reacts as a trapered leader off my fly rod. It definitely is less visible in the water which is a primary benefit, and it also is abrasion resistant, I believe it also sinks and is somehat stff. A properly tied wet knot is critical. Probably more unintended variation between manufacturers in fluorocarbon than mono, especially early on in the development. When conditions allow I avoid it, when they call for it I use it.
  17. I think if you go to the 500 series from Lowrance you can add chips from Navionics or Lakemaster. Just make sure the chips contain the lakesof your choosing. I have a 2008 Navionics chip of eastern Ontario lakes, but it has nothing west of Rt 64 bridge for Nipissing. The Navionics website contains listing for all lakes for each geographic area and chip. These Lowrance units have a 5" color display and at least a 480 by 480 pixel count. If you fish walleyes you really want 480 vertical pixels to get separation of fish from the bottom. Another option is Fish Eagle, also made by Lowrance, they are typically a little less expensive but have similiar features. I'm afraid I can't help with Garmen or Hummingbird. You can buy these units without transducers then purchase the portable pack separatey from Lowrance or other retailers. You can also buy older chips at a dicount.
  18. We purchased a pup in September, our 4th lab. My wife did a ton of reseaccrh on dog foods as our previous lab died prematurely we believe, and we also believe it may have been related to the food even though we were feeding her "premium" food. Anyhow we've settled on Innova. Right now he's getting Innova Large Breed Puppy. It's not cheap by any means but rated a good food. Attached is a link to dog foods that are rated by an independent source. http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/ Click on Reviews and you can see how your food is rated.
  19. USN, Hospital Corpsman, 1972-1975
  20. Hi all, gettn' a kick out of these posts. Holdfast, you've made a big assumption here, and I'm not talking about whether this guy is a low life, I'm talking about him showing up for work. I'll bet he develops a sore back overnight. Sounds to me like your town knows how to rid of those that prefer to munch on tax dollars. wish our little town would put the chronic abusers to work. Had a housefull in a rental property across from my house for 2 years. In that time they destroyed the house (the owner was in a nursing home), and it was finally condemned. When they did the inspection there was 12" of dog crap in the basement. No kidding. Wonder where they moved too? Maybe it's your man? Is his name Axel?
  21. Not only keep your main motor in the water make sure it's not cocked to one side.
  22. Thanks for the post, having a Crestliner myself I always wondered how it might hold up in the event of hitting a submerged object. Guess I don't need to worry too much. I hope you post some project updates. I have a feeling we'll be very surprised at the finished product. Good luck.
  23. I have friend that is sponsored by them. My recollection is that he told me G3 had some problems when they first came out, as one might suspect with any new boat. I don't recall them being major problems. I suppose it somehat depends on the size of boat you're looking to purchase and how it's been maintained as well as any design shortfalls. Can you do a good inspection yourself? Can you pull the floor out and look for loose or missing rivets and fasteners, signs of repair, broken or damaged bracing, any nonconformities around the transom, and so on. Unless the boat has been severely damaged at some point I'd probably be more concerned about the used motor.
  24. I love the passion but he kind of rubs me the wrong way with all his antics. I can't help wonder how much is an act. I also wonder how many windows he broke out of his truck losing the Classic last weekend by ounces. I was happy Reese won. A great talent though.
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