as good as he is as a lightheavyweight, to consider him having any chance as a heavyweight is delusional IMO. looked great last night, and Rua looked equally terrible
haha, you don't really think WE are free do you?? we have a perverted version of freedom, that's all, but yes we are fortunate, as there are worse places to be.
this IS the time of year they tend to push, so being in a reasonably competitive spot in the standings, another late season surge may get us there..........,,,a guy can dream can't he ??
I don't know if any of you heard that several sites that were showing UFC fights, have been shut down by the US gov't.
I'm wondering which sites you are going to be using for this upcoming event ??
All the sites I had been using have been shut down.
awesome show Dave!! LSC is definately a must do this year! anytime you want to fish the French, I would be happy to take you out. keep up the great show, looking forward to more episodes.
The sporting world lost the greatest hockey coach of our era this morning. He passed away this morning surrounded by family and friends, at the young age of 58.
R.I.P. - Thanks for the memories
Actually, it was JUST Bosh that went on a self promotional tour via Twitter. LeBron didn't say a word about his free agency until a day or two ago. As far as Wade goes, not a SINGLE word from him, throughout the free agency period, pure class.
And yes, Gretzky did orchestrate that publicity stunt. LeBron was just announcing his " hello " .
You guys have it all wrong. It's not LeBron, it's David Stern and the NBA that wanted this, marketing their biggest star.
So? when Gretzky was traded and gave his "emotional" speech, did that turn you off of hockey ??
Lakers : Magic, Kareem, Worthy
Celtics : Bird, McHale, Parish
Bulls : Jordan, Pippen, Rodman/Grant
Pretty sure this new group isn't the first great trio that has gotten together.
And yes, the raps are definately hosed for a few years.
they had something like $56 million available for signings, they were gearing up for this offseason over the course of the last couple years, clearing out contracts, making room. Seems to have worked.
Bosh deserves all the booing he gets....could have worked on a sign and trade, like he said he would, and then just's his right, but c'mon. Another "star" screws over Toronto sports team.
what the hell just happened??????? How did Lesnar survive that onslaught??
I'm no fan of his, but kudos to Lesnar for hanging in there and ending it. If Lesnar can add the ability to submit to his arsenal.....woah!!!
fight of the night --- Leben vs Akiyama
what about following the law??
breaking windows, setting cars on fire, and all the other Bull going on deserves a hardline.
I don't know what world you live in, but in Canada, you break the law, you get dealt with.
I just wish this were held in Russia, love to see them try this carp there.
if its once a year, I can understand that.
they may be good to eat, but are they good for you to eat? debate amongst yourselves, I would never do so, but that's just me.
Nice day on the water
this is gonna get worse before it gets better. Some of these morons need a swift billy club to the bag !!
I commend ALL the forces down there doing what they can !!!