For starters, this thread was started to be a fun one, supporting the Serbian football team. It was not meant to bring up political observations, why you decided to take it that way, i dunno .
I have many Croatian friends, obv. Serbian friends, and even some Albanian friends, all of us rib each other, but never bring up the political aspect of our historical backgrounds.
The fact you have a Bosnian gf explains some of your hatred towards my fellow countrymen, so be it, I will not defend myself politically on a fishing site ( and hunting ). I think the one that needs to do some more research on the subject, is probably not me, as I have the firsthand knowledge of what transpired over the years, from ALL sides. All I can say is, if you think you know, you're sadly mistaken.
Let's just cool it, if you support another team, great, not that i've seen you say you support any team one way or the other. If you want to start a political discussion, cnn dot com is thataway ------->>>
anyway, lets go BELI ORLOVI against the SOCCEROOS on wed!!!!