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Everything posted by yellowboat

  1. www.pureenergysystems.com/news/2005/03/17/6900069_Acetone/ - 60k -
  2. If you work where your avatar was built I feel your pain.
  3. Lake Superior?
  4. Try luremaker site (seen it advertized on the board) they have a nice little starter kit for 30 bucks or so (just have to buy the line seperate). I bought one last year and still have lots left.
  5. Heart lake in Brampton has some panfish as well as stocked rainbow.
  6. nothing wrong with that top
  7. Nice report and I'd be intrested in a welfare top for my boat, do you give classes on how to make them.
  8. Finch What do I win.
  9. I'll be camping up that way (not sure if I'll be in Temagami or Lady Evelyn) around that time with my gf. There is a free lanch at the end of the Temagami lake access road, there are marked navigation cannels on the lake but you will want to get a hydro map if you are going exploring. www.temagamivacation.com/maps.htm .... You can fish for lake trout, pike, sm bass, and there are some portages to speck and rainbow lakes. As for locations to I'm still trying to figure that one out too.
  10. Dremel tool with a grout removal bit and lot of patients. http://www.canadianhomeworkshop.com/quickf...le_repair.shtml
  11. Seaway marine is in Whitby near port whitby just off Victoria west of Brock.
  12. Last year top soil was a 20 buck a yard.
  13. Good for you, it get's easier every day it's 4 months for me keep up the good work. Your right you have to do it for you!
  14. They scraped because our friends from the south were scared of it and NASA wanted the engineers from that program, but as a consolation prize we got some nice missiles with no warheads. The airplane museum at Downsview just finished there replica a few months ago.
  15. The mandrel (stems) of POP rivet tend to fall out over time as well. Use the tank rivets (blind mechanical lock I'm assuming).
  16. If I was going to fix that I would fill all the void and hole with a chopped fiberglass and resin mixture, sand smooth and the re gel coat the whole canoe. Because in order to just re fiberglass using cloth you would have to take all the old gel-coat off down to original fiberglass for proper adhesion.
  17. My Passport app got returned for this reason last year even though I had the gaurantor sign, date......
  18. No prob, I'm glad that $2000 for the first year of college wasn't a waste. FYI they are wasp larva so don't let the hatch in the spring in your garage
  19. I've seen them use for whitefish up north with good success. Ohh and they are Golden Rods
  20. Aircraft Mechanic same as Irish but on a little bigger scale (can't post pictures security thing)
  21. MMMM Pickerel in fish crisp and fried in bacon grease MMMM
  22. Recipe from expensive restaurant. Rub roast with Italian sesoning Crust with kosher salt Bake at 500 F for 30 min lower temp too 300F for 6-8 hrs (1/2 hrs per pound or so)til internal temp 140-145 let rest for 30 min
  23. Looks similar to a Peterborough Zepher.
  24. What Irish said.
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