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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. It's Hell to be Old ! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' OLD people have problems that you haven't even considered yet! An 85-year-old man was requested by his Doctor for a sperm count as part of his physical exam. The doctor gave the man a jar and said, 'Take this jar home and bring back a semen sample tomorrow.' The next day the 85-year-old man reappeared at the doctor's office and gave him the jar, which was as clean and empty as on the previous day. The doctor asked what happened and the man explained, 'Well, doc, it's like this--first I tried with my right hand, but nothing. Then I tried with my left hand, but still nothing.. 'Then I asked my wife for help. She tried with her right hand, then with her left, still nothing. She tried with her mouth, first with the teeth in, then with her teeth out, still nothing. 'She even called up Arleen, the lady next door and she tried too, first with both hands, then an armpit, and she even tried squeezin' it between her knees, but still nothing.' The doctor was shocked! 'You asked your neighbor?' The old man replied, 'Yep, none of us could get the jar open.'
  2. 12287 can we say 20,000
  3. since you are very new to ice fishing why dont you use this year as a test, instead of sinking a lot of money into gear? if you have a fish finder already you can easly convert it to a portable unit. put your money into a float suit, which should be first on anyones list.
  4. we got snow here in scarborough time to go give the sled a hug!!!!!
  5. great report. thanks for sharing
  6. well that didnt take to long .....LOL internet posting in the next week or 2. paper version at the end of the month.
  7. im on the phone with them now. i will let you know as soon as i do. before the internet WE used a device called the phone
  8. what john said---- the choice of contractors whether its a grass trimmer or chain saw.
  9. fishNautographs, have you ever stopped a guy like this???????????
  10. i forgot to mention, i was taking 2 pills at a time. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DRIVE when taking 2 at a time ask Tracker, he knows--LOL my wife takes 1 pill when she needs to and it puts her into LOOPY LAND for about 4 hours
  11. Yes it is common. yes i have had it it hurts like a son of a bugger. i had physio for it, and i was taking kirkland signature extra strength muscle & back pain relief pills for it too. they are WAY better then robax---way better. and they cost $3.99 for a bottle of 80 at Costco. i will say it again $3.99 for 80 @ Costco. i found some relief when i was laying in bed with the bad leg hanging over the side of the bed. lay on your left side with the left leg bent up a bit and hang your right leg off the side of the bed. it wont heal over night, mine lasted for over 2 months. every once in awhile i can still feel it pulling a bit, but the numbness is still slightly there. also try leaning on a counter (arms crossed on counter) other then that there's not much else i can suggest. Dann
  12. 9605 GIT R DONE 10,000 is coming fast Drifter
  13. but you can only vote once
  14. 8705 now
  15. well cliff, were all waiting for it !!!!!
  16. stupid is, as stupid does.
  17. nice catch cliff. maybe i should trade in my river fishing guide for someone who actually catches fish LOL just kidding geoff, but maybe you can talk cliff into teaching US how to catch them.....
  18. 6373
  19. 2 boats and 3 rods and 800LBS of fish released that day!!!!! does anyone know where i can get a time travel machine??
  20. Well i hate to burst anybodys bubble but: a motorized vehicle is a motorized vehicle. that means they can still fine you for no insurance, no plates and no registration. you can pick up a snowmobile for $1000.oo or less and the insurance would cost about $60 a year and plates are $15 a year. buy a trailer that is just big enough to fit the sled so that when you get to the ice you unhook the trailer and hook it up to the sled , then fill the trailer with all your gear .
  21. 2910
  22. wouldnt a can of PAM be cheaper??
  23. Just to let you guys know, Tinsel is VERY BAD for animals. it can get wrapped around their intestines and kill them..
  24. you tried to dig that out with that blue snow brush??????????? to bad you dont come to the east end to fish. theres lots of OFC'rs here that would have came out to help you. of course we would reserve the right to post all the pictures of you on your knee's with the snow brush...LOL well atleast you got out safe.
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