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Everything posted by Mykester

  1. Hey man no problem, I was having a good day.
  2. If you haven't heard of Benediction, they're another good old school dm band.
  3. define:heavy
  4. husky jerk
  5. Posting pictures of people without consent is damn creepy. You are not an officer. Call one.
  6. Jim... Only the real, long term members knew who he was.
  7. Ehg, please read the rules next time. Flaming/trolling is against the rules. Thanks.
  8. My my, someone sure is insecure. Bravo, you know how to edit posts! I can see why you find copy/pasting to be a skill, ehg. Unfortunately some of us are slower than others and a simple task that involves pressing two buttons takes a lot of effort for someone of your caliber. It amazes me that you're able to use a computer. You gotta love technology!
  9. I kind of know how you feel. We have an 18 ft trailer that we used to keep in a back parking lot, and one night some cuties bent the door, broke some rods, and threw some of the tools around.
  10. Who doesn't like a little parody black metal?
  11. It helps to have one on the front and one on the back so you're not going on circles.
  12. While no statement I'm about to make should be construed as suggesting or recommending that any person commit an illegal act of any kind, you should realize that Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program engages in pietistic babble that nauseates even some of my more religious friends. Let's get down to brass tacks: There is something grievously wrong with those militant pissants who defy the law of the land. Shame on the lot of them! In general, I didn't want to talk about this. I really didn't. But Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program's bromides have kept us separated for too long from the love, contributions, and challenges of our brothers and sisters in this wonderful adventure we share together -- life! Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program wants all of us to believe that everything it says is entirely and absolutely true. That's why it sponsors brainwashing in the schools, brainwashing by the government, brainwashing statements made to us by politicians, entertainers, and sports stars, and brainwashing by the big advertisers and the news media. If Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program is going to talk about higher standards, then it needs to live by those higher standards. I believe I have finally figured out what makes organizations like Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program take us over the edge of the abyss of nonrepresentationalism. It appears to be a combination of an overactive mind, lack of common sense, assurance of one's own moral propriety, and a total lack of exposure to the real world. Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program is bad enough when it's alone, but it is even worse when it's joined by dirty nutters. Here's some news for you: The encroachment of perverted, sullen harangues into the social fabric of our politics, our institutions, and our laws would give credence to my claim that this is nothing new. Interesting, isn't it? What you may find even more interesting is that the pen is a powerful tool. Why don't we use that tool to stop this insanity? I have a tendency to report the more sensational things that Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program is up to, the more shocking things, things like how it wants to fuel inquisitions. And I realize the difficulty that the average person has in coming to grips with that, but it has the nerve to call those of us who summon up the courage to punish those who lie or connive at half-truths "conspiracy theorists". No, we're "conspiracy revealers" because we reveal that Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program does, occasionally, make a valid point. But when it says that it's okay if its activities initially cause our quality of life to degrade because "sometime", "someone" will do "something" "somehow" to counteract that trend, that's where the facts end and the ludicrousness begins. Much of Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program's behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the anti-democratic batty-types whom Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program claims to be trying to help. Now, that's a strong conclusion to draw just from the evidence I've presented in this letter. So let me corroborate it by saying that when a mistake is made, the smart thing to do is to admit it and reverse course. That takes real courage. The way that Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program stubbornly refuses to own up to its mistakes serves only to convince me that it's a pity that two thousand years after Christ, the voices of wily warped-types like it can still be heard, worse still that they're listened to, and worst of all that anyone believes them. Be always mindful that I do not have the time, in one sitting, to go into the long answer as to why as long as I live and breathe, I will strive to purge the darkness from Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program's heart. But the short answer is that it appears to have found a new tool to use to help it feature simplistic answers to complex problems. That tool is denominationalism, and if you watch it wield it, you'll unmistakably see why its apologists consider its belief systems a breath of fresh air. I, however, find them more like the fetid odor of alarmism. Perhaps Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program has never had to take a stand and fight for something as critical as our right to call for proper disciplinary action against it and its legates. But its occasional demonstrations of benevolence are not genuine. Nor are Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program's promises. In fact, we can divide its ideas into three categories: humorless, mutinous, and dissolute. In hearing about Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program's principles, one gets the distinct impression that Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program and its buddies are yellow-bellied dips. This is not set down in complaint against them, but merely as analysis. I've heard Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program say that it is a model organization. Was that just a slip of the lip or is Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program secretly trying to introduce changes without testing them first? Apparently, even know-it-all Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program doesn't know the answer to that one. It wouldn't matter much if it did, given that it has been said that its subordinates get so hypnotized by its simplistic "good guys and bad guys" approach to history that they do not hear what Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program is really saying. I believe that to be true. I also believe that if you are not smart enough to realize this, then you become the victim of your own ignorance. Now, I'm going to be honest here. If the only way to delegitimize Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program is for me to choke to death, then so be it. It would certainly be worth it because it is more than a purely historical question to ask, "How did its reign of terror start?" or even the more urgent question, "How might it end?". No, we must ask, "Why is it that 99 times out of 100, what it considers a fair shake, the rest of us consider a repressive, humiliating, culture-stripping experience?" First, I'll give you a very brief answer and then I'll go back and explain my answer in detail. As for the brief answer, it makes assertions that strain credulity. I'll probably devote a separate letter to that topic alone, but for now, I'll simply summarize by stating that I'm not very conversant with Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program's background. To be quite frank, I don't care to be. I already know enough to state with confidence that the gloss that Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program's allies put on Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program's opinions unfortunately does little to arraign it at the tribunal of public opinion. Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program's compeers get a thrill out of protesting. They have no idea what causes they're fighting for or against. For them, going down to the local protest, carrying a sign, hanging out with Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program, and meeting some other twisted politicos is merely a social event. They're not even aware that if Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program continues to alter, rewrite, or ignore past events to make them consistent with its current "reality", I will decidedly be obliged to do something about it. And you know me: I never neglect my obligations. I have a message for Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program. My message is that, for the good of us all, it should never create a kind of psychic pain at the very root of the modern mind. It should never even try to do such a resentful thing. To make myself perfectly clear, by "never", I don't mean "maybe", "sometimes", or "it depends". I mean only that I recently informed Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program that its vicegerents scorn and abjure reason. Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program said it'd "look further into the matter." Well, not too much further; after all, if it wants to complain, it should have an argument. It shouldn't just throw out the word "phenolsulphonephthalein", for example, and expect us to be scared. Thus, in summing up, we can establish the following: 1) Ontario's Atlantic Salmon Program makes it its job to insult my intelligence, and 2) its assertion that its mistakes are always someone else's fault serves only to illustrate its ignorance and poorly hidden bigotry.
  13. ya dat guy wuz prety stopid lol
  14. It will sincerely surprise some people to hear me say this, but under the label of "dishonest" are those, like OFC, who propound ideas that are widely perceived as representing outright quislingism. Here's how this thread works: I'll offer ideas and a theory to explain things. You bring your own experiences to bear on the matter of OFC's obscene remonstrations, supplementing them where necessary with information from this letter. Together we will make this world a kinder, gentler place. OFC keeps missing my point. More specifically, it keeps getting hung up on my words without seeing the underlying meaning. For example, when I say that OFC has a problem not only with civil rights but also with the legal responsibility and accountability as to what is considered appropriate behavior, OFC seems incapable of realizing that what I'm really getting at is that several things it has said have brought me to the boiling point. The statement of its that made the strongest impression on me, however, was something to the effect of how bloodthirsty tossers aren't ever dodgy. Okay, have you had enough of this thread? Good. Let's end it by reiterating that turning blusterers loose against us good citizens is considered de rigueur by OFC's peuplade.
  15. The brush looks like hell, but it sure seemed to pay off!
  16. That actually sounds like a fixable problem. I would have suggested rebooting in safe mode (this prevents any virus from running). Then you'd go to system restore, a few days would be sufficient if the problem occurred today. You wouldn't lose any saved documents, only any recent downloads (which could have lead to the virus in the first place).
  17. I know what you mean. There's a trib at Algonquin where we catch plenty of rock bass, none seem to be effected except the perch. I'm guessing it's something biological, like a perch not having a defense against the parasite.
  18. Most people probably think they already know all they need to know about Splashhopper, but I have some new information to bring to light. By way of introduction, let me just say that if a cogent, logical argument entered Splashhopper's brain, no doubt a concussion would result. Wherever you look, you'll see him enforcing intolerance in the name of tolerance. You'll see him suppressing freedom in the name of freedom. And you'll see him crushing diversity of opinion in the name of diversity. Let's try to understand what handing over our rights to Splashhopper will really mean. It certainly won't mean that we'll be able to freely get my message about Splashhopper out to the world. No, it will mean witchcraft, beastliness, rape, and murder will become omnipresent in our society. It will mean a descent back into the jungle. We must yank up illiterate madmen from the dark rocks under which they hide and flaunt them before the bright sunshine of public exposure. Our children depend on that. I want to thank Splashhopper for his initiatives. They give me an excellent opportunity to illustrate just how hotheaded Splashhopper can be. On a lighter note, his functionaries, who are legion, actually believe the bunkum they're always mouthing. That's because these types of wicked junkies are idealistic, have no sense of history or human nature, and they think that what they're doing will improve the world in a matter of days. In reality, of course, we ought to embrace diversity. That'll make Splashhopper think once—I would have said "twice" but I don't see any indication that he has previously given any thought to the matter—before trying to poison the air, water, and soil. To sum it all up, Splashhopper's loyalists coerce children into becoming activists willing to serve, promote, spy, and fight for his scare tactics.
  19. As you will soon discover, this letter does not fixate on a single topic or subject. To be perfectly frank and honest, it started out rather focused but I soon found, as I worked on my primary hypothesis and sought corroboration from other sources, that I have quite a number of different things to say about OFC. Instead of focusing on why I am making an appeal to the intelligence of the reader not to be fooled by OFC's demagoguery, I would like to remind people that OFC's occasional demonstrations of benevolence are not genuine. Nor are its promises. In fact, I'm not in the habit of giving advice to OFC's uneducated protégés. However, there's always a first time: You guys should stop destroying our moral fiber. I admit I don't have much confidence that they'll follow that advice, but it's important to make it known that OFC doesn't understand politics or simply doesn't care. That shouldn't surprise you when you consider that it is easy to see faults in others. But it takes perseverance to point the high-powered fire hose of truth at its exploitative sophistries to wash away their multiple layers of irrationalism. Most members of our quick-fix, sugar-rush, attention-deficit society are too impatient to realize the importance of commenting on OFC's memoranda. I wish only that a few more people could see that OFC has got to go—and yesterday isn't soon enough. OFC masterminded last year's now-infamous attempt to exhibit a deep disdain for all people who are not intellectually challenged recidivists. I will now cite the proof of that statement. The proof begins with the observation that OFC is more than merely spineless. It's über-spineless. In fact, OFC is so spineless that I can easily see it performing the following nugatory, hateful acts. First, OFC will get as many people as possible to line up behind the geek-tent barkers at the latest and greatest carnival of ethnocentrism. Then, it will spawn a society in which those with the most deviant lifestyle, inarticulate behavior, or personal failures are given the most by the government. I do not profess to know how likely is the eventuality I have outlined, but it is a distinct possibility to be kept in mind. It strikes me as amusing that OFC complains about people who do nothing but complain. Well, news flash! It does nothing but complain. There are few certainties in life. I have counted only three: death, taxes, and OFC announcing some oligophrenic thing every few weeks. We must give to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance. If you ask OFC if it's true that its message is apparently that coercion in the name of liberty is a valid use of state power, you'll just get a lot of foot-shuffling and downcast eyes in response. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of individuals and organizations, many of whom may seem innocent at first glance, who secretly want to break down traditional values. Given OFC's record of shady dealings, we can say that it is known for walking into crowded rooms and telling everyone there that its decisions are based on reason. Try, if you can, to concoct a statement better calculated to show how immoral OFC is. You can't do it. Not only that, but you should never forget the three most important facets of its press releases, namely their distasteful origins, their internal contradictions, and their tendentious nature. OFC is inherently cold-blooded, uncongenial, and inaniloquent. Oh, and it also has a rash mode of existence. Myth is a stronger force than rationality. I won't dwell on that except to direct your attention to the crapulous manner in which it has been trying to make today's oppressiveness look like grade-school work compared to what it has planned for the future. If we don't institute change then OFC will trade facts for fantasy, truth for myths, academics for collective socialization, and individual thinking for group manipulation. This message has been brought to you by the Department of Blinding Obviousness. What might not be so obvious, however, is that the essence of lying is in deception, not in words. That said, let me continue. Any rational argument must acknowledge this. OFC's smarmy apologues, naturally, do not. Everything I've said so far is by way of introduction to the key point I want to make in this letter. My key point is that OFC has spent untold hours trying to foist the most poisonously false and destructive myths imaginable upon us. During that time, did it ever once occur to it that its plans for the future appeal to people who are fearful about the world's political and economic situation and long for simple solutions to complex problems? I hardly know. But I will stake the immortality of my soul that OFC's scribblings are not an abstract problem. They have very concrete, immediate, and unpleasant consequences. For instance, sometime in the future OFC will damn this nation and this world to Hell. Fortunately, that hasn't happened...yet. But it will unquestionably happen if we don't give the needy a helping hand as opposed to an elbow in the face. Eccentric nobodies can go right ahead and convict me for saying that OFC should just face the facts, but History, acting as the goddess of a higher truth and a higher justice, will one day smilingly tear up this verdict, acquitting me of all guilt and blame. Okay, that was a facetious statement. This one is not: People used to think I was exaggerating whenever I said that it is irresponsible to accept everything at face value. After seeing OFC break down age-old institutions and customs these same people now realize that I wasn't exaggerating at all. In fact, they even realize that OFC claims to be fighting for equality. What it's really fighting for, however, is equality in degradation, by which I mean that OFC's inclinations are eerily similar to those promoted by madmen such as Pol Pot. What's scary, though, is that their extollment of revanchism has been ratcheted up a few notches from anything Pol Pot ever conjured up. You don't have to say anything specifically about OFC for it to start attacking you. All you have to do is dare to imply that we should expose false prophets who preach that "the truth", "the whole truth", and "nothing but the truth" are three different things. OFC may be reasonably cunning with words. However, it is entirely obscene with everything else. OFC says that it wants to make life better for everyone. Lacking a coherent ideology, however, OFC always ends up leading to the destruction of the human race. OFC has made it known that it fully intends to feed us a diet of robbery, murder, violence, and all other manner of trials and tribulations. If those words don't scare you, nothing will. If they are not a clear warning, I don't know what could be. Ordinarily, OFC is combative, but it has lucid moments when it is only misinformed. When asked to mend its ways, OFC will give people a wink and a smile, but when the wheels begin to turn, it's business as usual. Anyhow, I guess I've run out of things to say, so let me just leave you with one parting wish: Together, may we lay the groundwork for an upcoming attempt to instill a sense of responsibility and maturity in those who "solve" all our problems by talking them to death.
  20. Half the topics here are LOOK AT MY KIDS OMG MY KIDS
  21. That movie was meh, the first part was interesting, but I found the second part pretty stupid. I dunno what part 3 was about because I didn't get to it.
  22. tl;dr
  23. Good to know, I recently bought an UL Fenwick.
  24. Eddie Murphy steals jokes now? Heard it from Gilbert Gottfried, and it's a joke that he'd tell.
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