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Everything posted by Mykester

  1. Thank you! I have gotten my answer, tons of info on this little creek now!
  2. Yeah, I've met a member on a board IRL and he just kept giving me all these spots, but online he was reluctant.
  3. I am a local... Anyways thanks fish_finder. I did some more googling and I only found one site that mentions that creek and it was just some bike trail site.
  4. There's a very small creek that I can't seem to find the name of. It even shows up on google maps so it's not like it's some random stream. DOes the MNR have a database of these tribs?
  5. The only batteries I use are for my mouse, xbox controller, tv remote and keyboard. The first 3 are rechargeable, and the keyboard ones last a long time, but when they run out I just put them in my drawer.
  6. Take 74 steps to the north, and it should be by the tree.
  7. Lake Aquitaine Park There are also tons of ponds in Mississauga, search around.
  8. Promenade Park, cast spoons/spinners
  9. If you don't want it, send it to me... I would go but I'm busy until 11 so no go for me.
  10. But licensing is one of the ways the MNR makes money. In fact I would increase the price by a small amount, like $5.
  11. The southern part of the Humber probably holds smallies. I'm not sure about Bolton though.
  12. Yeah, but wouldn't it initially take time and money to pass all these laws?
  13. You wouldn't have the necessary funding.
  14. Upload to imageshack or tinypic, and then post the direct url between [/img]
  15. That's an extremely good price for a full fly fishing outfit. I don't flyfish so I don't know which company is good/bad, but since it's extremely cheap compared to other products, you're probably going to be having a hardtime, since it probably is of crap quality. IMO if you're starting and are going to continue later on, you may as well use that $150 toward a decent outfit.
  16. This part of the river receives virtually no fishing pressure, hoping to see some action within the next few weeks.
  17. Cool, so would I still have a shot around mid may? That's when my exams end and I'm willing to hit up a local river.
  18. Or do they just die, like most/all salmon?
  19. So it's acceptable to start throwing eggs and beating each other in the face because you disagree with them? oh ok
  20. Really? No one found this video funny?
  21. So how would you be able to tell by the current? Swirling or something?
  22. Since we're on the topic of river fishing, what exactly is a pool? I live by the fast flowing part of the river, is it where the water is calm or something? I've only caught creek chubs from that.
  23. Daughter, eh?
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