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Everything posted by kitch

  1. We were only allowed one wish, not a whole list.
  2. My kids love to name spots so we have "bass alley" and "catfish cove". I am partial to "muskie rock" myself.
  3. You set it up beautifully......and then I saw the picture LOL
  4. If I understand correctly, and in legal matters that is a leap of faith...........but he was fined for wearing a non compliant PFD? He was not fined for not complying by having "legal" PFDs onboard, but rather the fact he wore a non compliant one? Had he not been wearing the torn one it sounds like he would not have rec'd a ticket. I don't know the legislation but am guessing that carrying "legal" ones is one thing but actually wearing a non compliant one must be an offence? If it is not an offence to wear/carry non compliant ones so long as a "legal" one is aboard, he broke no laws. It is easy to say......but he should fight it. But its not my time and expense to do so, so it's easy to say that. Better judgement on behalf of the officer would have saved everyone a lot of misery here.
  5. Nice wreck picture! Even better fish! Wow.
  6. When is he going to start booking lessons for the rest of us to learn to do that!
  7. That video sure was powerful. Hopefully lessons were learned.
  8. I suppose you could ask him where he got it, how much he paid for it etc ( or ask his daughter who should remember being given the rod) and state yours was stolen and you were looking to replace it......watch for a reaction. I know it is "only" a fishing rod vs. longtime friendships but the principal of it is that long time friends are just that because we trust and rely on them. Being the husband of the friend just makes it worse in so many ways though.
  9. Obviously he doesn't value the friendship much if he is stealing from you. I'd be asking myself do I need someone around me who steals from me? I'd be walking away.
  10. I love the fishing time with my 3 boys and they live with me! This will be extra special for the both of you!
  11. I'm sorry at the outcome but admire what you did for him while he was around you.
  12. Rods that beautiful have to catch more fish......it just makes sense.
  13. Beautiful! Love the bird's eye maple!
  14. Nice looking fish there Hank! Looks from the pictures like you had good weather too. I wouldn't mind catching either of those big girls, I've been stuck in a sub 40" rut for a bit now.
  15. I have heard unless you have certificate from the manufacturer, declaring the stove meets certain standards, no insurance company will touch this. He had a "homemade" unit given to him which ended up going to scrap metal. It had served a local old timer well until he died and the family was cleaning out the house. Any commercial unit properly installed should not cause issues though.
  16. kitch

    Green Herons

    We have those at our pond. Love the leg colours! It seems when they are there the Blue Herons stay away.
  17. Early in the morning is best, on water before sun comes up. Even if the fish are not biting, the solitude of the lake is wonderful. Cup of coffee from the thermos, and just watch the world wake up. I am not sure that I catch anything more getting up early, but it sure makes for a great way to start the day.
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