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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Say what? After raising 3 kids I have never heard of such a thing..I always thought as long as its insured and plated your fine no matter who is driving it..Never had an issue ever with police or the wife.....lol My kids grew up on sleds.
  2. If they want to slow down the concussions and bad injuries bring back the red line and allow the old clutch n grab system. I would also reconsider the equipment.
  3. What I get a kick out of is the Sens fans going on and on about how perfect life is cause the leafs are loosing a game or 2, yet I dont have a clue how the Sens are doing till now..Yikes there's no wonder why there in here firing us up..Stunk out the joint again last night 5-2 loss Go Leafs Go no sens no...
  4. Game day! Go Leafs Go! I see the non fans have taken over this thread again..Time to liven her up there Leafers!
  5. So is the Crosby head hit on Kadri a suspendable hit? Some how I doubt it?
  6. Morgan Reily gets his first goal of the season assisted by Bernier...Sweet!
  7. Private torrent? Thats not nice, your supposed to share with fellow OFNers....Oh were its on you-tube anyway.. Uncensored here is the link for anyone interested.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPb8VqFmQZk&sns=em
  8. Good gawd I hate to complain but its bad enough that we have to wait an extra day to watch a censored show but now we have to wait for american football to finish...Brutal.
  9. It aired last night for American fans..Sadly we will have to wait and watch a watered down version censored to no end
  10. He said it to Frazer and Ranger this morning, that was your sitting...Great game by JML..Welcome back bud. The whole team played well but the guy the stood out most was Mason Raymond..Superb game with a 4 point night! GO LEAFS GO!
  11. What the heck is going on ...Were out shooting the Stanley Cup champs 45-21...
  12. If they played like this every night id a sober man..Oh wait...nevermind But ya Holland drops a deuce on Chicago Raymond has a 3 pointer so far..What a great game.....So far
  13. Hey MM Grapes agrees with you and I 15 was to much..10 was perfect..
  14. I also think that the suspended player should be out as long as the injured player is..Plain and simple..No injury no suspension..Simple yet effective. I also think a unsportsmanlike like penalty should be given for wimps that turn to make themselves vulnerable this garbage has become the new diving
  15. Well today is the day..I agree with MM.. Seems a bit much..Clarkson suspended 2 games for trying to avoid a hit. Clarkson had the player lined up so the St Louis player turns to make himself vulnerable and vola Clarkson is gone.. If you watch the video you can clearly see he pulled his shoulder back at the last second trying to avoid his head..His head wasnt there half a second before..The NHL is single handedly destroying this wonderful sport,
  16. I couldn't have said it any better..Stop the insanity.. Now if we could only find a way to hold officials accountable for missed and blown calls.I was talking to a hard core caps fan. he was saying the same thing.. so its not just a leaf thing.
  17. Oh man I am so looking forward to the world Jr's followed by Olympic Canadian mens hockey..They both make NHL look lame..
  18. Your right Cliff when the lady officer told him to not go anywhere I thought he would be next..But ya he should have been put in the car beside her
  19. Goes from bad to worse, now Clarkson is set for yet another discipline hearing tomorrow for a supposed hit to the head last night..I call Bull NHL is declining the Officiating and discipline hearings are ruining this game for me...Bring on some real hockey GO CANADA GO! NHL is almost too far gone..im loosing interest quickly
  20. lol seriously? This is a joke right? Sarcasm, say it aint so....We dont need a new coach every season..Were badly injured and need some time to refresh. On another note im hearing Carolina is very interested in Jake Gardiner.. Eric Stall interested..This could be real interesting..We may just get our #1 center soon.! Throw in Kuliman and waive Ranger.. Get Liles back in the mix and call up Brennan and Broll..This is where id start if I were Nunas.But firing the coach is NOT the answer..How many do we fire before we come to the conclusion that upper management needs to step up..FIRE THE COACH ...LOL
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