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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Terry what Drone do you own? Id love to know a little more about them?
  2. I thought this was done so well it was worth sharing..I hope you all enjoy this as much as i did...
  3. Sweet! Thanks for the link..Just what I was looking for..
  4. Ya I was reading about that yesterday...Amazing how vibrant life on Earth can be..
  5. Absolutely nothing at all....Status quo for the Leafs im afraid..Seriously, who wants Kessel with his huge contract, same goes for Phaneuf and Clarkson..You wont see the Leafs do anything untill the trade deadline, even then they will be sellers..
  6. ahh the old shoulda been here yesterday...Id like to use that line one day myself....lol
  7. Ok i used to have web sites that I could get ice reports on but none of the links work anymore..Can anyone help me out here? I want to go ice fishing this Friday am..Was thinking of going through an outfitter.. do they exist anymore on Erie? Was looking for around the the st Williams area..or LPB Help? anyone have info on ice or if the outfitters are operation out there?
  8. Hey I have been thinking about something Muddler said..I don't normally take what he says seriously, but this one time I have..Id like to see Dion try to move up as a winger..What do we have to loose? I have to give credit where its due..Dion has been playing the last 2 games with a chip on his shoulder..His job is to play D and get under the skin of the other teams players..I would say his play has indeed improved. Any game Dion plays to hit and fight is the Dion i like..Stall brothers had it coming and Dion single handedly put them down like a rabid dog..That looser from Ottawa had it comming big time..He spears a guy in the guts then turtles when the gloves drop..Real classic..Why didn't a single Sen go after Dion during the rest of that game? Did Neil die after getting the big A on his jersey? Oh well win or loose ill be a Leafer for life..Go Leafs Go! Oh and ya try moving Dion up to the wing..Would be neat to see
  9. Kessel traded strait up for Seguin....Funny how things work out eh...
  10. I tend to think Kessel is the only one doing his job out there..He has always been a streaky player, but The fact that he can get almost 100 points last year with Bozak a his center. Imagine what he could do with a with a reliable winger and a real #1 center.. I wouldnt be so fast to move him..Id be aggressivly shopping a Top line guy. Guys like Stall come to mind.. I will also point out that when the Leafs went 9-1and 1 they had a healthy Winnk (jaw) and a non concussed Komorav. Two huge boys that liked to hit..
  11. If you think for a minute that Shanny gets rid of the future stars for today your.. dreaming The Goat, Brown and Nylander have big futures with this organization. Morgan will only go if its part of a huge deal...The leafs will be looking to dump salary if anything at the deadline.. I know you as a fan of the Habs would love to see Shanny toss it all away on a hope but he is much smarter then that..
  12. I love this.. Finally.. From a habs fan! I don't think a total rebuild in needed..As for no untouchables..The Goat, Nylander connor brown and Reily are untouchables..Thats just my opinion
  13. there must be a scratch on your record there Craig.. you're repeating yourself...lol
  14. All you non leaf fans crack me up..You all criticize them but never really come up with any sort of a real solution.Spew all you want its ok just sounds like verbal diarrhea .You don't want to know what that's called? Ill always be a Leaf fan thick or thin..But most importantly Ill always be a hockey fan..Shanny has some work to do.. this is where it gets exciting.. Im hearing Jake and Bozak and a 2nd round pick (2016) for Ryan Oreily .. There's the #1 center were looking for..FWIW I would pull he trigger on that deal anyday..
  15. Id love to get Mcdavid or Eichal (sp)? Bottom 5 go into the lottery..I say let the sens pass the leafs..Get in that lotto! Whats the rest of this year to get a top 5 pick this spring? Id be ok with that.. Rumor has it that Nunas and Shanny had a very loud argument between the second and third last night..Nunas is on his way out im thinking
  16. Hmm with Nylander joining the Marlies, I wonder before we see him centering the 3rd line? for the Leafs
  17. Well not that it matters but I cant belive PK Subban was snubbed from the all star game..Who comes up with these teams?
  18. Silly Habs fan its never safe to relax with the Russians...Us Leaf fans are used to this...ha ha h a
  19. Dreggar just tweeted asking if it has ever been louder at the ACC , no it hasn't..lol
  20. Great start..The Russians are brutal..They want to fire us up to take stupid penalties..Its not working..What was that after they scored? Pure stupidity...lol
  21. Looks like Godla and company just won the bronze medal! Way to go to the Slovaks..Hats off to you boys!
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