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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. LOL…... March 31st 2014 March 31st 2012
  2. Read this in answers to the BBC article….so true. "There is no such thing as climate change, and, even if overwhelming scientific evidence says that it is so , I know this to be true. If there were climate change it might eat into my enormous personal wealth and force me to clean up the filthy factories staffed by half-starved lackeys whom I pay virtually nothing. So it does not exist."
  3. Check out each of the individual tabs in the article, especially like the animated time line with commentary. http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-26810559
  4. Right on the money with that one
  5. I am actually going fishing in the morning…unbelievable!

  6. Ah dood…….so sorry to hear….its really tough. Those pictures made me tear up.
  7. I don't own an ATV, and have only ridden one a couple of times, however, just about everyone up here (except me) owns one. When asking around to get an idea of the one i want to eventually buy i am left with the conclusion that Yamaha and Honda are the brands to go with. My buddy who is an out and out SLEDNECK/MUDDING/MECHANIC loves his arctic cat sleds so i was very surprised the other day when we were pulling the shack off the lake to hear him say the Arctic cat ATVs are junk, he wants a Can-am next. So from 7 years of asking the same question you are in this thread i would be looking at YAMAHA, HONDA, CAN-AM if i had the money to go out and get a bike.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWRdHXbTmrs
  9. http://ckdr.net/classified/permalink.php?aID=190430&cID=4
  10. COOLIO Brian……..good times!
  11. If you take it home with you at the end of the day it aint permanent. I'm in zone 5 so don't register LOL….and you answered your own question no? I'd stick with the clam, save a small fortune in gas and snowmachine belts…..lol.
  12. Yeah…either one would have been fine…..just good to have back up if needed. All redneck except the tune….lol.
  13. Hi Y'all, Helped my buddy get his iceshack off Thunder Lake yesterday and today, could not have timed it better. Snow was average 3' deep all over the lake, with drifts unto 5' deep with heavy slush underneath. Packed down a 1 mile track with the skidoos yesterday, the one heavy slush patch we encountered was froze solid this morning as it was -30C last night (crazy weather). Was like iceshack racing with the grizzly with it's tracks and the 1200cc skidoo in low gear, the darn thing was catching air! Good fun….more fun than i managed to have with that shack all year as i never even managed to fish in it once….come to think of it i never managed to fish that lake at all this year….what a messed up winter! Enjoy the video of this morning's antics, don't forget to select 720pHD.
  14. LOL…most probably.
  15. LOL…ok 'wanker' here must mean something completely different than in England!
  16. Ok.....wow. I have only been exposed to Canadian social, political and environmental history for 6 years.......but in that short time even I can see the arrogance and ignorance of that statement.
  17. Awesome news Wayne….WTG JEN!
  18. NO! I would not. Here is a good summary of some arguments for and against capital punishment. FOR: http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/capitalpunishment/for_1.shtml AGAINST:http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/capitalpunishment/against_1.shtml#h4 I'm definitely against it.
  19. Welcome aboard Steve….look forward to some reports and banter.
  20. OH yeah……the conservatives love science, and never try to silence the scientific community.
  21. I could not say what i'd do until i walked a few paces in that guys shoes.
  22. Just one of many reasons why the death penalty is wrong. I had this argument with someone fishing once (we don't fish together anymore….in fact we don't hang out period….and good riddance). he piped up that all murderers/ rapists/paedophiles etc…etc…etc…should be murdered by the state. I tried to point out that the very fact that they get the wrong person from time to time should make us think twice about using it……how are we better if we know we have condemned innocent people to death? He said it was so rare it justified the use. I asked if he would feel the same way if it was his daughter in the dock. The most childish argument ensued for the next 5 minutes of him saying it was not possible that could happen and me giving hypothetical scenarios where it could.
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