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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. Sorry Bruce……but we always get to go first.
  2. Awesome Dan, and thank you. Awww, that is great to know, my little guy likes to watch them too, we sit for an hour sometimes just giggling at ourselves, fun. Thanks for subscribing, the whole youtube thing is fun, never really used it for anything other than a hosting site but I am getting a loyal following which is fun and appreciated. Feedback heard….won't be changing much anytime soon…..
  3. LOL…..he should get an Oscar! Thanks Brian, It was very easy to mess around with different shots because it was +2C! very different when it is -20 like it should be by now, but I'm not complaining. I have wanted to smack Roloff on many occasions…lol…interesting idea, never thought of using a fish before! 'High Five"(love Borat) Definitely an odd year…again…one extreme to the other. Could do it any time you want, I'm off work at the moment. Do you need a quad or snow machine to get onto it, or can you just walk in…remembering that I'm old eh? LOL…I got one for sale! (jk) He is priceless hey, I realized after finishing the video a third of it is about the dog…love that brown doofus. This is nuts hey Chad?…soon enough, it has to come. Thanks Lucas, I went all 'Youtube' on this one. Thanks Tomcat, always appreciate you commenting on my posts
  4. Looking back I was a little hasty and snappy as he never did get a chance to ask me not to film (even though I wasn't) and you make a good point about how I would want my kid to react, I absolutely encourage my kid to challenge me(lol…within reason) and other authority figures, but respectfully and he has some pretty healthy boundaries. I admit I was angered by his question right off the bat, but again I feel my instincts were correct and my annoyance justified because my suspicions about his intentions for asking if I was filming were spot on as he then informs me he thinks I'm not allowed to. Being assertive is a skill…don't always get it right with my communications but I will speak my mind…even if my voice shakes. Thanks Oggie, I kinda knew this was a provocative subject to post, I prepared myself to be thick skinned for the responses….lol. Hilarious….thanks Grimace (BTW…I am Canadian…born in Toronto) LOL…GBW…love your responses, thanks man..like Manitou said…spot on!
  5. Hi all, Got out with my buddy Tyler for a session on Eagle Lake. A good 6" of ice all the way across the narrows. Depth from 16' to 22'. Biggest came from 22' but as the light faded the shallower holes saw all the action, iced quite a few, put some back and kept some for supper. glow orange 3/8Oz jigs with live minnows. Good to be out there….just need some snow now so I can get to my Crappie spot.
  6. Jtracc, I have the Gopro with me because I am filming my fishing adventures, it just takes quite a while to download, sort through, piece together, do editing sound etc…etc….and then I have to upload it to youtube at dazzling upload speeds of 0.2mbps (all we get out here in the boonies !!!) But fear not…..it just finished uploading….here is the video from that afternoon 48 hours ago….minus the part where the CO walks up...let me know what yo think
  7. Thanks Chris, as you say I am filming my outdoor activities like i've done for a decade now…..check out my youtube channel….subscribe……lol…just kidding . I'm not out for confrontation. I was actually filming as the CO approached as my buddy was reeling in a fish. The CO was actually hiding in the bush watching us….lol…because he witnessed us catch and release a slot fish…which he thanked us for doing. I switched off the camera before he arrived because there is no need to film and it is just out of respect, I know it makes people uneasy, but to be told i'm not allowed to is a whole other matter…especially if it is not the case. And who the heck is jtracc…."get a life"…..lol…whatever mate…..loving my life thanks all the same.
  8. Ahhh man, condolences T.J., never easy. RIP Musky.
  9. This has come up a couple of times for me now, given I usually have my GoPro strapped to my head when out hunting or fishing. First time was in the summer when approached by a CO i'm on first name terms with, he asked if I was filming in an abrupt fashion , I told him I wasn't but even if I were it was a free country, I was in a public place and could film whenever I wanted, he changed his tune very quickly. It happened again yesterday out on the ice. The CO approaches, we have the usual pleasant conversation, I don't mind being checked, in fact it is a good thing. He sees the camera on my head and asks if I'm filming, I say no but even if I were I was entitled to do so. He then states that he is pretty sure I'm not allowed to film him, I restate…."oh I'm pretty sure I am"….he then says " I don't think you are, if you are how come Google has to blank out peoples faces?" I said that was different, lol…mumbled something about public/private/profit/i'm not a company etc…etc..I was making it up as I went along (i'm stubborn….lol). In the end I informed him I was filming until he came closer as my friend was reeling up a fish as he approached, but as I was a decent person I switched off the camera as he got closer. He said He appreciated it and it all ended amicably enough, but I was pretty mad….don't like being told what to do at the best of times. I found a whole bunch of stuff online that would indicate I am within my rights to film police officers in Canada…but nothing on COs. Here is the link to stuff about filming police http://blog.privacylawyer.ca/2012/08/photographing-and-filming-police.html?m=1 Anyhoo, just an interesting afternoon discussion on the ice, and to make it clear I'm not hostile towards COs (unless they are hostile to me) and appreciate the work they do…….lol….however……….
  10. lol…walleye chop. Amazing shots.
  11. My wife says that during ice fishing season, I don't pay attention to her. At least I think that's what she said.



      you think about all of the fish that you can bring home to her

    2. misfish


      I have that same issue 12 months of the year Simon.

  12. LOL…nice find Joey. That "more Cowbell' thing is hilarious!
  13. LOL….DITTO….it was only a doctor appointment Brian!
  14. Ahhhh….too cute. Congrats on the new family member!
  15. Thanks Joey This weather is driving me nuts, have a new otter shelter and a new sled(Bravo)…that'll teach me to buy winter gear before the snow flies! No, Jack is not in hockey. Its a bit of a shame really, he has never been taught to skate, and does really good considering. He does not get to play much hockey as he has no brothers and sisters and we live way out of town. Hockey not part of my upbringing so he does not get any exposure really. I'm surprised I can even skate….lol….its been about 20yrs since I skated like that….lol. But with the plow available this year I will keep a spot cleared in front of the house and make an effort to go often, get his skating skills up and then see what is available for him next year….he said this year for the first time that he wants to 'do hockey'. LOL…that's why I stay a good distance away from Erika (my wife) she is lethal!
  16. Hi all, Its been the mildest start to winter I have seen for the nine years we have lived here. No snow on the ground in the bush, daytime temps of +4, barely if at all dropping below zero at night. luckily we had a cold snap 2 weeks ago and the lake froze, so we have relatively good ice in front of the ice….loving our evening skating sessions!
  17. "He's the one....... Who likes all our pretty songs......."

    1. fishindevil
    2. limeyangler


      And he likes to sing along, and he likes to shoot his gun....but he knows not what it means.......

    3. misfish


      Knows not what it means when I say YEAHHHHHH

  18. Nice ride….nice colour too….enjoy!
  20. That is very cool...tell me it floats....please!
  21. Got out chip ice yesterday morning, fun. but this year is messed up. Only a couple of inches of snow on the ground, only an inch or so of ice on the lakes (we are usually setting up the iceshacks along the ice road by now) and worst of all….this is the next week's weather…….. And the week after that is not much better, but I don't put much trust in the accuracy of these things for a week, let alone 2 weeks…..even so….WHAT THE HECK! And according to 3 different weather sites there will only be 2 flurries of snow between now and January! happens every time I buy a new snow machine before the snow flies!
  22. Yeah, I saw some 'highlights'……very boring. But yeah, a shake up is maybe what is needed to breath life into what was once something I loved to watch. I can't stand the UFC nonsense.
  23. WOW….who'd have thunk it! http://www.bbc.com/sport/live/boxing/34014640
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