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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Use a double loop of line on the spool before the knot. That will keep the line from slipping on the spool.
  2. Do I use them, absolutely, but it depends on the baits I'm using. If I'm using spoons, yes, to reduce line twist. Other times I'll just use a snap and other times I'll tie direct.
  3. There's a guy on spoonpullers.com with a pair of Scotty manuals for sale. He's located in Goderich though.
  4. Going the right speed is very important but more importantly your lure has to be going the right speed. In Lake Ontario there are a lot of underwater currents so using the speed of your boat may not be accurate. That is why most trollers on Lake O have a speed and temperature probe on their rigger lines. These probes tell you the water temperature at your lure and the speed of the lure. The difference between surface and subsurface speed could be 1 mph. As well, temperature varies with depth and location. I tend to maintain a lure speed of between 2 - 2.5 mph. As well, I try to target lure water temperature in the mid to low 40s. Later in the season salmon will migrate out of this temperature range so I'll go with a higher range. Check out spoonpullers.com for everything salmon.
  5. I kinda think its a small pike or walleye (pickeral).
  6. I've only had to keep them for a couple of weeks at a time and by that time, its time to buy more. So I've never fed them. However having said that, I noticed that at the bait store they seem to throw in a couple of dead minnows in the tank with the leeches.
  7. I suggest you use un-chlorinated water to keep your leeches in, ie aged tap water. Take tap water and let it sit for a few days in an open container to let the chlorine volatilize. Then use this aged tap water to keep your leeches in and change the water regularly. I use the same method to age tap water for my tropical fish aquarium.
  8. Yes, I snagged onto a fishing rod while working a weedline. It even had a lure on the end of it. Still have the rod and lure but traded the reel in at BPS for a nicer reel.
  9. I have 2 and use them for salmon trolling.
  10. HearingFish, as an angler of Asian decent born in Canada I understand the predicament you guys found yourself. For those who are not of a visible minority really don't appreciate the level of racism in Canadian society because they don't face it on a daily basis. Granted the racism is not as obvious and pervasive as in many other countries, but the innuendos are pretty hard to miss. Nipper Tipping in Lake Simcoe occurred for many years because it was a local accepted practice and until recently, the light of racism wasn't shone on it. Now that is has been exposed, people are now learning what was happening in the shadows. So until these things are exposed, they will continue. So I would suggest that the incident be reported. I suspect that there are many others who have been affected and they may come forward, just like at Lake Simcoe. Maybe the Human Rights Commissioner will also look at incidents on Cameron Lake as she did at Lake Simcoe.
  11. Central Outboard Marine Ltd (905) 477-7044 (905) 940-6294 Fax Address : 8625 Woodbine Ave Markham, ON , L3R4Y1 Bought my etec there.
  12. Check the date code on the side of your tires to see when they were manufactured. They say that after 10 years replace them as they dry out, crack and can blow. You should also check the date code on all new tires when you buy them since some retailers are selling old tires for new, ie new tires that were 6 years old. 20/20 or Dateline or one of those US news programs did a study on this and found that many new tires were actually old tires because they were manufactured 6 years earlier and that after 10 years, regardless of the amount of tread remaining, the tires should be replaced or risk a blow-out.
  13. When I took the test a few years back I simply studied the Guide and took the test at Industry Canada down the road from work during lunch hour. No sweat.
  14. I found that the Crystal created a lot of knots on my spinning reel. Didn't have that problem using the regular Fireline.
  15. Nope.
  16. Along with the visibility issue, fluorocarbon leader material has more abrasion resistance. So if you are likely to be encountering any toothy critters, tie on a foot or so of FC to the end of your line. Works for me.
  17. 6 years in the naval reserve.
  18. Lebaron's No Tax Sale
  19. BTW Corner Bas is on CTV not CBC. I believe keeping programs like The Border, Fifth Estate, Marketplace, Rick Mercer Report and HNIC are worthwhile programs. But I agree that I can live without Corner Gas.
  20. Hammercarp, you experienced the same feeling I did and I suspect everyone on each one of those bridges felt the same. With all of the turmoil in the world and violence in our cities, this sort of thing seems to bring everything into perspective. You begin to realize what really is important. The word WE begins to dwarf the word me. You are right when you say " I never thought that in my lifetime someone would lay down their life for me". How many of us can do the same thing? So the thing isn't they shouldn't be there or they should be brought back now or anything like that. The thing is these men and women, volunteered to put themselves in harms way because we asked them to. They stood up to the challenge and some of them, including their families, paid the ultimate sacrifice. So in return, we stand on bridges to show our respect and gratitude for their sacrifice and sorrow for their loss.
  21. The Boys Come Home As soon as I heard the news, I knew I had to be there this time. After all, this 3 makes it 100 now. After work, on that cold Monday evening, I hurried home. My son arrived home at the same time. He said he’d like to come too. So we both rushed out of the house to get a good spot. There was already a large crowd gathered on the bridge that overpasses the 401, the busiest highway in North America. It felt weird to be standing there looking at the thousands of vehicles speeding under us each minute, with their lights flashing and their horns honking. I’ve driven over this bridge a thousand times before but never stopped to have a look. Now, we were there for a different reason. It was bitterly cold with the wind in our faces. But it made the flags fly freely and proudly. It’s getting darker now and I was wondering if we would be able to withstand the bitter cold. Then I noticed something. The traffic in the express lanes was abating, as if someone was closing a large valve to stop the flow of traffic. Soon there was no traffic in the express lanes where, only moments earlier, thousands of vehicles were speeding to their destinations. Off in the distance I see a lone vehicle with lights flashing. It passes under our bridge at high speed. A few seconds later, a few more police cars, with lights flashing, pass under us. The time is almost here. The long procession of vehicles made its way down the highway towards us. It was lead by 4 police cars all with their lights flashing. As the procession passed under our bridge, a solemn hush came over the crowd on the bridge. A hush of respect, gratitude and sorrow. The procession contained the bodies of Corporal Mark McLaren of Peterborough, Ontario, Warrant Officer Robert Wilson of Keswick, Ontario and Private Demetrios Diplaros of Toronto, Ontario. These brave young men were killed last week in Afghanistan and are now finally home. They paid the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country and earned them a ride down the Highway of Heroes.
  22. Over at The Marine Doctor there is another good source of marine engine maintenance videos.
  23. I think its feed a cold and starve a fever. The thinking being that fevers tend to also involve nausea. And if you eat when you are nauseated, you'll likely throw up.
  24. I'd agree with what Terry said, follow the MOE guide for eating sportfish. Afterall, this is the only scientific information available that deals with the subject.
  25. I'm in Scarborough and I use My Cybernet who's office is in Markham, just north of me. For about $35/mo I get 2.5Mbps speed. I don't get the full 5 Mbps because I'm told that I'm in an older area with old telephone lines.
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