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Everything posted by Randy

  1. I bought an etec last spring, really like the engine, but its now time to put it to bed for the winter. This engine has a self fogging feature by doing a few "simple" tasks that are outlined in the manual. However, I must be a complete noob or half of my brain doesn't seem to work because I really don't understand their "simple" procedure. I tried it a couple of times and it didn't seem to work. I searched on the internet and found some snippets of info that may help but would like to make sure. I have the side mount control with the fast idle lever and not a button. Now, I understand that what I have to do is: 1. lift the fast idle lever up to the warm up position. This put the EMM (computer) in winterization mode and locks out gear shifting? 2. move the throttle forward to fast idle position and turn on motor. 3. SystemCheck lights will come on, when they go off, move throttle to neutral/normal idle position? 4. SystemCheck lights will come on again, when they go off, move throttle back to fast idle position and the Systemcheck lights will begin flashing. 5. engine is now automatically fogging and will shut off by itself. Is this right? The fast idle control lever is in the up/warm up position throughout the procedure and you are only moving the throttle from fast idle to idle and back to fast idle when the Systemcheck lights come on?
  2. I measure speed 3 ways, the pitot tube which is connected to the speedometer in the dash, a paddle wheel which is connected to my FF and GPS. For accurate measurements most people rely on the GPS.
  3. Hey Riparian and Vancity, have you guys checked out the fish hatchery on the Capilano? If you go further up the river you'll see the Cleveland Dam, which is why they need the hatchery. The Cleveland Dam is where Vancouver gets it drinking water.
  4. I think it depends on how you fish. If you do a lot of trolling, it may be hard to get the trolling speed down to walleye speed if you use a big engine. Depending on your boat, you may need to go with a kicker for trolling. I changed my motor last year and had the same dilemma. I didn't want to sacrifice low end speed for top end speed to I stuck with the same HP rating but got an e-tec.
  5. I replaced my 11 year old 50 HP evinrude 2-stroke this year with a new e-tec. I'm pleased with the quietness of the engine and the total absence of smoke. I'm especially pleased with the significant reduction in the amount of fuel I burn. I haven't taken any measurements but it seems I'm using about half the fuel I used to compared to the old 2 stroke. I bought my e-tec this past winter and got the 7 year warranty. It was the warranty that sold me. The big reductions in fuel and no smoke mean big reductions in emissions. My effort for global warming.
  6. Haven't fished there for a number of years but are thinking about going back. There used to be a public launch beside the marina. Is that still there? It used to be free but suspect they charge now. Is this right? Thanks,
  7. There's one at the end of Six Foot Bay Road, right beside Scotsman Point Resort.
  8. Congrats iceguy, I was out yesterday and didn't fair as well. Out on the big water I do not fish alone. I need help dealing with all the lines. As well, if its rough, I stay home. Before I go out, I check the Environment Canada Marine forecast and the Weather Network marine forecast. Also check the local forecasted wind conditions. Better save than sorry. Good luck on your big fish.
  9. Hey Brady, lots of them in Buckhorn. Better keep your 65 lb PP handy.
  10. Will be headed for the kawarthas for a week in about a week, what is the price of gas at the marinas? In the past they were 10 cents per litre more than at the gas station. So about $1.12?
  11. Nice fish Fishindevil, I was out on Saturday at Bluffers and we went 3 for 5 plus a shaker. One was 20 and one of the fish we lost was big and broke us off.
  12. Thanks guys, these tips will certainly help. I'll pass them on. I'm sure catching panfish, and maybe the odd bass, will make their day.
  13. This is not a surprise to me because of the NDP leaning municipal council in Toronto. It goes along with all the new taxes they want to impose instead of dealing with cutting fat and inefficiency. I emailed my Councillor to give him a piece of my mind, but suspect it will fall on deaf ears. I suggest all those in TO do the same ASAP since the radio says they're debating this TODAY.
  14. Thanks for the response Tony, I'll pass that along to them. I think panfish would be more than acceptable as long as they get a tug at the end of the line.
  15. A friend of mine, who is new to fishing, is going to take his kids to Kelso for some fishing. They are new to fishing and I am not familiar with the area so I thought that maybe someone here could provide some tips on fishing Kelso Lake that I can pass on to him so that their first foray into fishing isn't a disaster. Your help is appreciated.
  16. Spend the morning of Father's Day on Lake Ontario salmon fishing off of Bluffer's Park. Surface water temps were in the mid to high 50's and we worked the 20 to 60' depths in 100 to 200 FOW. We caught a 15 lb chinook off the dipsey on a spin doctor and fly combo. We also caught a small rainbow off of spoons. Great way to sped a Father's Day.
  17. Evster, you should also consider where you intend on storing the boat. If you are thinking about in your garage, then this may limit the size of boat you get. I have a 16' Princecraft. When I bought it I had a 1" clearance on both sides of the garage door. I have since rebuilt the garage with a double door, so tons of clearance. As well, the depth of the garage will also be a factor, particularly for boats longer than 16'.
  18. Lew, a couple of years ago I reported seeing a bald eagle's nest on Upper Buckhorn. Last year when I returned, there was a couple of young'uns in the nest. So they can be spreading to other lakes in the Kawartha's.
  19. I have a 1996 16' Princecraft 169 DLX. I bought it new in '96 and haven't had any problems with it. I run mine with a 50 HP, because trolling speeds are more important to me than top end. I use it for everything. Fishing in water a couple of feet deep to water a couple of hundred feet deep. Right now I have it rigged for Lake Ontario salmon with a pair of Scotty electrics and Cannon down speed and temperature. As others have said, I'd recommend Princecraft. Canadian built in Princeville Quebec.
  20. I have a 10+ year Minn Kota Power Drive, and (knock on wood) "it takes a licking and still is ticking". No problems yet here.
  21. That picture of the youngest holding up her fish is PRICELESS. WTG (way to go) to all of you.
  22. This is an oldie and has been modified to suit the current teams, besides its somewhat fishing related: On a tour of Texas, the Pope took a couple of days off to visit the ocean for some sightseeing. He was cruising along the beach in his car when there was a frantic commotion just off the shore. A helpless man wearing a Sabres jersey and hat was struggling frantically to free himself from the jaws of a 25-foot shark. As the Pope watched, horrified, a speedboat came racing up with three men wearing red and white Senators Jerseys. One quickly fired a harpoon into the sharks side. The other two reached out and pulled the mauled, bleeding and semiconscious Sabres fan from the water. Then, using long clubs, the three beat the shark to death and hauled it into the boat. Immediately the Pope shouted and summoned them to the beach. "I give you my blessing for your brave actions," he told them. "I heard that there were some bitter hatreds between Ottawa and Buffalo, but now I have seen with my own eyes that is not true." As the Pope drove off, the harpooner asked his buddies "Who was that?" "It was the Pope," one replied. "He is in direct contact with God and has access to all of God's wisdom." "Well," the harpooner said "he may have access to God's wisdom but he doesn't know diddly about shark fishing... is the bait holding up okay or do we need to get another one?" Go Sens (Canada)........
  23. Nice sunfish. Oh the "eye" was good too
  24. I have this one Fulton Hitch Lock
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