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Uncle Buck

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Everything posted by Uncle Buck

  1. Good job guys!!!
  2. Thank you lord!!! There is a GOD!!!
  3. Good Stuff Jim... Great Pics, I'm sure the Boys Enjoyed it
  4. Good Stuff Bud... I picked up a whack of Carp stuff in the summer and will be giving it a more solid effort this upcoming year!!
  5. I live the dream... I work for my dad That means: 1. I get to sleep in every morning 2. I get longer breaks and lunches 3. I get to leave early every day 4. I get paid lots of money 5. I don't have to do anything If any of that was true, i'd be a happy man I'm a Tool and Die Maker, CNC Programmer, Tooling Designer/Engineer ( basically, I can do anything ) We make Stamping Dies for mainly the Automotive Industry We also do Production Stamping I work at V.I.P. Industries
  6. Took the GF to Florida on Vacation left the 13th and got back this morning... Went down to Pompano Beach to my Grandparents Place A lot of rest and relaxation was had, shopping was done, sights were seen... Disney Pics First... we celebrated New Years eve there... Had a Smoked Turkey Leg for Dinner at Disney... Bass Pro Shops in Dania/Ft. Lauderdale International Game Fish Association Hall of Fame and Museum ( right beside Bass Pro Shop) even had a chance to do some fishing, went drift fishing off the coast in Ft. Lauderdale No Bikini Shots of me, sorry Guys...
  7. I'm to Florida Tomorrow Morning and I probably won't have internet access while i'm there I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas I should be back to make the swill
  8. I just picked up a raven Eclipse, i still have to figure on a rod... any ideas for a rod? also for line, i've seen guys use colored line and others use plain "white" everyone says pinning is a rush!! Hopefully i'll experience it
  9. Amazing Job Roger... Seriously makes me want to go and get my accordian out of the basement...
  10. I got my copy in the mail yesterday
  11. I use quantum icon 20 spinning reels for my ice fishing... wish it was a bit smaller, but heck, i've got 4 of them, so they get used during both the softwater and hardwater season...
  12. if anyone sends me a pair, i'll sit on them, that'll break them for sure. then we can send them to TJ... group effort LOL
  13. Gonna head to Pompano Beach next week, can anyone recommend anything for fishing there (charters/locations etc...) Greatly Appreciated
  14. Wire Dipsey Combo (tekota 600LC, tdr with twilli tip) Carp Setup (Quantum pod, zebco alarms, nexave 2.75tc rod, epoxor 65 baitrunner, whack of accessories for it) too many reef runners/bomber long as/ manns stretch 20s 12 spinnerbaits from Northam tackle bunch of stuff for panfish (micro tubes, slip floats, stops etc...) Marcum LX5 flasher fish trap pro bunch of forage minnows, buck shot jigs and jigging rapalas for ice fishing heater for ice fishing st croix triumph light action rod 2 bps tourney special rods ML 1 bps viper baitcaster combo jplugs/lymans/spoons for trolling 10+ musky lures frabill arrerated minnow box tackle bag and more plano boxes Waders going to be adding a centerpin combo before months end i think that's most of the stuff... now if only i could catch fish...
  15. love the white paw...
  16. guys, Sleded's motor is a 10HP or a 9.8 or 9.9... not 100HP... Merc 100 is the model #
  17. Hey Sleded, i sent you a PM also, if anyone is looking for a tower of power, i've got one (150HP) PM me..
  18. Note: to all you kids out there... Drink Milk, does a body good
  19. Special Thanks goes out to Paul for having me on his boat. Paul is a great guy and a lot of laughs and info was shared through out the day... Upper Niagara Report... Good seeing you again Pete and Lew, also met a couple of new faces, Rizzo and his friend Alvin
  20. you can't compare those 2... i'm ordering an LX5 in a week or so... i've done my research and in my opinion it's the best... Flasher Comparison Flasher Discussion Thread bottom line is they will all help you catch fish.... bells and whistles are what seperates them
  21. This is 1 thread i will never show the GF!!
  22. I'm gonna hit below the belt here... couple of years ago on the December 15th Upper Niagara Musky get together, I remember everyboat getting skunked... Including yours Pete... couldn't resist, sorry bud!!
  23. I wanna se crazyhooks pic with him and the snapper/turtle... that one is golden, the turtle looks some seriously pissed off!!
  24. Happy Birthday Guys... All the best!!!
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