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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. I had two boats cut me off an Canada Day within 10 minutes of each other when I had the right of way. They were waving hello when they cut me off, oblivious to what they were doing. Canada Day is usually a circus on our local waterway, toss in accessive alcohol consumption and you have a disaster waiting to happen. The last few years I have noticed way more boat traffic and most don't know the rules of the water or have any boat launch ediquette. It's very unfortunate this has happened.
  2. The spool on my dipsy reel is empty at the moment. My other option is 30 lb big game.
  3. Tahts quite rare for the Ottawa, nice fish.
  4. Hey everyone. I'm heading to Port Darlington tomorrow to try Salmon fishing for the first time. On one rod I have 30lb mono big game spooled up for my down rigger rod and I was thinking of trying steel line for my dipsy rod. I have a spool of 30 lb single strand and I was wondering if there is a special way to tie it to the spool or do you use a haywire twist. I have never used it before and would like your opinions on this, as well as any other tid bits of info you might have about this. Should I be using a floro leader as well. We will be there till friday, how has the fishing been in that area. Pm me if you don't want to tell the world.....I understand. Thanks in advance, I am so stoked to try this I can hardly wait.
  5. Largies taste way better then smallies.
  6. Next time out let all your line out and troll it behind the boat for a few minutes without anything tied to it. Then wind it in and you should be fine. Jigging is the major culprit to this problem, even moreso with spinning gear.
  7. Total Battery sells a product that restores tired batteries and you will get another year or two out of them. I can't remember the name but it is a small bottle of pink liquid that you put in each cell and then recharge. It's about 15 bucks and it really does work. Check it out, I use it and my batteries last about 7 yrs on average.
  8. Looks great doc. What blank did you use for the rod?
  9. Spend your money on a 15 or 20 and get it over with. Then you have yourself a neet little rig.
  10. Nice Ski for sure. And you know the rules, them are Capri's hand in your man card and the capri's. I know a lady friend that would fit into those nicely.
  11. I parked my F150 about 3 months ago because it needed some major repairs that I just couldn't afford at the time. Last week I took it in and had the repairs done but the motor was running really ruff (spitting and coughing upon acceleration). My tank was nearly empty so I put 20 bucks of gas in it and dumped a full can of Seafoam in the tank as well. After a couple of days of short trips to the store and around town, she is running good again and the problem seems to have gone away. I'm going to add another 20 bucks and another can of Seafoam just to make sure everything is cleaned up. I'm thinking dirty injectors from sitting and not being used. I thought it would smoke because of the amount of Seafoam I used to the small amount of fuel but not a puff. Gotta love that stuff.
  12. I have issues with Taildancers as well. Some of them have paint chunks the size of a dime falling off after just one day on the water. Seems to be an adhesion problem.
  13. I have 30# on my Stadic 4000 and its a nice limp line that casts well. I like it and didn't notice the colour coming off on my hands. Would definitely buy it again, good price point for this product as well.
  14. Also any suggestions on what baits to troll? Are flashers required as well. Pm me if you want to keep it secret, thanks
  15. Sounds like an awesome trip you have planned. Take lots of jigs and twister tails, cranks etc. I worked in the Kenora, Dryden area back in the late 80's. The fishing oppertunities are endless up there.
  16. I was out in the garage last night and I checked my other Okuma reel and it has a full spool of lead core line on it. Should I keep that on the reel or swap it out? Maybe I will buy another reel and I will have three and two rods. Both Okumas have line counters on them and we will be fishing out of Port Darlington for three days at the end of June. Sorry for the dumb questions but I have never fished salmon and am just trying to get myself set up and prepared as much as possible before the trip. I also noticed that the dipseys come in different sizes. What size should I buy and how many should I bring?
  17. Well I went and did some shopping this afternoon. I picked up a DAIWA HEARTLAND rod. Its 10.5ft heavy action line weight 12-30lb. I think I will use this for the downrigger. I also bought a SHIMANO TDR, 9.0ft medium action, line weight12-25 and a OKUMA MAGDA PRO MA 30DLX and a spool of SEAGUAR 20lb flouro leader. I got all this for 120 bucks tax in. What should I be using for my mainline? And what else do I need for gear. I have a couple of offshore planer boards as well. Should I be bringing them along? Thanks Mike.
  18. Walking the dog with a big Zara Spook has caught me lots of nice Northerns over the years. You never know if its gonna work though unless you try it. When its working they hit with tenacity for sure. My favorite is the black and white skeleton looking one.
  19. This sounds like a blast. I cant wait to get into some of them. Thanks for the info.
  20. Thanks, What length and line size, action etc do you recommend?
  21. Hi OFNers. I will be going to Lake Ontario Salmon fishing around the 3rd week of june and I need to get myself a couple of trolling rods. These rods will be used with dipsy's and planer boards. I need some help on what to choose. I don't want to break the bank since these rods will only be used a couple times per year, but I don't like to borrow others equipment. The reels I will be matching up with these are Okuma line counter, not sure of the model#, Stradic 4000 and a Curado 301E. I'm not even sure if these reels fit the bill but its all I have. Any advice on rods under 100.00 will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  22. I have a Nitro Savage bass boat now Roy. I bought it new in 1996. It has been a great boat for me and has never given me any problems what so ever. Its powered by a 175 EFI merc and its still running strong. I spent a year working up in the Kenora, Dryden area back in the late 80's and the majority of the boats used up there then were Lund or Misty River. Thats what I wanted to buy originally but there were no dealers for either here in the valley so I settled for a Princecraft instead. That was a big mistake.
  23. I had a 17 footer in the late 80's and the hull split in two places towards the bow. They looked at it and said they would not cover it under their warranty even though the boat was only two years old. They told me to put it through my insurance because it would cost 8 grand to fix. So I did and my insurance company wrote it off. I sent a letter to the president of the company at the time and told him I would give them all the free negative advertising they ever wanted and to this day I still do. Maybe things have changed but I have never forgotten how they looked after me. I highly recommend you buy another brand.
  24. Manitoubass you almost got it but when there in post spawn they can be very difficult to catch. They are tired and beat up from spawning and the only way I can ever catch them consistently here in the river is with a dead sucker. No float just chuck it out and let it lay there. This will outfish a live sucker everytime. Like I said there very tired but they won't refuse a dead sucker laying on the bottom.
  25. I always said Luongo is probably the most over rated goalie in the NHL. Vancouver is toast now that Chicago has got their number. Big changes coming to Van in the off season.
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