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Everything posted by Cosmos

  1. Came back. Started at 7 am, saw only one guy on ice. More people came later. Ice is good 4-5 inches and it's black. Fishing was quite slow. We started at 9 fow and moved numerous times. Caught about a dozen of decent size perch with biggest ones 13 and 12 inches. Left around 1 pm. It's a lot of snow on ice so moving around it's quite difficult. Saw some people on atv's. There's a road from shore to island.
  2. 4-5 inches. I am planning to go and check it tomorrow.
  3. Kept 4 fish for supper, 2 were grubs free.
  4. Came from Couch. Pretty far from Hamilton, but if you want to fish it is an option. Ice is 4-5 inches at all spots I fished. Fishing was slow, but managed to get enough for supper.
  5. Got mine in mail yesterday. Awesome.
  6. yes, I got three years one. Just follow the screen instructions, after you choose a new card you will have an option for 1 or 3 year license.
  7. Thank you for reminder. Just renewed my online for next 3 years.
  8. x2 on Bear Creek Fished with them 3 seasons in a row. Last winter was our best fishing trip.
  9. I was using Pflueger Patriarch and some cheap Quantum reel before it. Never had any issues fishing without hut and heater.
  10. I am using new abu revo s baitcaster reel. it's really light - only 6 oz, so your hand is not getting tired after whole day of jigging. To prevent ice build up in line guide I bought some time ago in BPS some kind of paste in fly shop to prevent ice on guides of fly rod. Was not cheap - $8 for small box, but I was putting it on rod guides as well and it's working quiet well for me.
  11. I was using 500 size with 10 lb ice braid(whole spool of 50 yards) and 10 feet 10 lb fluoro leader all last winter. Landed a lot of fish and never had any issues or being spooled out. I prefer to use my baitcaster reel with st Croix rod for lakers, which is spooled with 10 lb ice braid(whole spool of 50 yards) and 10 feet 10 lb fluoro leader.
  12. I hope to meet you and Chad again in same place around December 7th.
  13. I will disagree. I had to return that unit to radio world last january, because I wasn't able to see my lure on 100 feet. Unit itself was really nice. Beautiful screen and easy to use menu. I think the issue was with software. I really hope they fixed it already. I got hummingbird 345c instead and really happy with it.
  14. Hi guys, I recently picked up a descent Clam Kenai portable from kijiji. Hut is awesome, but it came with no cover. I checked price for new one and was really surprised - it's between $50 and $60. In my opinion is too expensive. I would like to know if anybody is using any alternative covers. I checked ebay, but didn't find anything. I will pull hut myself, so my friend said you don't need one, but I don't like that idea. I was trying to buy used one, but nobody has it. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
  15. Came back from local CT. They do have some thermoses on sale as well. One for $31(originally $41) looks really nice. 24 hours guaranteed. And of course it is made in China as well.
  16. I bought same one last year. I was really pleased with it whole ice fishing season.
  17. Thank you for your report Mike. It's a fish of lifetime.
  18. I was fishing Canal lake with my wife 2 or 3 weeks ago. We didn't have any luck. I was looking for pike. We found nice weeds free spot with a lot of pan fish, but no predators. balsam would be a better choice in my opinion.
  19. I used to fished that lake during spring time for last 3 years. Always had a great success for pike. During summer time traffic on the lake is too heavy. Bass is also in this lake in good numbers. I caught only 1 small walleye long time ago.
  20. I had pretty much same situation. It was air matress as well. I got it replaced with new one, and return new one back to different CT store - so they gave me store credit.
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