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Everything posted by oldphart
~~~We picked up our minnows at Tightkines in Pickering, I like using Shiners or creek chubs
~~~~Left my place with Slug, WalleyeDreamer, and his son, for Lake Whichamacallit at 5:30, about 3 hr.s later we arrived, headed out spotted a few other souls with nothing better to do then go phishen on New Years Day. Got to the area that we phished last week only to find 2 others sitten on it with nothing to, show headed a little deeper. The wind did not help putting up our huts, but once I got it up it was very cosy. Started out with a large minnow on a drop sinker rig, and the 2nd. line another drop sinker with 2 upper hooks and small minnows in 32ft. Right off the bat "Phish On" and I was able to land a very nice 2 lb. Walleye, rebaited set up again about 18" off the bottom, I get another hit got it up part way and it's gone Drat dropped the bait down and another hit and gone haft way up, enough of this fighting the wind blowing the walls inward on my hut, and trying to fight a phish, not an east task, wish I had my Pro Trap, instead of my Lug-A-Lou, no sooner then my minnow gets to the bottom I left the bail open and sure enough the lines starts to peel off, counted to 5 closed the bail took in the slack and phish on, up comes a small Walleye about 9" long a quick Hi and back he went. Then my 2nd. rod starts working and I lost 2 right away, finally I landed a very fisty 3" Perch (CakCak). Slugs reports from his hut of landing 2 eyes about the same size as my Perch, and 3larger Perch, while WalleyeDreamer say he has 2 very nice Crappies on ice, and released a doz. small perch. Slug had the camera he'll post the pics later after he thaws out
~~~So close, oh well you set your own record, for your self, way to go young lady
~~~Hi bud great report on those Crappies, I was up there yesterday with Slug and WalleyeDreamer, had more walleye hits then crappie landed 2 walleyes one about 2lbs. WD laned 2 nice Crappies and lost some along with Slug
~~~~I know Gull Lake has a lot of open water, and large slushy areas, farther N. there is a lot more snow about 2' on the lakes which means very thin ice, and a lot of slush, under the snow. You might check with Terry at Eagle Lake Adventures, or Minden bait and Tackle, Norland Tackle Shop has the best bait in the area, on Hwy 35, and has up to date reports
~~~Got out with Slug, and Shovel on Sat. morning, for some Lakers, action was hot with lots of hits, and too many misses. Both Slug, and Shovel were running back and fore, between rods, with both of them having phish on and losing them, Slug learned the hard way "never let any one get between you and your rod" Because Shovel landed a very nice 1.5lb + Laker, while was sitten with 2 dead rods, not even a bump, followed Slugs suggestion and moved out deep to 69ft, where I sat and watch Slug get 1 about haft way up before it got off. Then about noon, I get a good hit and it's taking line then it's gone(Drat), allowed the line to drift back and Wham he hits again, get about 4turns on the reel and he gone again(Cak Cak)Started to bring my line to check the minnow, and my other rod gets a hit, and this time he's not getting off, after a great fight, and with Slug's help I was able to ice this 3lb. beauty That would be it for the day, no more hits and nop more markings on the Flasher, our haul for the day, notice the colour change between the 2 Lakers Was the ice safe, where we were, it was 5" of black, with 3" of frozen slush, but further you went out the thinner it got, with large areas of slushy areas, and not all the lakes are frozen, a section of Gull Lake Tuesday, New Years Day, Slug, and I are hitten Lake Whichamacallit for Crappies, we will be at the Coffee Time at Hwy#7, & 28 about 7:45, if any one wants to join us
~~~~~ Fantatic report and thanks for sharing the pics
~~~Slug and I had a chance to hit a certain lake that has a open season on Crappie, arrived there and spoke with a marina owner, who told us there was 9" of ice. Headed out to an area I've phished before and Slug got the Mexicam auger going and we found we had 3" of frozen slush, and 6" of black ice over 28' FOW. Right off the bat "phish on" problem it was a week early back down he went, about 5min. later the Perch moved in and were hitting hard, Slug tried to release this one with out me seeing Then finally the phish we came for hit about 1.5' off the bottom Ended the day 5 walleyes released till New Years Day, 24 Perch, and 1 Crappie. Chasen Lakers this Sat. if anyone wants us, will be at the Norland Tackle Shop between 7:30 and 8:00
~~~~WOW the size of those Crappie are awesome, sure beats mine I caught on Christmas Day
~~~~Whats that you say wife gone shoppen and you are bored, seen all the phishen shows, Bass out of season, boat put away for the winter, ice not safe, and the wife has a Honey To Do List why not drop in at the Rock&Reel in Oshawa. Heard there going to be some hearty Eggnog being served. Just think a tackle shop and bar, a great place to do some shopping, and have some Chritmas Cheer also. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~And no I'm not getting paid to post this
~~~Was out on Saturday after Lakers, there are lakes that have an open season on Lake Trout, not many but a few. the lake we hit the Trout we were hitting about 2' off the bottom, and we were marking them at 15' down tp 40'. They were hitting our Shiners hard and fast
~~~~12" of black ice with 2" of snow on any lake I phish and no SLUSH
~~~~Slug, Shovel and I headed up to Minden to get into some Lakers, we hit the widdle tackle shop in Norland to get our minnows, then headed up to the lake, which has an open year round season on Lake Trout. When we got there we found 2 other guys checking the ice and they report 4" of black ice with 1" of snow so we headed out using the spud bar to check the ice as we headed farther out, Slug and I set up on 25' of water while Shovel went out a little further on 2.5" over 4o' of water, and sure enough he had the hot hole landing a very scrappy Laker about 20min. later Phish On he had his limit. Slug decided he was going to give it a try on thinner ice, not me I'll stay where I was and hold down the fort, and won't you know it he gets his very first laker Oh well there's always next week, we packed it in at noon and headed down to the Rock n Reel in Oshawa to warm up. Here are the boys with teir haul
~~~You should have spent more time on the mountain sking, and you wouldn't be asking this question, and if you go to Niagara for the night, you'll be asking this question again next Christmas, only now you'll have 2 little ones
~~~I got the Storms, and after a long day phishen it make short work at filletting them
~~~~What that you say Yup, the Wellington Hotel is gone, it was built in 1880 I think, sad day for sure in Barrie It's a good thing both my parants are past away, they staggered out of there more time then I can remember
Christmas Cookie Ingredients: 1 cup of water 1 tsp baking soda 1 cup of sugar 1 tsp salt 1 cup of brown sugar 1 tsp lemon juice 4 large eggs 1 cup nuts 2 cups of dried fruit 1 bottle Jose Cuervo 1800 Tequilla or equiv Sample the Cuervo to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Turn on the electric mixer... Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar... Beat again. At this point it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still OK, try another cup... just in case. Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Pick the dangg fruit off floor... Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Who giveshz a sheet. Check the Jose Cuervo. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher. CHERRY MISTMAS Bill eakins
~~~~Good shot of Old Crow, and no branch water, always works for me
~~~Was a thunken, of headind down there, but I'm a thunken I'll ticked tonight at the Rock & Reel, and sleep in with my Dog Missy
~~~I'm in Ajax, and we have the Pickering Nuke plant to keep us almost snow free, and we save lights by glowing in the dark
~~~Hell check out some of the Bars in down town Toronto if you want to see some Cougars
~~~~Was heading down to Picton on sat. with buddy Slug, even had bait bought and a new float jacket, ready to go, then took a real long look at the Weather Page, for Picton -17 in the am. with winds out of the west at 25. Yried to figer out the wind chill, and decided it was too cold. Now what do I do with 3doz.frozen minnows??????
~~~ I'm such a nice guy , I let my siser-inlaw shovel mine, even had to loan her a shovel, since the wife had the other one
~~~Now I have to ask was that +21c or +21f great post bud love the pics