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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Nice to see a Spiel Fishin Report. Thanks Bud...see you at Lakair!
  2. Father-in-law has a place on main land ...between Penetang and Midland on Georgian Bay...but doubt you wanna pay the $2400/wk that he gets for it all summer long. Also has a place out on Present Island but don't know what it rents for. Probably 1/2 of the above.
  3. John, if you want to "leave it to your kids" just "lend" them the money and put it in one of their names right off the bat and draw up an agreement that it's yours to use and that they are holding it in trust for the X # of other siblings. Once you are gone they can determine whether to use it, or sell it and split the proceeds. This way they won't have to worry about captial gains and inheritance tax when you go, hopefully before them. Just wish I hadn't picked the one with Crohns....
  4. I will be there with my wife from Monday the 18th to Monday the 25th. I will figure out how to get her "fair share" out of her during the week in Cottage 7 ! Hope to have numerous OFC'rs out on the water with me, as Leah won't fish every day, and we'ze got a bit of room even if she does.
  5. Stop it Roger...Stop it....I'm workin as fast as I can... Leah and I will be there Monday to Monday 18th to 25th Back to the shop..
  6. You'll love the PT501. I've been using one for about 4 years now. SMOOTH.
  7. Why I like the plug on the outside. Starin right at ya when taking the trailer tie downs off the transom! ..and you'z not tryin to sneak someone elses Crappy into the tourney are you taper... lol Thanks for the report...great getting out with the lad.
  8. Nothin like a family reunion on the water! Great stuff!
  9. Lookin GOOD ! Well except for that prop!
  10. Thanks.....Wasn't even thinkin Muskie in that fast water...that'd be fun. Guess my rods will be going with me in the fall when I move her in on Bell Street. Wife and her can drop me off when they head for the shopping mall for drapes and the likes!
  11. Anyone ever fish the stretch of rapids between Colonel By Drive and Bronson Ave? Stared at that stretch again on Thursday while I was packing up #2 daughters immense collection (moved her into Res with a 5 foot truck box - toneau cover....out with a 6'-6" and full cap + back seat!). Looks like a good pickeral spot....very similar to the waters below Birch(sp) Rapids etc....any thoughts?
  12. Not necessarily. Municipality of Temagami tax mill rate is 1/2 for rural or island properties compared to townsite. So if you have a $200,000 dollar house in town..you can have a $400,000 out of town waterfront property and pay the same taxes.
  13. Why do you think I'm on one up North Bernie? Nobody can just "drop by"...at least none other than the ones that I've shown where it is, and they'z all alright so far.
  14. Well I don't know how much false advertising there is on that website...but I can 110% guarantee it's NEVER been used on that 747 that they picture!
  15. Waterfront will never stabilize. It will just keep climbing as there's a fixed amount of it unless you dig your own lake. Lots of nice little homes on Stoney Lake for (just) under 2 mil ! Also be prepared for lots of new "friends" and long lost relatives "just dropping by" if you live on the water. If you enjoy that side of things great...if not be forewarned. It's one of the reasons I moved off the water 19 years ago..
  16. Was talking about this with another Gent today and my question to him was "do you know if the plastic deck manufacturers make an imitiation "plywood" sheet to go with their deck boards". If they did that might work great for a casting deck....but I don't know if they do.
  17. Look at the original crack...it HIT something, or wore thru while tied up rubbing a rock or damaged dock. The new crack above it is fatigue.... from the original cracked spot not doing it's job of forming the angle/adding stength to the hull. Was the old crack evident when you bought the boat Moosehead? Suggestions of JB Weld, or any other paste/glue/hocas pocas are not going to cut it. Fix it right...or not at all. You and your family/friends lives could depend on that repair.
  18. Dang...two people live in Powassan !!
  19. Is she at least a good looking VON Nurse ? We'll see you at Lakair Gary....I know you can get yourself together by then. Keep your chine up and get healthy!
  20. Do you have a suit of armor to wear while using it? I run one behind a tractor and would never even think of walking behind something that can split rocks, cut small trees..etc. I'd think having a guy drop by with a backhoe would be the cheapest..quickest..safest solution. Using a brush cutter / bush hog will leave all those sapling trunks sticking up to poke tires etc. so you'd need to dig those out anyway...and why I suggest one shot with a hoe/exacavator.
  21. In that case it's a Rotax 912S - 4 stroke x 100HP - dual electronic mags. I only know of two people that ever successfully hand swung them and they darn near had heart attacks before achieving success. Too high compression, gear drive and no weight to those composite props to work as a flywheel. If I see you run aground on a shoal Brian...I'll drop in to save you !
  22. I'd track the sum bi atch that sold it to your down. The boat was cracked before you got it.... Problem with trying to weld that is setting your boat on fire...since you probably can't get at the back side of it to see if foam/fuel tank/wiring is right behind it...that and it will just crack again beside the new weld anyhow. I've got to get back to the shop...will reply to your PM tonight Moose. ..and are you saying that new crack is 2 FEET long or 2 inches? Forget that, looked at pictures....holy #$(#((
  23. That's why friends..don't let friends..fly two strokes ! Good on ya for helping him out though Brian. Not sure what he was thinking out on that much open water in a Kitfox and hope that Gary..the owner...knew Glen the flier...had it out there ! Too bad about your day being cut short, but good thing you rescued him because he sure wasn't ready for the elements. Bare foot in April water...bet he didn't even have a lighter with him to start a fire.
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