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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. That's what happens when you get older...you do everything backwards....
  2. If you want to dual use it....boat and plane... make sure you get the ones that don't auto inflate. Hard to get out of a submerged airplane with the vest opened. Issue with the ones that dont' auto inflate...they don't help you much if you knock yourself out falling overboard. Yes they are comforable and you'll forget you have it on.
  3. Another BEAUTY my friend. Great stuff Drew and thanks for sharin
  4. Nice outing Cast Away. Like Paul says...not an issue of minnow size. ..and did anyone tell you we like pictures?
  5. GREAT stuff Jen and looked like a very successful weekend......but why are you holding Perchers beer?
  6. $30 for a float switch to put in series with the one you have or to put on a seperate switch. Good for rainy nights! Situation really sucks and I feel for ya young one. BTW, least of your worries right now.. But who put the registration on the boat? NO xxxxx instead of the proper ON XXXXX
  7. Livewell pump/intake thru hull fitting let go or as others have suggested..it got swamped from wave action. Once one wave gets in..each one after it is only easier and a bilge isn't going to keep up with it...especially since you turned all the switches off by the sounds of it. They are not going to replace your boat if it got swamped.
  8. Puff Puff Pass BEAUTY Pictures Greg!
  9. I'm still trying to get past a guy that just bought a brand spankin new boat and motor running it in the laneway with muffs on it. Why did you pay the dealer for PDI ? And no fuel in the tank, who did you buy this boat from? Sounds like an air lock in the fuel line...or a restricted inlet on the tank...kinked line from tank to engine.
  10. Great stuff xrap...beauty weather to be out with family members.
  11. Great stuff Cliff ! She's a keeper...no doubt about that !
  12. She wasn't living out there Cliff...just came home so Dad could throw a big wedding at the CN/CP hotel at 1 front street in Calgary. Then she returned to TO to work at Hdq. Probably kept her last name... Not sure where she is now...if you want to have a rondavou(sp) I could set it up pdq.. LOL Leah stays in pretty good contact with her God Parents.
  13. Daria is Steve's Daughter. We attended her wedding in Calgary about a dozen years back.
  14. It's how you come indoors isn't it? Thru an open door!
  15. Groch ...it's Steve's "retirement" store. He use to own the biggest CTC in Canada. He's the fella I learned the phrase "the harder I work the luckier I get" from. He started with the change in his pocket and a dream, many years ago. Rough when they have to go to Hawaii or the Bahamas for Corp meetings though....
  16. Very poor consistancy on rivet hole locations and the forming for sure. If I built stuff that floats and pounded thru waves at 80+ MPH, I wouldn't be bending the edges over to rivet...I'd be using extruded angle, that has no stress built into it from forming, for the corners. Oh wait...I do that already...
  17. That happened long ago Paul! Like I said to Terry on Friday night when he walked into the shop..."what the hell do I know about aluminum and rivets"....
  18. Yah....come spend the day in the shop with me and I'll dispell that one for ya pretty darn quick....
  19. You've got a great heart gal...but you know you could go more often if you cut down on the zoo population eh?
  20. I hope so Doug and hope you have a great time with your father! I'll have to dig up your report when I get back from up North. I'll be gone 14th to 25th.
  21. GREAT stuff Johnny and I won't tell anyone where you were. Good thing your cameral blurrs the backgrounds for you...LOL Some great fish there. Sometime I think I'm a tad nuts with GBay in my backyard and heading North 4 hours to fish instead.
  22. WHAT...no pictures of the anchor? I've found a few over the years. Forgot to go back and grab one last season, that I found in a back bay stuck in a rock crack and they'd cut the rope at water level so they could leave. Didn't have my swimmin trunks on to dive down and wiggle it out. ..and Dan..good thing he's draggin an anchor, just kept him out of the wall !
  23. Thanks for confirming my thoughts Paul...was starting to think I was dreaming incorrect aluminum repair methods.
  24. There are actually multiple ways to load pictures now Johnny. Hosted somewhere and posted with the img tags. Hosted somewhere and posted with the insert image icon or you can also upload pictures directly from your computer using the upload feature. This one and I believe the image icon both give thumbnail pics in your post and people have to click on them to open it to full size. The -[/img]- tags with the property of the url in between give you the full picture in your post
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