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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Congrat Bosc !!! Bet those winnings go right back into fishing gear ... lol
  2. Thanks for the Sunday read Don. Glad to see another that can have a great day on the water fishless !
  3. But they only do that to raise the already ridiculous housing prices Brandon! LOL Why do all these people, you included, like wet/pissy weather all year round?
  4. Great stuff Gerritt...stumbles thru the leaves just like his dad! LOL Good to see you letting him be a kid...allergies and all !
  5. He always adds he is "protecting the waters of Georgian Bay that surely hold a world record Muskie and thinks it's strange that someone with over $1000 in Muskie gear would skimp out to save the $15 difference on a licence......what would you do if you caught the world record?". I always say I'd let it go like all the others....and the conservation licence made that a really easy choice to protect our fishery! Then he says "what if it dies on you while taking the picture" ...well it becomes turtle food like any of the many "successful" C and R releases that die afterwards. Life goes on...one day I'm gonna hand this guy one of the 5 copies of a letter that I have in the glove box on the boat...that states the MNR wouldn't even think of laying charges for taking a QUICK picture of an OOS fish...otherwise they'd have to start doing the same to the guy that is taking a picture of his 7th and 8th Walleye of the day...Oh and the letter is from the MNR office in North Bay!
  6. Well speed it up John.. lol. Life has to really slap you in the face to wake you up. Lost my father before he ever saw I made something of my $13 that I had when I was married @ 20 years old. He never stepped foot in my plastics plant, that I started when I was 23.....thought I was nuts when I'd quit a GOOD job in '85 at over $18 an hour to go out on my own and then he never saw the fruits of my labour as he went from heathy to cancer taking him in my first 4 months of operation. I promised myself then I wouldn't do the same with my kids, but then you get head down working, making ends meet and like Young says "Old man look at me now, I'm alot like you were!" and I missed my kids growing up pretty much all together (just like a hated my own father for). I was in the plant 18 if not 24 hours a day. I slept there for the first 2 years and Leah brought meals and the kids there to see their old man. I turned about 33, had a few friends drop dead around me, my wife took extremely ill and given a dismal outlook, had what she called her brother drop dead in his office chair at work a few years after that and I QUICKLY obtained the attitude of "F this..life's too short". I sold my 1/2 of the company..yet to see a dime btw and I don't really care if I ever do. I now selectively arrange my work shedule on airplanes to pay the bills around here, 7 months at 14 or 16 hours a day so I still work the hours of most around here and 5 months at the lake to enjoy my wife's company full time in cleaner air to keep her healthier. This schedule works as the kids are all self dependant or off at University........ as luckily we were horny teenagers and started early. My youngest is 19 and oldest 24 already, with me only 45.... Now that I've turned this "leaf" I always know what they're doin....support them in it no matter how nieve their idea may be and we talk about the outcome whether it's succesful or not. I fish, boat, waterski, sit and watch a hockey games, email them, talk to on the phone, no matter what it takes...no matter how much work I have that should be getting done. Friends that I hadn't talked to for 20+ years... I now go thru the phone book and call up at least two every time I'm home to my Mothers... to see if they are still alive and want to get together for a chat. Family and friends come first and foremost...and they should. Hopefully all this jibber jabbin, Lew's original post and what others have and will share here, will get some people thinkin. Get off the couch...get in your car/TTC/bus/train...visit your older relatives, keep in touch with your friends and for god sakes hug your kids and tell'm you love them! That said..and like I told Lew about 20 PM's ago...I gotta get to the hangar...before I decide to go fishin again..it's nice up here again today!!!
  7. Darren..the only real bait schools we marked..and they may have been perch or a stack of small 'eyes..was in Midland Harbour..half way between the coal dock and the midland shoal marker. We were not up by Thompson ... think east and Mooo!
  8. LOL Lew ! Graham said it best on Raf's site.. Fishing boat and truck - $120,000 Gas from Midland to Port Perry - $100 Bumblebee Believer - $20 Outfishing Lew 5-1 on a Kawartha Lake - PRICELESS I'm sure it will never happen again and like we both say..who cares...fish are a bonus..the day is what you make of it and we BOTH had a great time.
  9. There's a nice little strip mall on the North/West shoreline of St. Lucia ! Fishing is good..."entertainment" is not bad to watch during the winter months. ..and Yes what Cliff said, Peterborough is still a pretty quiet, nice clean city. Tripled in size since I was born there..but still a nice place.
  10. I too am glad to see them out there Mikeh and have no issues with being pulled over...just wished it had been before we had my way point lined up or after we'd been long over it. In the time it took the CO to lecture Glen...about something that is absolutely legal to do by the way.... he could have been out tracking down one of the lake's poachers. This CO's "interpretation" is that you are "in possession" of a fish by taking a picture of it and unless you are going to jump into the water to have a picture taken he will charge you holding up a Muskie on a Conservation licence. This would be no different than charging a bass tournement guy for catching his 7th fish of the day, a pickeral fisherman netting, taking a picture and releasing his 5th or 7th pickeral on a given lake etc...that had a full sport licence... or the guy with a sport licence that caught his 2nd Muskie of the day and took a picture. Guess I broke the law 4 times back on Wednesday and thank God lew only caught one or he'd be goin to court with me ! You guys fishing sturgeon with a ZERO possession limit had better stop taking pictures all together! Glen...
  11. Get that CO's anal lube off your floater suit yet?
  12. Not boring at all Lew... why I spit out "Life's too short" VERY often ..and you've heard it from me as well. Too many sit around and say next week..next month I'll go.... And this is the unfortunate result. Too bad you couldn't share old times with your Navy bud, but we are all gettin older and times a wastin.
  13. Rich...make it an overnight trip..we've got lots of beds with the kids off at University.
  14. 3 summers ago at Lakair..we took about 4 inches off the bottom of BCanucks 90 Merc and coned all three blades of his prop at about 30 MPH on a shoal. All was fine after changing props. They take a pretty good licking...unless you hit the nose of the "bullet".
  15. Nice Rick ! ..BUT I wanna know how you can attach a 720meg pic and a 500+ pic in the same post, and we have a 250 limit per post = 125 per picture! LOL
  16. Well make sure you have it on BOQ. That OPP boat went boat to boat last year on the reach (screwed Doug and Emils lines up better than you can do!) and it seems every OPP this year has been looking for..first and foremost the Vessel Licence, as they've realized they can raise the most capital on that one alone. I've been stopped 5 times this year and it's been the VERY FIRST thing asked for, and sometimes the only thing asked for, every time.
  17. Mike,,,the registration #'s on the side of your boat. You (should) have a vessel licence to go along with them that states you are the owner of said boat with said registration on it. Considering it comes from Services Canada now..out of NB...it applies to you Kbekers as well !
  18. Read it again Mike..VESSEL Licence! And those aren't those little Lindy Tubes!
  19. A high percentage of fires happen when the power is out...candles for light etc. and what Pikehunter said..buy one. $15 or your life?
  20. I said that to someone once....oh nevermind.....
  21. Was hoping for Muskie burgers for supper Brian...Leah is gone for the weekend and me and the son are getting pretty hungry around here! 2 tone.... we've posted that here MANY times. It's a $300 fine if you don't have your vessel licence with you. It's the first thing they ask for as it's a higher fine than lifejackets! OPP and CO are out until Ice up. They seem to find us at least once or twice every year and it doesn't matter what day of the week. This guy, Ward, is stationed right at the OPP station in Midland...he's not out of Minnissing office and they have a shared boat..actually two..that have OPP on the bow and Conservation Officer along the freeboard of both boats.
  22. Doug...not your colour lad ! Great effort everyone...every little bit helps... cleaning up after the PIGS !
  23. Fish are just a bonus Kevin. Anyone that doesn't realize that is in this for all the wrong reasons !
  24. Easy way Paul would be a snap swivel and a split ring. Use the swivel ring/split ring to put the treble on and use the snap over the single hook. A small disk of plastic with a hole popped over the hook barb..or like you say surgical tube if it' big enough to retain the snaps width.
  25. Got out with Glen on the bay early this morning. Glen had a "fun" drive in the fog, all the way from Alliston...also found Hwy 93 closed at Waverly and had to do some detouring on strange roads...but he still got here within 5 minutes of blast off time. Little dark and gloomy/foggy this morning..but it soon lifted into a beautiful sunny day...with water near glass in most places. We tried local for a while to no avail and headed for my "big gal" way point. Just as I have it lined up on the screen, and we're ready to troll over it, the OPP/CO boat comes roaring up behind us and tells us to get our lines out of the water. OPP - everything... Vessel Licence (photocopy in ziplock perfectly fine once again), paddles/anchor, bail bucket, whistle, throw rope, FLARES...show him my gun and three bullets and he says do you have three more. I say I'm not a mile from shore. HIS interpretation is if you are on a body of water that you are CAPABLE of being a mile from shore you need 6 flares in a boat over 6 meters (kinda dumb..the smaller boats should have them first!)...so I guess I'd better get three more before BOQ. Told him I'd buy three more tonight and he didn't care after that. CO - Bruce Ward..same CO that read me the riot act last year for fishin muskie with a conservation licence. He must practice the speach in front of a mirror...as this year he gave Glen the EXACT..to the word... speech. "God syndrome" at it's finest! After that we casted the spot a bit, without success and then I decided to run to an old haunt I hadn't been into in about 12 or 15 years. Jersey dog..you cottage is fine! LOL.... Anyhow...we trolled this area and on our way in Glen spied a pike swimmin and a fishing rod on bottom. We trolled the inlet all the way to the end and then we tried to find the rod on the way back out ...of course the light changed..took us maybe 15 minutes, but we found our only catch of the day and I snagged it with the trailer on one of my tubes (another reason to file your hooks razor sharp!). Nice Mitchell Combo unit that's not been down there too long Trolled by the Delawana ..and a LOT of other places. Suspect we covered at least 65 miles of water today between running and trolling. Washed darn near everything in the box, bucket, and Glen's stuff as well. Worked our way home with nothing to show for our efforts but a Mitchell Combo and sunburns...and that's just fine with us both. What a BEAUTIFUL day in NOVEMBER to be on the water. Saw so many people up enjoying their cottages...sitting out on their shoreline suntaning etc...just unreal. We found some good structure...marked it in our memory banks and will hit it again another day. And we made a FULL day out of it...fish or no fish.
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