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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I find it's more fun just going up to all the good lookin wimmins and asking "is your name .........?"
  2. Edzackery Roy. I don't care if it's someone takin a piss, checkin their boat, lumber load or rescue workers.... I always go out of my way to give them as much room as I can even if I have to slow down the line of traffic following behind me so I can time the swerve with uncoming traffic. But then again... I do the same on the lake when I see another boat fishing... unlike some that blast right by your bow!
  3. I figured they'd meet in a doughnut shop...around 3 am...
  4. The hold doesn't do it justice at all. I know how big my 37"r was... and this thing stays thick right to the tail. Wish you had of got a two hand hold shot Robert...and a head close up. I might be able to zoom on the head as I have the 3meg original. That thing swims around swallowing 5 lb whitefish whole!
  5. Did you give them a waypoint to send it to?
  6. I "bumped" into Robert/Wallyemaster about a month back over on Ottertooth.com where he was asking about ice conditions. Him and his buddies did a trip last week and he was having trouble getting it posted. Next time he can downsize and host his pics himself... but I thought you may enjoy the little fishy he caught... no not the eaters!!! ............ hi irish and all the great guys in this room and ladies...let me start by saying that this room has helped me with lots and lots of information..i have been fishing temagami for about 12 years now and all i have to say is its gods country..this winter was the best yet...weather conditions were awsome and fishing was excelent...i love the spring fishing and i love the summer fishing in temagami..but i gotta tell you winter (ice) fishing temagami is quickly becoming my fravorite time to fish...so here are some pictures of my friends and me this weekend...the trout was caught on our last day about 3:30 in the afternoon..we actually fished a new spot for once and we got very lucky....right place at the right time.... thats me with the trout 22 pounds and 39 inches... let him go so he could grow... jeff is in the red suit and the other rob is in black... thanks for letting me share this with you all of you it means alot to me to be part of a great group and great nowledge.... robert
  7. Great article KF ! I've wondered for 5 years where Viking pulled the rabbit out of the hat ( the Type Cert) and now know.... thanks to someone that cares less where her money is spent. I really doubt they'll ever bring back the beaver. Viking uses the type cert to make some parts for fleet maintenance and darn near went bust doing a wing incident mod and it's approval hoops on the beaver (with minimal sales other than to Harrison Ford)... but cost of a new one would be hard justfied based on passenger carrying numbers. Possibly a Turbo Beaver.. but again doubtfull. As for fears of losing everything to India... never gonna happen. The type certificate is a Canadian one and is reciprical with the USA. So they can mfg them in either place and still fly them in the majority of UN nations. If they manufactured in India alone they would most likely have to recertify and unlike a car safety at $100... that would set them back in the neighbourhood of 2 to 4 million these days.
  8. Well I headed off to Temagami solo on Thursday morning, after having the usual suspects come up with lame excuses like “can’t get time off work” and “gotta go to my mother’s”… and nonsense such as that. Also dropped some hints around here, to some others, but guess they wuzn’t that desperate for free accoms or guiding. So…. I drove thru some pretty crappy conditions to get there, but it was nice enough to clear up just as I arrived. Drove down the lake and…. I know that nobody in the South would believe it but….. I couldn’t even find a snow bank to unload my sled… had to make one by hand. Great part was I didn’t even have to shovel the path to the cottage from when we were up three weeks ago! Got the power turned on and the wood stove stoked (and burning this time Terry!) and then headed back outside. One of the main reasons I went up was to cut down a couple trees before the “huggers” return for the summer season. I got one down… but chickened out on the pine, that’s leaning over my power line and cottage, without someone to at least drive the truck to pull it in the direction opposite the lean. May need to make another trip up now, with a few extra ropes and able bodies. Hint… hint… This shot shows it pretty good….. The reason I tell my Mother as to why I refer to the place as “Hump Rock” Got myself all settled in, thinking of where I wanted to head out to fish on Friday, and took a nice sunset picture. Had supper and was enjoying the peace and quiet when, I suspect, the lunch I had in North Bay had different ideas. Spent most of the night hugging “Ralph” and thru most of Friday as well. Needless to say, no fishing happened on Friday. Hadn’t it been for a few text messages with Leah and Dano to keep my spirits up… I may have ended things just to feel better! Saturday I’d arranged to meet up with Barry (my realestate agent) and Darren (owner of Lakeland Airways). I’d thought we were heading up Lady E way.. but they had a different plan. We headed east across Snake and Cassels lakes.. thru the bush.. thru a few small lakes, bush and onto Sunrise Lake… where we met up with 20 or so guys and I’d bet a 1/4 million+ worth of sleds! The boys sure love their toys… including me trying to keep up to Darren’s, I believe 900 something, Turbo Charged Polaris. I now know that I can get 71MPH out of my 500 Touring…..but he easily disappeared off into the distance! LOL The guys have a camp in there that belonged to a couple of their parents… 2 x 40 foot trailers joined together from back in the Sherman Mines days. Sleeps 20 guys. They have a rickidy old ice shack and had 4 lakers on the ice when we arrived. Maybe 2 guys where fishing.. the rest drinking. Asked Barry if the OPP/CO ever came thru this way and he said no… most of them are here and those on duty know better! The part that mesmerized many of us… while standing there on Sunrise Lake two guys came along pulling an ice fishing toboggan with their gear and a tent…. that they were going to spend the night in down the lake somewhere. Now we were a good 20 minute sled ride from the closest road at 45 to 50 MPH! Talk about dedicated fishermen! The wind that night was so strong while I was going across Cassels Lake I almost got blown off the sled…. had it right up on it’s side while doing 50MPH thanks to a wind gust. Hope they found a sheltered spot for the tent! Anyhow… we left Darren behind with the lads on Sunrise Lake and Barry and I headed off thru the bush to check on his camp on Lorrain Lake and get the wood stove going. Stupid me forgot to get a shot of it. Beauty spot… 16 miles of lake and nobody but him on the very south end of the lake. Lake is full of BIG pike and bass. No pickeral or lakers. Takes him 2.5 hours to get in there in the summer from town. Requires boating across two lakes, cached boats and two stashed ATV’s to do it. We left there and headed off down the bush trail to go fish some lakes that drain out of Lorrain for pickeral. Along the way Barry stopped at a bridge and got off of his sled. I thought he was going to check the bridge.. but no… he keeps a 5 gallon pail in the stream all winter long. Catches minnows in the fall and puts them in the bucket. Stops there for bait all winter long. Only one dead minnow in the bucket! So off we go down the trail and I follow him onto what he calls South Bear Lake (these lakes aren't named on any maps). This is where we got a little stupid and I just followed him. After finding both the well flowing inlet and outlets and avoiding them as best we could we stopped, leaving our sleds close to shore and drilled a few holes. Now coming off Lake Temagami where there’s 26 inches of ice at my dock… to now go only four turns or so on an auger and have a hole… it wakes you up pretty quick. Only 5 to 8 inches thick on our hole spread. Beauty spot though. Fairly small lake… I’d say maybe 1300 feet long as I know I couldn’t get a plane in and out of there to fish it in the summer. We weren’t very slow leaving the lake, after about 2 hours of fishless fishing. All stored in memory. It’ll be a walk on lake next time… especially if it’s a warmer winter. We headed back to Barry’s camp.. had a mid afternoon meal, that heated up nicely on his wood stove, and then went out and tried for some Pike on Lorrain Lake. No luck and the wind was howling at an estimated 55/60KMPH. Wasn’t much fun.. so we packed up and headed back to the camp on Sunrise Lake. Guys were all well into the “sauce” and watching satelitte TV (Family guy of all things!). Roughing it.. you bet. Just before total darkness fell I got a shot of the sunset and then talked Barry into leading me half way home before he got like the rest in camp. I might of found my way out of there, but better safe than sorry. He led me out to Cassels Lake and from there I was alright on my own. Was gonna stay up there and fish Sunday.. but couldn’t find anybody to do so with me and figured I’d forgo the safety issue of doing it alone.. packed up and headed home. Sorry about the no fish porn… but you know… I had a great time and only fished a total of maybe 3 hours. Greatest part was not having any snow to shovel and it all being done here before I got home! Son actually does know how to operate that plow truck after all !
  9. I keep thinking of moving WAY south to get out of the snow... maybe I just need to move North. No snow fall, or any depth for that matter, in Temagami. All we got was the WIND on Saturday. Almost blew me off the sled while crossing Cassels Lake doing 60MPH. Wind picked the sled up on it's side. I didn't even have to shovel the walk up to the cottage from when we were up there three weeks ago!
  10. Anybody say Down Easter's yet? and Pursuit or Berts tracks to mount them on if you have a wide enough gunnel.
  11. Ahhh the sound of spring... right around the corner.. well it's a long 2 month "corner".. but it's coming...
  12. Well we never made it to Lady E... That's where I thought we were going to a guys "camp"... but we went East instead and toured the bush trails mostly.... and sat around in hunt camps shooting the "breeze". Did some very limited fishing on Sunrise Lake (Lakers), Lorrain (Pike), middle Bear and South Bear (Pickeral). Anyone heading up that way before closing next week... you can drive anywhere.. on any lake in a truck (or car for that matter if you know what you're doing).. well except Johnnyb's POS with them city tires on it! lol Mind you they're calling for rain Thursday and Friday.
  13. Just go for a walk... not that many stores in Perth. Shouldn't take more than 7 minutes, tops, without reading the street names! Sorry Bunk... couldn't resist...
  14. I'll let you know if you were right when I get back Monday ! LOL
  15. Sure warmer in Hamilton than it is here...
  16. Nothing but sunshine where I'm headed... see ya Monday!
  17. Happens all the time Maureen.. I've had 18 inches on my runway when my buddy had a dusting on his over on Champlain Rd. We get a direct hit from the gap between Beausilea(sp) Island and the main land... off the lake... as our house is the very first high ground after the lake in a North wind. I may have also measured the drifts this time... but I had over a foot at the back door (the part that counts as I have to shovel it by hand!) and at least 7 inches in the laneway..
  18. Either just ahead of the wing... or close to the tail. Then again midway between either end and the wing would give you a chance forward and rearward to get a shot. Have fun on Westjet !
  19. I imagine it would have been a rink yesterday.. just like Midland Harbour was... but we got 10 inches of snow last night...
  20. Waddid I tell you to scare you in January Mike ? Since I can no longer get up front, to sit in the jump seats, on all my Skyservice flights... I generally sit just behind the wing or on the wing if I can.
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