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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Now there's a place I refuse to spend a dime... and besides they don't sell fishing equipment !
  2. Yes it's a clearance sale to make room in the warehouses. Note that even Frabill Corp does not have stock on the 2 man shelter. CTC just wants them out of the way... could even be a discontinuted model.. who knows with Frabill now having their GT models at 30%+ more retail $ than the model offered for sale. CTC is what it is and what it always will be and when you're getting something 50% off retail a bit of computer/phone and foot work is worth it IMHO. I'm amazed that they even have on-line stock checking and from what I've seen so far it was pretty darn acurate on Friday before the sale. We all complain about Crappy Tire... but who else has inventory checking on line. You won't find it at Bass Pro, Walmart or elsewhere I know of. I posted the link to the clearance items. Easy enough to click on it.. browse the products offered and get the product code. Call or walk in the store with the print out and say I want this! I was the same as Captain Bruce.. they brought me out the power auger on a hand cart and said "here". I could have left with the cart....
  3. Good time for pike? Anytime I'm not fishin for Lakers or Muskie ! Cooler weather after ice out.. I find they start to wake up late morning... and no rush for you to get up and going in the morning... which is a great thing.
  4. Sounds like a good name for something you'd drive on the ice !
  5. Can't do that Glen... first day I've worked in the shop in weeks ! LOL
  6. Not sure if he's braggin or complainin... can never tell with TJ.
  7. DANG Pete...how am I gonna land on that one?
  8. Scott... you've got a PM... looks like I have to go to Ottawa Sunday night... so you dropping the shelter at my Mother's on the CP highway, on Sunday, would work great!
  9. Remember my "how too" remove them post Mike? Spring loaded plunger grease fittings... to keep your hubs full of grease and void of water? http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...bearing+buddies
  10. Just be sure you've got at least a 6 foot box on your F150 Steve! I was thinking about this voyager.. but my super crew only has a 62 inch box to the tail gate. Also find it unreal that it appears nobody's portables come with the cover included, other than Frabills Magnum and Fortress Glide Trax at $800+. Can't see towing any of these portables without it...and leaves you hunting down the cover.
  11. Nice pics Joey... now the question is... is it a boat with less than 10 HP = no registration/insurance required... or an ATV that needs plates/insurance?
  12. Great stuff UF! Bet you're hooked again... ice augers/shelters are still on sale at CTC.. LOL
  13. They are worth much more! They keep a positive pressure on your bearing area...thus water stays out when backed into the lake.
  14. Same hole?? and does Eugene cut this with a saw or have a bubbler going? LOL What was the tow charge btw... bet no worse than the vultures on the 400 at $300+ ..and I'm not sure where people are reading their policies.. but there's nothing in mine that says where I can drive. One thing I always "luv" about OFC... the only place a guy that's already feeling down can get hammered a few more notches down. Guess I'm from the shallow end of the gene pool too.... Dang.. so's Ron and a lot of other OFC'rs here. Wonder why many quit posting. Guess we should start shuttling all this stuff out to the island for no good reason...since it's so unsafe to drive on 2 feet of ice.
  15. Yah...what he said ! Welcome aboard!
  16. Feel sorry for the lifeguard that has to do the head count at the end of their shift !
  17. Another GREAT adventure Ehg ! Nice to see such a mixed bag out of the same area.
  18. Was REALLY great of you to shop for the OFC'rs Cranks ! I'm tempted on the shelter... as my mother lives between SF and CP.. You've got a PM cranks!
  19. DANG.. now I'm hungry... better still be some Crappie fillets in the freezer...
  20. BBQ Flesh side down first for ~ 10 minutes.. flip and baste with your favourite ( I use BBQ sauce..mixed with soya sauce/margarine/s&p/and a few other things I forget - written down at lake). Then cook skin side down until the skin charcoals lightly. Darn near tastes like BBQ Chicken.
  21. Lake Trout does today... but he can still fish Brookies, Rainbows etc. I think TJ missed the part about he wants an open stream section of sorts to open water fish.
  22. For those that go up to Temagami and always fish Kokoko Bay/ Spawing Bay on opener... don't get caught in there this year. They've now apparently extended the sanctuary status of these two spots and the Gull Creek outlet area until JUNE 15th. Noticed this on a lot of other lakes as well where the sanctuary status ended at opener in the past and now is extended to June 15th. All Zone 11 lakes now have a slot size of 16.9 to 23.6" and some other lakes have their own different slot like Temagami's 18-23.6" slot, French River PPark 15 to 25"
  23. I think most are missing the point that a first time poster came here to gain attention to their website and nothing else. We use to kindly refer to such as As Dawg points out he could have copied and pasted his written "piece", if he only wanted to share.
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