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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. My 275 Verado's lower unit fits in a garbage can ..... but yes it's a BIG can.
  2. Some real pigs there !!! Great stuff. Many places to hit them in Ontario right now.. but ya still might have to drill a hole !
  3. I prefer the garbage can full of water approach myself.... and generally costs nothing as well... guarantees the intakes are under water. On some engines muffs don't do the job.
  4. Remember Pete.. no slappin the baits off the sides !!
  5. Walk into any good tire shop. They can order and have the next day.. rims included.
  6. Great stuff James... you have that misfit Cameron with you???
  7. Have a great time with her .. and the new boat Lew ! Still can't picture you in all that glitter.... but I'll get use to it ! lol Have a great summer.. we're off a week tomorrow by current plan !
  8. Maple is in your hands... coat it.. install it and move on to making proper doublers to rivet in over those cracked ribs.
  9. Well one thinks about sex every 40 seconds and the other once a year....
  10. You're over thinking this whole thing... just gitter done. You're gonna miss the fishing season at this rate ! lol Oh.. and did I say it before.. don't weld !
  11. I'm gonna start charging you royalties on that pic Dawg... lol
  12. Tie to bow.. pull backwards for steering control. Could be done with a 9.9
  13. Thanks Jeff... I would hope that some caring boater would tie onto it and pull it to shore.
  14. Man... that would have gone so well with some wild turkey breasts.....
  15. In a way they do... going to relieve the manufacturer from the need to get conformance stickers from Transport Canada...
  16. Have you seen the warrantee card?? 6 year on a Merc isn't out of line.. just isn't normal. They had the offer to do so in the USA.. but not Canada when I bought mine in 2007. I've never priced that series.. so can't offer much.. but do know that for $15k I'd suspect that if it was brand new that barely covers the motor and the trailer.. nothing else.
  17. If you've got the dough... it's the boat you want (and obviously are taking your time to decide and not a drive by gotta have).. grab it and enjoy your summer ! You're spending your hard earned money after all.. nobody elses!
  18. Hard on the paint when you slam your seat belt in it... Hit enter after each pic and text line me misguided friend..
  19. 2nd time this has been posted and we're already on the (useless) boaters card. This new regulation, proposal, has nothing to do with the boaters card. Note it is still a proposal. It has to go thru the Gazette twice to be law. If you're so worried about it.. public consoltation(sp) has to be accepted after the first run thru the Gazette. Maybe if enough "jumped" on it in writting to their MP's... it won't see second printing/reading.
  20. Dang.. let me go ask my daughter...
  21. Did you put the safety lanyard clip under the kill switch.....
  22. Dang... you're so happy with Riverwood's stuff you should do like the guy that bought Remington Razors... or do you already own riverwood?
  23. I'd think it would be covered under the "legal means of angling" section of the regs Jon. Line and rod...
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