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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. That old guy is gonna hear a big CLICK around midnight and have a harder time getting up in the morning!!!! Great outing Frank!
  2. You don't have to unhook it from the boat.. but if it's a wireless Motorguide.. you are supposed to unhook the trolling motor from the plug in socket before charging the batteries.
  3. As a few have stated.. I've found the OPP are the worst wake offenders going... As for the canoes.. you can't win with them it seems. On Temagami I always slow to a crawl with barely a ripple on the water. I don't want to be responsible for all their gear hitting the water and you know sometimes it's just a real good view!! Then last year I crept through about 14 canoes with 3 to a boat around Garden Island..... snot nose in the front of one yell'd "take a damn(no that wasn't the word she used) picture already". The temptation for a loop around her with all 275hp roaring was hard to resist!... but another boater beat me to it as he blasted up their port GUNWALE...
  4. That's not illegal ! It's only the 75 feet below the entrance that is off limits (UNFORTUNATELY!!)
  5. cotton batten or ear muffs. You or the dog.. take your choice! While you're at it, if you haven't already.. tape his/her dog tag and rabbies tag together with electrical tape. Nothing worse for a dog than those clanging in their ears.
  6. http://www.manitoulinresort.com/ ..and she's even stupid enough to provide the first tank of fuel for that price!!
  7. Geez spookd... what do you want now? lol

  8. Looked like a great day on the water Hun !! See Paul's been hiding from the barber again....
  9. Breaker.. and why would you need 4?? You only need one on the positive lead to the trolling motor..
  10. Hey Erik... you missed an L ! lol
  11. The pike looks like it has a 1/2 ounce bell sinker stuck to it's noggin.
  12. Amazing what you can find when you fish beside a sewage outlet..
  13. Ontario Power Generation controls all the dams... and tries to guess where they should drain down to in fall/winter to allow for snow melt/rain refill etc.
  14. I'll confirm the Lake Temagami access road ramp deal on Tuesday or Wednesday for you 10point... when my buddy/customer comes back from the lake to pick up his airplane.
  15. He has to carry a copy of his handicap permit and id.. and that becomes his fishing licence!
  16. Looks like a Dude from Perth I use to know..
  17. Red Cedar has had no flow into it for weeks. Last day or so they are giving it a bit from upstream. Thistle lake below Red Cedar has beach as far as your imagination can fathom.. Temagami is still over 2 feet below late SUMMER levels... I'll have an update on Tuesday when my buddy gets back from the lake. 10 point.. your vacation will be just fine! Tamar will have their boats in, one way or another, and you'll be just fine. Most of the lake is 80 FOW or more. You'll be just fine.. once you swim out to the houseboat! LOL
  18. Planting a "garden" in a crown forest! Amazing how that smell brings everything in .. even bears it seems!
  19. I think Terry only had a hard time sleeping the first time I stuck him in a room with Dano...
  20. Hell.. it's free to register your boat to an Ontario number/ company name and give anyone using it a rental agreement..
  21. Theres's a 10 year old used one in Michigan for $15,000. Probably grab an almost new one for $25k. New I think they're $40,000 !!!! A zodiac... add a hang glider wing and a $7000 Rotax 582. Guess it all adds up. Be sure if you pursue.. 582 liquid cooled. Do not go with the 502/503
  22. Well you have fun Dave... passengers will be a no, but if it's solitude you're looking for (or have your will written!) Requires Ultralight pilot permit and registration in Canada. Google Polaris flying boats... heck here's the link. http://www.polarismotor.it/ We've got a komakazi here in town with one.. or at least we did. I think he busted every aviation rule in the book and the boating laws to boot...
  23. I thought I was gonna "click" and see my mother-in-law...
  24. Browsed this this morning.. and I'm still trying to get over that fact that you joined OFC just to start a rant...
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