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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Yep.. she helped him stagger home from the bar one night... I'm with Lew on this one.. 28 years come August.. biggest argument is "what do you want for supper"?
  2. I have the perfect campsite for ya G.. and make as much noise as you can! Crown land camp site situated on the 66' shore reserve that fronts my 26 acres on Lake Temagami. If that site doesn't do it for you.. there are about 500 others around the entire lake. Launch in town for FREE... park over behind the train station for FREE... camp on any site on the lake for FREE... leaves you a lot of money to drop a case of Corona off on my dock for the FREE advise! lol Also note... nobody will bother you for boating back and tying up on the outside of the dock at Finlayson PPark and going in and using the showers! (FREE!! ) )
  3. "When did you start the motor" is what I always hear! Got that oil changed yet ????
  4. You might wanna rethink that through Jim !! "Not air tight"... try being pressurized so the passengers can breath and not pass out at 35,000 feet. As for floats having to be sloshed to be water tight..... in my books that's right up there with the guys that coat their old leaking tinny with fiberglass or box liner crap! Do it right the first time... or go home. I have 4 amphibs in the hangar right now... there will be 5 come Wednesday. Not one of them leaks a drop (and they can sit in the water for 5 months at a time) and there ain't no slosh in any of them, I can guarantee that as I built all 5 sets of floats! ...oh and as Bunk and DanC can tell ya.. mine have landed is some ROUGH waters! Not that I wanna try that little Lake Nipigon in 4 footers ever again...but I did and survived to fish another day. (on float skins that are less than 1/2 the thickness of any aluminum boat an OFC'r owns!).. I also land and take off faster than any Aluminum boat here.. including mine. Welding vs riveting is an argument that will live on and on and on here. Ask a supercub owner to look in the logs and see how many times in the aircrafts life that they've pulled the welded fuel tanks out to be fixed... because they crack beside the welds from wing flexing. My riveted wing tanks have not, nor do I expect them to ever, leak a drop. I know.. I just jinked myself... As for Wayne getting a crap boat... like many others before him. I've had more than one Tracker in my shop for patches. Can't imagine the total number of them out there...
  5. I'd actually make the call to Midhurst or Rick or one of the other CO's. We were TAY for ever out here (why it's called Tay Point Rd!) until amalgamation... and I think they may still consider this (everything East of Fuller Ave) open on Sundays. Like I said, all the locals still do it!
  6. I always thought it was... considering the locals all seem to do it !! BUT Marty seems to have determined that it isn't since we are amalgamated into the town of Penetang. We use to be Tay twsp.
  7. You could work from Lew'oclock 'till 9 Lew !!
  8. Diesel tank belongs to the local supplier.. for the FARM tractor ! ;O) TSSA has been going overboard lately... even forced Lakeland Airways to tear down their hangar because the houseboat fuel tank was too close to structure. (only been that way for 30+ years!)
  9. Take into account 2 border stops each way and (trying to) accounting for the outboard you have in the trunk.. and the Canadian route is a no brainer and a LOT better looking! Stop a few times along the way and fish with OFC'rs.. (mind you the fuel will be cheaper on the other side of the line)
  10. Hey.. don't be anchoring in the landing path !!!
  11. That's 'cause they're real STEALTHY baits for Muskie!!! Nice work Matt...
  12. I'd seen that face of yours in that mood before Paul... I think it was on a ramp... And I think that Tbayboy had something to do with that tooo didn't he....
  13. Remember.. you can have 4 hooks on any one line! So when downrigging, on 1 rod... put a swivel on the end.. and tie a couple 6 foot lengths of line on with snaps/swivels...with a crank bait (2 hooks) on one line and a spoon (1 hook) on the other. Then take a 6 foot line with snaps and a spoon (1 hook) as a slider and just clip it to the rod line after you've lowered the original pair of baits to depth. Now all hell is gonna break loose when you get a triple header on that rod... but it sure does increase your chances, legally, and also allows the guy that is out alone to get three different baits in the water!
  14. Hell.. that's just a trip to camp!! I just wanna know in regards to the Cougar licence... is there a petting fee???
  15. Xactly why I bought it Rob !!!
  16. Just like a hooker.. you can sell it a 100 times and still own it.
  17. Just wondering when someone is gonna check ref bank accounts...
  18. Just looked back in my PM's and Wayne has been waiting for Trackers decission for over FOURTEEN MONTHS!
  19. It's been a LONG battle Wayne and you have every reason to be pissed and to vent. I've seen the pictures.... and offered advise many months ago! They only guarantee their welded HULL... but not the internal bracing that when being welded weakens the parent material OF THE HULL around said bracing. This to them is not considered welds on the hull. It's Bull and a class action suit should be brought together..
  20. Gee... I'd sure hate to hand over my money and then have the OPP seize it as you are loading the "proceeds of crime" onto your trailer in the middle of your holiday! Call Crestliner directly.. ask about the hull number. If it's bogus.. call the police and do your deed. Karma's a great thing...
  21. Thanks for the reminder Rob ! One call that I, unfortunately, don't have to make this year.... but it reminds me to kick the kids! Both girls come in from Paris Friday night and it will be the last thing on their minds to have taken care of...
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