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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. A pain in the ass is what it is.. I can't get my customers airplanes rotated around and into their storage positions. Marty and Brian don't wanna hear it.. but I'm prayin for rain tonight!
  2. Went up town and when I came back I noticed this in the snow....
  3. Give thought to how good a dogs hearing is.. tags clanking in their ears isn't kind and many guys also wonder why their dogs are deaf by 10 years old... The tape is no big deal to unwind if someone finds the dog. Also engrave your phone number on the back of one of his tags!
  4. Just be kind to him when you add his rabbies and licence tag to that collar... electical tape them all together!
  5. I should have just posted here last week.. "looking for an apartment or room/board in Galt". lol Thanks guys!
  6. Right outside the Waterloo Architecture building there are steps down to the cement ledge.. I can sit there all day and fish while I wait for her to be ready to go!!! If there are any fish there... (it's either that or the steps to the Brewery!)
  7. So what's in the river below or above the dam at the Park Hill Rd Bridge??? Kristal starts her Masters in Architecture Jan 1st.. put her into a town house right across the street from the Grand River Brewing company. What a father eh.....
  8. See Roy.. that Misfish guy really is all heart!! Wish I could have got there with some more Maina stuff for Dave to sign for me! lol
  9. Thanks Kevlin.. they sure seem to be dragging their ass on this. A change of venue might be in quick order...
  10. All the best Geoff. Starting to be way too many of us hanging out in the downtown core with family members in bad shape.
  11. I trade the whole damn team for a few players that can hit a 4 x 6 with a puck! You'd think millions of dollars per that they could hit a target!
  12. It's not considered a viable sport in Toronto either Bob !!
  13. PM it to me so I can send it to a few Marinas..
  14. Sorry to hear Raf... Serial # etc??
  15. HUMMM.. you'd be better off booking with Tamar or similar. They'll transport you and put you in a hut. Staying down by my place you could fish right out front.. but it's not the best spot for structure. At minimum you need to get a mile down the lake...
  16. Wonder what other Maina items I have here that I can get Dave to sign for me....
  17. I'd suspect so Stan. I'll give Doug (caretaker) a call and see what's what and then PM you when I have details. IF the ice comes in good, by that time you'll be able to drive right to the dock. Doug lives on the island across from us all winter long, so keeps a road out to his place right past the dock of the rental. Can be tough lake to crack.. but once you figure it out it pays back big time. You have sleds etc?? and portable huts?
  18. Well you have fun there Brian.. I'm off to Cambridge tomorrow with the youngest, apartment hunting so she can start her Masters in January.
  19. Temagami Shores loaded all their huts onto a truck in July and down the highway they went!!! I heard they were done doing ice fishing... Could be wrong, but what I was told in August.
  20. Hope the day was full of lemons Joe!!
  21. There are some stocked lakes Stan that Lakers are open all year.. Wilson is one of them with easy access and a resort (although I'm not sure if she's open in the winter) If you want to fish Lake Temagami itself.. Whitefish and Pickeral are open in January. The camp (beautiful newer cottage) on the opposite end of my island is also available to rent this winter and if you are interested in that PM me and I'll put you in touch with the "caretaker". Wayne
  22. There's no fish in Temagami Stan.. go somewhere else!!! (Lakers don't open until Feb 15th as well..)
  23. Yah.. but who's gonna bring the utility trailer..
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