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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Thanks Rob.. I knew this snow and ice crap would bring you out of the wood work sooner or later. She's had a rough couple of weeks.. dropped from 90 lbs at weigh in the day (22nd Nov) of chemo start to 77 lbs 8 days later. Leah's got her fattened back up to about 85 lbs now and she's eating well again, so hopefully she'll get to 90 lbs again before Monday when her next chemo mix starts. She goes in Monday 13th Dec and doesn't get out until the Saturday.. then another $2700 anti-infection needle and then we'll be bringing her home for Christmas with the next scheduled chemo being January 3rd. Her PET scan showed the cancer has crept to her hip socket.. so surgery sounds definite now instead of maybe. When we don't know.. mid chemo or at the end to possibly remove part or all of her right pelvic bone and hip socket. She went to work at Ryerson this afternoon... still waiting to hear from her tonight as to how that went. She wanted to get from last night to Sunday on her own.. so we dropped her off with plenty of food in the cupboards and left her to her wishes. We're back to TO Sunday noon... so her and her bf can use my truck to go to her bosses Christmas party in Aurora.. then Chemo the next morning and thru the whole week.
  2. NA..when they couldn't drive anymore they sent me on my bicycle to fill in the little cardboard order cards and hand them to the big man at the LCBO counter....
  3. They already where Ron.. we rented our back apartment to the ambulance service and they kept the old hearse style machines in our double garage! We had a radio in the butcher shop for when they were all out.. and dad filled in as dispatch.
  4. This be us.. Dano's, Mine, Terry's and Lloyd's. Of course I'm the black sheep! ..and our usual village..
  5. What you figure those fish swam all the way from NY so you came to take them back ??? LOL Some great fish in tough conditions fella.
  6. The money you guys spend on TV's and BBQ's.. .. no wonder you can't get ahead! LOL
  7. Four Moms in therapy -- A psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with four young mothers and their small children. "You all have obsessions," he observed. To the first mother, Mary, he said, "You are obsessed with eating. You've even named your daughter Candy." He turned to the second Mom, Ann : "Your obsession is with money. Again, it manifests itself in your child's name, Penny." He turned to the third Mom, Joyce: "Your obsession is alcohol. This too shows itself in your child's name, Brandy." At this point, the fourth mother, Kathy, quietly got up, took her little boy by the hand, and whispered, "Come on, Dick, this guy has no idea what he's talking about. Let's pick up Peter and Willy from school and go get dinner.
  8. We live in Canada.. drive a 4 wheel drive vehicle or go South! lol I remember living in Milton on the very end of Graham Bell Crt, 1984. Our laneway was dead centre of the turn around circle of the court and during a week long snow storm (when I just happened to be on the day shift) the entire neighbourhood waited for me to go to work for 7am in the Ramcharger. They all backed into their laneways so that they could take a run to get in my tracks and out to the main street. Then the next monday morning the door bell rang around 7:30 and Leah answered the door.... "Isn't he going to work today".. NO he starts afternoons on Wedneday!! LOL..
  9. If the winds don't die down John.. it will be a LONG time before there is good ice beyond O'Connor Island.. Just talked with Doug.. he figures he should have two more inches of ice tonight and rip'd across that little stretch of ice with the sled this afternoon. Thinks he may take a rip to town tomorrow, but I told him not to get in too much of a hurry as I really do need him around to make a road for us!!
  10. LOL Joey.. Other issue for me.. where to put all my crap ! The island would sink...
  11. We've given thought to it Steve... but we'd go crazy waiting for ice in and ice out... and man that looks like work, shovelling by hand! I'm too old for that... Then again I could buy a cheap airboat to get thru those time periods, but unfortunately they piss everyone off because you delay proper ice formation using one.
  12. Well I got a hug and a kiss for $50 in Canadian Tire! (from lady with the Salvation Army kettle)
  13. A little behind in comparison to Dec 2008. This was the morning of the 22nd.. Leah and I driving over to the island to pick Doug and Anita up to go to Walter's funeral. Doug talking to Leah on the cell around Martin River.. "tell Wayne to turn the radio up before driving down the launch" !
  14. Yes Paul.. Campfire Island beside the PPark. Behind it is frozen but as of yesterday they were still getting the boat to town from the front (channel) dock. Haven't talked to him today.. but I suspect that is frozen now as well, or will be before the weekend. Then he'll start on the ice road from town boat ramp to the island... pack... auger.. leave auger running to flood.. move 30 feet... repeat. A PITA.. but it makes a good road. Then he uses the ATV and plow to clear from his road to my dock for us. The difference between a prepped road and snow covered ice three years ago.. was 7" of ice everywhere... and the road was 23 inches thick.
  15. Time's have changed.. my father use to take a rye and coke out to the plow guy on our dead end back street at 7 am.. It sure kept our street cleaned nice and first.... but once the loader.. dump truck.. sidewalk guys caught wind... it got expensive.. lol
  16. Well.. Midland Harbour was wide open at 7:50 this morning when I dropped truck #1 off for service. When I took truck #2 down at 11:20 it was pretty much frozen right across. All it took was the wind to die just a bit and wham... and it's still actually blowing pretty good. Would have been a real surprise if we had of launched at sun up this morning...
  17. There's only an inch of ice there Rob.. So 6" board x 10 feet x 2 boards is a 10 square foot foot print / into 200 lbs = 20 lbs per square foot vs his boots would be 200 lbs per square foot if he can keep from lifting one up.. as then it's 400lb/sqft! lol Snowshoes.. I'd estimate even the biggest pair of old trappers I have at 5 or 6 square feet total for the pair..
  18. Nothing that fancy Brad... 5/4 decking boards TEN feet long!
  19. When living on an island is a lifestyle.. you've gotta start with a good parking area and ice road trail end! lol My neighbour at the lake.. getting the "insulation" off so the ice forms well from dock to the PPark so they can at least safely cross it before he starts on the ice road.
  20. Tell Steve a bellaclava and shades don't hide his identity! LOL Some decent fish on a blustery day..
  21. What he said.. This sounds more like pleurisy to me.. but I'm not a Doctor, just live with someone that gets it twice a year..
  22. They advertise at about $80 in the USA for bar, chain and sharpening unit. I can sharpen a saw to as good as new.. I just hate the down time and doing so when I'd rather be making progress on the wood pile..
  23. Hey Lunker.. while we're on chainsaws... have you seen or used the power sharp http://www.powersharp.com/default.asp blades and sharpening units.. or heard any reviews??? Sure looks like the cats meow vs the old glove and file while sitting on a log!!
  24. Well they had no problems killing the winter fishing businesses of Zone 11... so Lake O charters shouldn't been an issue either for them. If scientifics back the changes fine.. but Zone 11 was feed by cottage associations not wanting people fishing "their" lake when they aren't around...
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