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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. 100 views and 4 replies.. I guess the rest are browsing the backs of their wive's closet doors!!! LOL
  2. You didn't charge it or some myth like that over the summer did you?? I parked mine after our last trip and hit the key yesterday !! Fired right up...
  3. Skeeter.. that is one thing I will never buy from PA.. they are always old removed stock bought surplus and usually pretty much toast. For the same money you can get them on ebay including postage or walk into your local alarm place or the battery store in Barrie
  4. A rendition on last years holders... I lost one somewhere on Kokoko last year and unfortunately didn't have another shoe rack around to destroy.. but I did still have a few cut offs from it.. welded them to some velco attach coat hangers and ....
  5. I'm waiting for someone to enter under how many lines did you fish with... FOUR...
  6. LOL.. I said you could pee in there..
  7. Thanks Mike.. she works in the RAC.. Guess the food was good today.. she's up to 88/89 lbs !!
  8. Never bring a sheet to a bow fight... Damn near pissed my pants while driving down Black Creek drive last Friday am... unfortunate at the expense of a dead father bowed down at the library, but it was hillarious although bordering on over the edge..
  9. Did you catch Dean on the crossbow killer G ???
  10. What's with the link Brian.. it just takes you back to this thread. Please pass the Klik..
  11. Be careful of anything with snow on it.. I thought with me leaving the submersible pump on the pool cover that it was stuck there 'till spring with these cold temps. Thought today.. I'll climb on there and chip it out from below a few inches of ice...... the first step wasn't very dry!!!!!!!!
  12. Probably only Spiel.... while turning his rod he couldn't handle the hottie in the background.... Can you PM me the full size pic?? Spiel probably saved it before toasting it ..
  13. I try my best my friend... too bad my closest neighbour is 1700 feet away.. I think I'll have to use 3/0 !!
  14. Electricity is electricity no matter how you create heat from it.. the only way the infrared is going to be cheaper, now that some snow has fallen, is if you hid a 12/2 extension cord under said snow to your neighbours outside receptical !!
  15. Is that 'cause he's too out of shape to blow up them ballons Dave.. or too chicken to go out in the cold to launch one...
  16. I like sweater gals Art.. but skimpier stuff is nice tooo.. I like my thermo at 72F and the odd fire for clothes peeling... Looks like someone snuffed walleye's avatar.. so the temp dropped a bit in this thread...
  17. YES... it's Doug's job to build the road.. it use to be Walter's job.. but well he's gone so Doug was next in line.. it goes by age you know... Now if we could juts get Walter's old JD dozer running again.. that is sitting behind his cottage on the next island..
  18. Well this morning he has the sled sitting on the ice at the back dock... and has walked over to my place to check that my camp is secure. Now if the snow will just stay away... we can make ice!
  19. Thanks Bruce.. I sent you a PM the day you were sitting in PM.. you haven't read/responded!
  20. Thanks folks... she got to work.. worked 2 to 7.. went out with a co-worker to Jackassters for supper.. back to work for a couple hours and left for home at 10pm. Typing emails at 11pm and still pretty lively. Good to see she has some energy back and will be able to enjoy her OPSEU luncheon today at the Delta Chelsa.. and her Christmas party on Sunday, then back Monday for another cycle.
  21. Good to see your spirits are still HIGH Mike !! Keep the faith and you will prevail !
  22. Always wondered if they called ahead.. I was never asked for ID ! LOL
  23. I sure wouldn't be in a hurry to hit Simcoe or Couch... a sheltered spot on GBay or small back lake maybe...
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