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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Remember those old days that you fished them same rivers in a pair of $25 CTC rubbers and the only spinning rod you owned Brian??? ..it'll all still work! Don't worry about the snickers from the bullies saying you look like a goof... that have to fight their way thru the timber jams being careful not snag their fancy duds or break their fancy rod?
  2. Sorry DSN, your rights?? What about the rights of the people you owed money to?? Sad you haven't the dignity to worry about someone else feeding their family, just as long as you can clear your debt and carry on. And Steve.. YOU control your money. Don't lose sight of that and you'll be just fine!
  3. Shelly.. you still sitting there? You can probably see Lloyd's Grey van with U and ME on it from where you are. If the road's not going to open tonight....and you're stuck there... walk the ice road that starts beside the green fish hatchery building. 3 island out.. you'll find Lloyd. Terry may have made it.. Joey and Paul may be stuck South of town...
  4. LOL.. won't take long to get rid of it Andy! Dang city parking and take out food.....
  5. Waiting for a customer from White River.. with a trailer to load his floats onto and a big bag of cash !
  6. No.. they are dictating catch and release in a devious way ! They tried the same Reg in the Ottawa and public out cry made them retract it. Nobody screamed loud enough in Zone 11.
  7. I figured you were a responsible lad !! Only lake in 11 that they left the 5.1 inch bait restriction on.. dead or alive. Not that it stops people..
  8. I don't usually pass these on for Jennifer but considering the spunk and determination this young women of ours continues to show, considering she can't even be positive that she'll be able to walk come June (with no date yet set for removing her Cancerous pelvic bone and hip socket) I just have to try to help her raise as much money for Crohn's research as we can. I'll push her in a wheel chair or on a stretcher if I have to. THANKS, Wayne Dear Supporter, THANK YOU to everyone who sponsored me last year. Thanks to you I was able to raise a little over $1,800. My team (J Walkers) raised an additional $1,100 meaning we raised nearly 3 thousand dollars. I will be participating in two Heel 'n' Wheel-a-Thons again this year. First in Barrie (Simcoe County) on June 5th and then again the following Sunday in Toronto with my team of girlfriends. With everything going on in my life this year I briefly considered doing one of the walks for cancer instead. But the fact is, Crohn's and Colitis are still such unknown diseases and there is just this one walk to raise money for research. We need every participant and pledge we can get if there's ever going to be a cure. By going to my ePledge page you can watch and/or read "My Story" of Crohn's Disease and learn how it has affected my life. I truly appreciate every pledge, whether you can give a little or give a lot, you're helping me attain my personal goal. And with every pledge, we get one step closer to finding a cure. I'm walking so that hopefully one day others don't have to go through what I have! ***Above was written by me, the following is added automatically*** This June, I’ll be participating in the 2011 Heel ‘n’ Wheel-a-Thon to raise money for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada (CCFC). The CCFC is a national not-for-profit voluntary medical research Foundation, whose mission is to find the cure for inflammatory bowel disease. As you know, this cause is very important to me, and that is why I’m asking you to help me out in my fundraising efforts this year. Sponsoring me is easy – just click on the "Donate Now" link below and follow the prompts to make your secure online pledge. An electronic tax receipt will be sent to you by e-mail as soon as your donation is processed. Donate Now https://secure.ccfcfindthecure.ca/ParticipantPage.aspx?PID=13536&L=2&CCID=95&GC=GTv2 If you’d prefer to send a cheque, just make it out to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada and send it to my home address that you can obtain from PM'ing Irishfield Thank you for your generous support. Jennifer O'Shea P.S. - Anyone is welcome to participate in the Heel ‘n’ Wheel-a-Thon, so feel free to forward this link on to other people you know who may be interested in joining us in our fight to find the cure! 2011 Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada 600-60 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto, ON M4T 1N5 Telephone: (416) 920-5035, 1-800-387-1479 www.heelnwheelathon.ca www.ccfc.ca
  9. I keep my wife at least 4 feet away from TJ at all times...
  10. LOL... nice Dann ! I remember when I asked TJ for his "Secret Family" coating recipe and he told me that he could tell me but then he'd have to kill me. So I walked away and asked him again 8 whiskeys and a 12 of beer later.... BLAH BLAH BLAH! Thanks TJ... it's all I ever use anymore. Should be boxed and sold right up there beside Choronzey's !
  11. Great adventure RC !! You threw those big Chubs in the ditch at Red Squirrel.. correct?
  12. I had a customer make that drive in 2 days to pick up his fuselage. Seattle to Penetang. Don't imagine he wants to do that again.. lol
  13. Bucks 2 weeks back still had some nice racks on them. Now if they fall off.. I shouldn't have to explain how you can tell the difference!!!
  14. DC or State?? Can't help.. but that clarification may help some!
  15. If you doubt it Bob.. look at the Misfish thread I just put up. 4 does today... the last few weeks it's been 2 bucks and 4 does. Guess the boys was busy somewhere when Leah took todays pics! I guess they don't come EVERY day... they never seem to be around when those raskley hunters are around! LOL Todays big Tom.. (sorry about the screen on the window!) As for the 'yotes, I figure if the numbers we have can't put a dent in the turkey population around here, they aren't that bad yet.
  16. Always said there was good money in pulling wire... lol Nice collection Glenn, like I said above, we could probably get along!
  17. Don't hold your breath Lew. Absolutely minimal snow until you get North of North Bay and then when it comes right down to it there was a foot at best in Temagami and the lake is about 3 feet down. Not quite as low as it was last March, but it's close. Hope for a rainy spring.
  18. I'm sure he'll pass that on to his son-in-law Shayne! lol 125,000 sq ft eh... I wouldn't want to be footin that bill!
  19. Is there any other kind SRT?
  20. Just remember guys... it's not a "sale" if you don't really need it! lol {that and you can probably find it cheaper on ebay)
  21. Welcome aboard Roy!!! Quite a few lads down around the Valley that you may be able to hook up with !!!
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