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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. All I can tell you is buy the big Stowmaster and be sure to get the "tennis bag" that goes with it to retain the net neatly. It takes up so little room folded that you'll never take it out of the boat even if you're just planning to fish for perch. As for JB's.. go in serious to buy some stuff and ask Brian what his best price is. I wouldn't be mailing/driving and chasing an item that size for a $50 savings. Who knows.. maybe JB's price includes the bag and Amazon doesn't.
  2. What was the after dinner beverage of choice Randy....
  3. As Ron pointed out, or Northwestern Salamander egg jell
  4. Jesus Bruce... where ya been ! We were supposed to make contact in PM and MS. As for GBW... he's never invited me fishing, so the hell with him ! You home or in PMargaret?
  5. Well Ben I've never been one to buy into this "show me your credentials before joining the club" type of guy, as that starts to stink after a while, so maybe me making the first reply saved him. Add to that that I've also never fished Stocco! A lake is a lake, you need to learn to read it and the fish/food within it to gain some success. Now as to those that spoke of specifics to the lake....
  6. LOL Joe... yah I have to give you credit as I wouldn't touch those green things with a ten foot pole my entire life until I was starving at the BOQ waiting for Terry to cook a meal ! LOL Kristal picked the meal with no input from what we wanted... just a coincidence... ..and Terry... it was pretty much one and the same. I was 4 when Dad bought our store and I played with my little wooden train set on the meat room floor or played in the walk in cooler. Not much has changed...now it's a beer fridge. lol
  7. So there's a big start.. one rod with a perch coloured bait and one nice and dark to make them think it's a smallie they're chompin at.
  8. AT $10 for 4 that size.. CHEAP ! LOL. I grew up in a butcher shop...
  9. Amazing what a guy will do just to get his picture with a bass...
  10. Dark.. dark bait.. light/clear.. light bait. Rig a rod with a black/orange bait and another with a bright perch coloured bait. Main thing is to match the siloet of what they are eating in the lake. Perch, Bass, Whitefish??
  11. He has to stop this immediately Frank or I'll be buying a place at the other end of the lake!
  12. The "fillets" where just some cheap cuts of Sirloin grilling. 4 steaks... $10 total ! She wrapped them with bacon and lightly seasoned them. Last week I bought 4 "true" steak cuts that cost me $50. They didn't hold a candle to tonights meal...
  13. It's like Lady Evelyn/Smoothwater. 3 years ago they made it so canoers can pay to have them and their canoe flown in, but I can't fly my own wife in and drop her and her canoe off. Get my markings and I'll see you in tribunal ! We were shown one draft that was acceptable to the flying community and then they passed a different document thru the gazette !
  14. Legend perch bait... Double D.. something with a good lip and a good "hip" shake. That or a good size Believer.
  15. She hog tied them good Roy... no getting away for them little suckers!
  16. Definitely.. Birch MUST be split or it will rot within it's own bark. Split it's good for years.. but should be left to air dry for at least 9 months.. a year being better
  17. May wanna rethink the name then.. but WELCOME aboard !! This time a year.. look for 15 to 20 feet and fish it.
  18. She also made a dipping sauce from balsamic, red wine, brown sugar and garlic to dip the filet in !
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