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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. 39.95 for me on line with a extra card.
  2. Good question.A guy a few weeks back went nuts over a few that were fishing the dam.The south side can be dangerous,and will suck you in,if your not geared properly.This guy was on the north side and I dont blame him for his anger towards these few.
  3. I try, trust me I try.Or do something related to fishing.
  4. Afew years back the officers monitored the dam,And i have seen charges laid regularly.Mainly tresspassing,and some for not having licenses.When it first came into effect.Also for littering.The bucket knock overs, good for him.I think thats why I rarely catch a crappy or sunfish at mountsberg.Too many buckets filled.Well for the grand itself my eyes are wide open,its not what it used to be.And few extra restictions would help.Pickerel fishing has been better lately but the pike are a lot smaller than average.
  5. I just read read why a certain someone implied that I was high.I was distracted and didnt continue on.Sorry.And no Im not high,There is a high estregine level in this house.3 to 1.Odds are not in my favour
  6. Not at all,not my gig.fishing is my high,my all time high,and a beer afterwards.
  7. sweeeeeet ride and I thought mine was.For now it will do with the camper top.
  8. The opp in caledonia has had there hands full,last summer on there breaks they were taking walks along the river.Asking friendly how the fishing was going.Thats all.They were on there break.And a good bunch they were.
  9. Tried tricking them in to saying that there door was open,to get a plate,smart kung fuer.Not to offend,but to draw attention to these two,to get there plate. A no go.
  10. If any pictures were takin,yesterday morning?And if anyone seen the same thing? There were a lot looking at them.Im not a kung fu fighter.Just a peaceful fisherman.
  11. you tell me,tried to take a pic but the cell died.Caledonia dam sunday mid morning.At this time a few officers drive by,slowdown and look.Havent seen an officer all morning.So I interfered with the third rod.In a suttle manner hoping for someone to notice and take a pic.Officers in a local fishing area as such should be able to monitor for the mnr.Or maybe a camera?That would help. an extra expense i guess.Just my 2 cents,but if anyone was out there that day.I would like to hear your opinion.
  12. Hows the pike fishing down there,I used goto the yatch club and fish for them,and monsters I may add.That was before pier 4 park existed.
  13. Do you use stocking foot waders?If you do check the korkers konvertable wading boot.Interchangeable soles.Had these for a few years,comfertable and versitile.Hasnt let me down yet.Lebarons may still carry them.6 different soles to choose from.Very happy with mine.
  14. I think there is a 30day thing so they all say,before they stop.Windows,doors and alum siding people are the worst for me.Its stops for a while then again it starts all over.any one else have issues with this group?Leave a pamphlet in the mail.
  15. Yes I did.I just erased a long story to make it short.The rod was flawed and warranty was up.20days.unrepairable.got a good deal on a clarus
  16. Thanks, never seen that one,got the kids to watch (hooked on)the muppets.They love it as I do.
  17. Pay for a diagnostic and throw the guy a $5Timmies card.Youll be surprsed on what you can get.service wise.on the side.It may save you a bundle.As long as he warranties his work.
  18. Thank you for your input,much apprec.Ill use advice next week.The wife is getting a new oven,when they go on sale at walmart, If they dont Im screwed.Im baking for xmass.I know I wont be be getting any treats after this toaster.She got one last year same reason of course. Thanks again and good fishing.cheers talk you soon.
  19. I just looked for the one I bought looking at your thread.I looked and remeber it breaking on a snag.I know now where it is.In the drink.Where I pitched it.Im sure some one found it and had it fixed.Used it twice,never again.A baitcasting rod med/light action 6ft or so.
  20. Cheers to you jim,I receive the same from my two girls all the time.My oldest received an A plus on the fathers day outing trolling for pickerel an at school project for fathers day.I was skunked and she nailed one.My good luck charm.At binbrook ice derby ,she had third place and dead center on the photo,for that ice tourney 2 years ago.
  21. I have a problem on my old spoons.I wire brush them down so there is a rough base to stick to.I have tried hanging them and laying them flat.Its like runs in a paint job and it affects the glow,its uneven.I have tried preheating a few ways.The toaster oven would be ideal with a temp sensor,but the wife hitting me upside the noggin evertime ,I use it for that reason to get an even temp,but my noggin like the spoons are uneven.Thanks dear.But any way If I was to preheat in the oven,what would be an ideal temp?Thanks.The product works great,just needs some fine tuning.
  22. If you have a saturn ion 2006/7 with power steering issues,its 2 1/2hrs labour plus parts(900 or so at dealer).It should be a recall.My next little nightmare side job with used parts.A new rod to come
  23. does your signal stat(multy function switch) control everything that is going wrong.All to common on older vehicles.A main ground is where to start.If all functions that are failing,and share the same ground start there.A corodded harness,burnt wire in the plug, in the column itself can make an array of problems.Has there been a burnt fuse when this started happening,local to the column switchs?pm me I may have a friend to help you in your area.
  24. I have tried this this powder(glow in the dark)and it works.My issue is that when I do it according to instructions the powder tends to run,tried other ways,experemented and I let it be.Has anyone had success with this or is there a better product out there.For jigs it was fine,its the spoons Im having an issue with.Thanks
  25. I use brodak paints,dope and thinners.I use it mainly for balsa float and a few wooden lures I made,A little wet sanding after the the butyrate dope clear and some clear coat over it should do it.for extra protection.A lot of work but worth it.You can find them at a hobby shop.
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