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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Mark the rivots that are leaking,drill them out and one or two extra on each side,rough up the alum,add sealant and rerivot with waterproof alum rivots.If the rivots are loose,then go with a rivot thats 1/16 bigger. Buck rivoting is the best option IMO,most people dont have the tools for it,or the know how!
  2. Excelent report Rick! Gotta watch them rocks!Been there,almost ate both my cannon balls,opted for the j 13 instead! Sorry to hear about your mishap,hope it heals soon!
  3. Thanks a bunch guys!
  4. Ive searched the catalogues and asked around as well! No one has the faintist idea! Hot Lips and Bloody noses,those are the lures for trolling. You can imagine what will come up on the internet. Can someone post a pic of these lures,please and thanks! For some other reason, I think they may be the colour pattern.
  5. That is a great place for the kids,esp having them watch the fish swim around!
  6. I purchased a hummingbird 535 portable a few years ago.I use it ice fishing,in the canoe and my boat as well.Except in my boat I used the old humm100 base,bought a ducer and speed sensor.So if I have a circuit failure,I can stick the cup and ducer on and away I go! Im quit happy with it!
  7. Then your going to find it, one after another!
  8. Check the spring tension in the socket!,and there will be two tabs,they should be sticking out a bit!If thats okay,trace the grnd wire back to its connection,look for corrosion! Hard to say without seeing what you have.Question,does your turn signal in the car flicker with this problem?
  9. Saw them this morning doing their song and dance,It was carp!
  10. As terry said,if you have an 1157 bulb in the socket.Check the spring,metal tips in the socket as well as ground.Sily question?Is there an 1156 bulb in the socket?
  11. Awesome pics, Rick! Here's a few from my venture,close to home,Binbrook to be exact! The extra lure I forgot about!Has to go to another OFC'r ,pm sent,come pick it up! Good luck!
  12. Thats where I purchased the parts
  13. Ohio fisherman: new cam shaft, new bearings Dunner: origanally it was steel on alum,now steel on comp fibre Drifter016: It was a merc dealer and a high performance marine/auto shop that supplied the upgraded parts from melling!In the miss/oakville area. Just so you guys know its gear on gear.A matched gear set with no adjustments.Meaning no timing belt or timing chain.Cam shaft is new and bearings as well!
  14. lucky you! Kiddin aside!One Ive worked with still says it that way,while joking around! I love buggin him!Thats what he says after he gives a discount at his restaurant! No joke! Pete, have your bro come by,I will prove it !Too Funny! Sorry,I just had to get that one out.Darn,Im craving chinese food now Lucky Me!!!
  15. Ive posted this before!Now its time to fix it. I have a mid to late 70s 140 merc inboard,stern drive 3 ltr engine.Ive rebuilt it,you name it its been done.The second last time it failed,the composite fibre cam gear teeth were worn.Only one thrd of them. 2 months ago the engine did the same thing.Mind you I havent taken anything out except for the ditributor cap.Rotor wasnt turning while cranking the engine over.Thats a given the cams not rolling.WHY?Cause im sure for a fact that the composite gear that a merc dealer sold me failed!AGAIN!But it did last much longer this time! SO! My question is! Do I take a chance again with this plastic type gear(which is bunk) in my own opinion!) OR, Do I pick up a metal gear to attach to the cam shaft? Keep in mind,Ive rebuilt quit a few engines and never had an issue,!Total rebuilds! Some of the work on this particular engine has been done professionally! Ive done all the rest! Thanks in advance Ps it is a melling cam gear that I purchased both times,composite fibre gear.Purchased at a mercruser dealer in oakville/mississauga area near the ford plant.
  16. Ill bump that one up a notch Billy Bob,2 canoes on the lake and the waterskiing instructor and a local cottager purposly roughing up the water around you(me)!coming too close for comfort with their power boats! To Boot............, paying them to use their ramp and park as well!
  17. Big cliff,years ago Ive work for and along side with chinese people.Its normal,esp if they dont know you!If you made them a small offering,a little fish you would toss in! Im sure they would treat you like a king. Not much different than the 2 west european brokers we have,until one saw me at the lake one day(and I outfished him) and the other found out I love to fish.Guess what!2 new fishing buds and I gained a hell of a lot more respect at my new job(from word of mouth,and most drivers dont know me yet)!More than the guys thats been there for a while. Gotta love it!
  18. I had the same thing happen,but I lucked out at work with a huge dumpster.I cut upthe boat(17 ft fiberglass),in the can it went.The trailer no takers,got 50 bcks srap for it.It was shot!
  19. Meters runnin here,bills paid!,gonna take a peak out the door with the kids.
  20. Seen groups of them swimmin about while jiggen for walters,up along the dam, in the summertime.
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