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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Welding cable
  2. I hear and feel for ya,been there done it!If I remember correctly we are in the trade! 3am night call on the 401 minus 30 or so, engine down and the driver is an ,guess what,See ya bud! Have fun!Thats what I did! As soon as I hopped into the service truck to leave,guess what,they are nicest guys on the planet! A little smile,grin and a glare usually does the trick for me!I dont pay attention to them esp comments!I have a system that works both ways,everyone is happy!No matter how hot or cold it is! IT WORKS!!!!!!And respect is gained right a way!No matter what!!!! Just happened today to me,I shut down three guys!Their units fixed in a jiffy,they left Happy!
  3. You wont be disapointed at all with lloyd
  4. The reason why,its cheaper and easier to dye short hair than long air,To fool the YOUNGINS in need! IM IN TROUBLE NOW!
  5. Ryan, good news! Check your pm!
  6. Lets hit puslinch Dan,hungover and all!
  7. pm fishhunter(lloyd) He runs a charter out of port hope and BOQ. Hes an excelent guide
  8. Way to go Joey,Nice fishies I dont think that the floating city needs any riggers,Hes fishing for bikini bottoms
  9. great job pete Go get that 50",you deserve it!
  10. OMG! Nice one
  11. Your welcome and the same to you Rick! I guess theres no need for me to make a report!LOL.
  12. Butt kisser eh!!!!LOL I could of thrown you overboard to lighten up the weight in the boat,its front heavy !But I needed a co pilot.So I kept myself at arms. BTW jay thank you kindly for your help on board,trash me all you want,i have spare prop for ya and I really need a second anchor ,just in case! Just kiddin man,was glad to have you there under the circumstances. She will be sailing again soon.I HOPE!
  13. Pm him like others have said.Hes a nice guy,his staff last winter, were awesome,and I mean awesome!and will help!No different than bills bait with the extended hours and extra help!They work too hard to please us!For 5 bucks you cant complain at all!Goto mountsbeg and see what it will cost for a bunch and kids,arghhh!Binbrook is fair with good service. Sorry man,steves gotta ramp,docks,bait,tackle and knowledge!when the fish are in esp the cats he posts so will most like myself! You can spend 5 across river risking hull damage or pay 10 bucks at the arena with no can to use! thats my opinion anyway!Never disapointed service wise at steves place.
  14. Awesome report Frank I usaully try to get up there every couple of years.
  15. Go get that 50 inch ski Pete!With all the new equip. As for batteries, I didnt care for the nautilus,maybe a dud I purchased at the time at ctc. I run 2 real interstate marines in my boat.srm-24 550cca 690 cma. One has been discharged and recharged over 20 times recently.The other was still in the boat and never recharged. Load tested both after taking the surface charge off.2% difference(rough est) The nautilaus I had, had a higher cranking amp and a much higher price. Go interstate!
  16. Well sort of,notice the floating dock and the upset swans! Something had to keep them at bay
  17. Thanks Beats,had a good laugh as well!Bingo dabbers etc. I think we used to collect them on the shores of selkirk.Neighbour had a cottage there.When I was a kid. Thinking back now,they were lucky to my Dad!Me and my bro not causing trouble or some sort of ooops,while combing the shores for them!
  18. It surely is a small world T J.
  19. Neither do I! estragen x 3, to one male! See who wins in my house!
  20. Thanks leechman,their a well behaved bunch!
  21. You seen it too,Eh!I think someone past it off to another,then it slipped out of their hands.Cause he didnt get there on his own.WAY TOO EARLY!Esp there!
  22. Redsfishin,if your considering what smally21 posted.Pm me,Ill knock on a freinds door for ya.His sister owns the place.Theirs always a smile on his face when he comes home from the trip.Well, ussually!
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