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Everything posted by ricoboxing

  1. dam looks like i missed some action. hopefully i'll be able to get some in the morning!
  2. hey at least you caught some fish. sorry, i meant phish!
  3. if you do decide to go, it better be in a boat
  4. yesterday i took the dog for a walk, and the creek was wide open from the mouth all the way up. that'll probably change in the next couple of days though. weekend should be warm again, so i'll probably go then. if its still frozen, then i guess its off to the hardwater for me.
  5. The creek is only 5 mins from my doorstep, and I have fished it only a few times (without any luck). So this year I would like to start steelheading in the creek, but Im not sure where to start. I have a 6 foot spinning rod. I know I have to get some fluro leaders, tiny split shot, and steelhead hooks. What else do I need to get a fish? Thanks for your help!
  6. i was 6 years away from being one of these.
  7. i decided to get into hunting last year. none of my friends or family hunt, so i had to learn on my own (through books, internet and just getting out there). I was gonna just do small game hunting, but last year I started waterfowling, and now I'm hooked. My first gun was a .22 LR for plinking and small game. then I bought some used SXS 12 gauge that I started waterfowling with. Then finally I got my 870 Express. It's sorta like fishing, you can never have enough equipment.
  8. the longer you wait the heavier it gets. go out and get some exercise!
  9. when driving east on the 401 i always (sometimes) see these deer near the forest just west of lakeridge. I always wonder when theyre gonna jump the fence and try to cross the 401. I guess they decided to go the other way.
  10. entrophy what street did this happen on?
  11. get a white bucket and go to sutton! just jokin any of the lake O tribs should be packed with salmon now (bronte, credit,duffins etc) probably poachers too.
  12. is he from nigeria?
  13. nice work, ive lost a few cell phones due to getting wet, so now i carry my wallet, camera, cell in a zip lock bag.
  14. nice report, i learned (through trial and error) to wait for the birds to get close before pointing your gun. thanks for sharing
  15. took the kayak out to lake scugog for the duck opener. got there at 6 am, set out my decoys and waited for the sun to rise. my hunting spot waiting for the ducks to fly dinner time! i ended up with 3 teal, unfortunately no mallards or geese. i couldve limited out pretty early, but i missed some pretty easy shots. lots of people hunting on the lake. sounded like world war 3!
  16. i dont think the fish actually went after the styrofoam. i think its there to keep the hook from sinking. i believe this technique is called lining or flossing. marshmellows will do the same thing.
  17. this one weighed 58 lbs
  18. if thats 73 lbss, then i guess those kids are 5 feet tall too.
  19. Jesus was a carpenter, but he was also a fisherman!
  20. liar! you photoshoped the tail
  21. +1 water levels pretty low too. soon you'll be able to walk across it
  22. thats one ugly fish! lol
  23. it was only a picture of a fish head. if you've ever eaten a fish, im sure you've had to cut off the head. i guess deer hunters should not pose with their trophy deer or get the cape mounted, cause some people (especially P3TA treehuggers) may find it offensive. Nothing illegal was done and this is a fishing forum, so if you don't wanna see a pic of a muskie head, then maybe next time don't click on a topic that says "Pic of Muskie Head."
  24. it died, u ate it at least it didnt go to waste nice pic /thread
  25. 4get about a boat, go shore fish @ the grand, and get some waders. don't think theres anything other than the cons. areas near kitchener.
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