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Everything posted by addymark

  1. Glucosamine sulfate is better than chondroitin sulfate because glucosamine is more readily absorbed than chondroitin. there have been multiple studies that had glucosamine compared with NSAIDS. these studies have shown no significant difference between the two products except that there are a lot less gastric ulcers as compared to nsaids. i would also recommend a fish oil product that contains DHA and EPA. these are fatty acids that will naturally decrease inflammatory prostaglandins.
  2. holy biology batman! where is the reference list??
  3. the markings on the second northern are awesome
  4. no I wasn't. but I can't figure these guys out either. I'm counting the days until i get one though... and it will probably be in the slot
  5. Are Pickerel anorexic?? Season opener, thought it would be easy, did some jigging with twister tails... no fish last weekend, tried the worm harness, jigs and rapalas spent a lot more time. went deep went shallow, night and morning... no fish this weekend i was determined! Bought some real nice minnows, put in at least 8 hours of prime time fishing... no bloody fish I want to say I have given up on these guys... but they taste so good!
  6. I had that happen to me late summer last year. fishing for bass, shook the whole boat. thought i hit a log, when I look down there was a very large fish. This is when I started to buy muskie tackle
  7. last weekend I just got back from fishing and a new neighbor approached my dad and I at the dock and said he had a good fishing story for us. His wife was on the dock and she put her feet in the water to cool off and within seconds of entering the water something bit her foot. She pulled out of the water with a large gash on the bottom and numerous "needle like teeth embedded on the dorsal aspect of her foot". Buddy was loving the story and thought it was hilarious, his wife was in the boat and wasn't thrilled at all. Growing up I've heard of stories of small dogs being taken by muskie, and I took those with a grain of salt. However, I have never heard of a person getting bit before. Now my girlfriend won't swim in the lake anymore, but when muskie season opens I know which dock I'm going target.
  8. Syn, Lew, Thanks for the info. It will definitely come in handy this summer when I target them. Hopefully have some pictures to show them off too!
  9. This past weekend fishing for pike, I caught a Muskie (1st time for me). It was around 30-35 inches and too fat to grab it behind the head. I know they are out of season but since it was the first one I really wanted to take a quick photo so I attempted a gill plate hold (also first time for me). I read a lot about holds on here before, and it sounded straight forward, and in all the pictures the guys make it look effortless. When I went for the hold I felt as though my thumb was dangling beside its mouth and would be inside it if it trashed at all. I tried putting it on top and pressing down but didn't have much control, so instead of hurting myself or the fish I decided to let it go and try again when the season opens. If anyone could help me out with proper technique or has tips that work for them I would greatly appreciate it, as I don't want to miss the next opportunity. thanks guys. Adam
  10. I was there for 5 days during mid August. Caught mostly smallies and a few decent ones. The days I went for pike I only got 1-3 pounders, but they were plentiful. If you are going for smallies there is a secluded bay (one of the only on the lake it seemed) where they were hitting top water baits all day. It was a lot of fun. we also saw 2 pileated woodpeckers only 25-30 feet away. Hope the pics work... first time posting any
  11. can the habs go home up 2-0? that would be something.
  12. all 3 with less than 1:20 left in the penalty
  13. had it 2 weeks ago. dry heaves are the worst part.
  14. that looks like it's out of a movie
  15. ron wilson needs to be let go. He mixes the lines every other game.
  16. I need to catch me some of those!!
  17. definitely would have opted for stitches rather than staples in that location. are you having trouble flexing your finger? it seems like they would get in the way. I had staples for an inguinal hernia ... large scar but healed healed without complication. I just find that staples look like such a crude treatment as compared to stitches..
  18. any other symptoms other than the diarrhea and weight loss? you mentioned no stomach pain, but have you noticed any other changes? you best bet is to take a trip to a physician rather than researching on the internet. There is so much information it may very well lead you in the wrong direction and you could be worried about a more sinister pathology. Consulting with a fishing resource about your medical problems just shows that you are concerned with this, so the time you spend reading people's responses should be spent waiting for the doc.
  19. hey all, I am new to the lake and have been out for a couple of weekends on the water. I've been fishing for smallies and have been having good luck. I have heard stories of good size musky and I was going to wait until next summer to fish them (since it would be the first time and I thought I would start fresh). Then, this past weekend I was fishing in a small bay, I thought the electric motor hit a log (which was weird because I didn't see any prior to the bump), I looked down at the motor I saw a 3-4 footer swimming away to the depths. Now, whether it was a musky or a big pike, it has made me want to catch something other than a small mouth. Now I will be up at the lake once more probably early in october and I have always seen people nailing musky in the fall so I figure I have to give it a try when I head up there. I have the rods and reels but I'm lacking the big plugs. So does anyone have recommendations on lures (preferably topwater), or should I use live bait?? If anyone could give me some tips to target these monsters in the fall that would also be great!
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