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Everything posted by addymark

  1. completely torn? hopefully you don't need to go under the knife. the braces they make now are great to provide the support to continue with moderate activities once you are out of the sub-acute phase of injury
  2. I wvant one! good looking pooch
  3. You can't take your boat down the river, especially in mid august. also the place across from the park is OOB. no gas there. Stormy launch is always in good condition too. PM before you go
  4. I recently started to make my own tandem bucktails but the weighted bodies I put on the wire (1/4oz) seem too light, even when I double up. I want to be able to burn them about 1-2" under the surface. any suggestions on how much weight to use to achieve that with double colorado blades? I just don't want a buck of baits that are useless come the beginning of the season.. Also, does anyone use a single hook as the trailer rather than a treble? just thought it may be easier on the fish.
  5. amazing photos. I've only seen cedar wax wings once. stealthy looking birds
  6. @amarkew
  7. HAHAHAHA! actions speak louder than words!!
  8. everything you guys have said is why I am so interested in this breed. I lead an active lifestyle and my parents have a place up north where I can take him/her for the summers and fall. My old lab used to disappear for the day up north and come back for his dinner time. it was clock work! Do male GSP's have a tendency to get on a sent trail and take off similar to what my lab would do? also I have read that some GSP's don't like the water... have you guys had any issues with this?
  9. Yes. I am hoping to. I had a lab growing up and we trained him on waterfowl. looking to do the same and for pheasants and grouse.
  10. I am on the market for a GSP and have seen some posts on here about this breed. If anyone has information you would like to share on particular breeders in Ontario (good/bad) please PM me. Also if there is any tips or questions that you could recommend, I would greatly appreciate it! thanks, Adam
  11. today I went to replace my old high visible yellow power pro, but they didn't have the same stuff. They had the new slick power pro but was unsure as I have been very happy about the regular stuff. Also they only had green. I really enjoy casting with the high vis yellow. If I find a slick yellow will definitely try it out after reading this thread
  12. would love to see one of these guys in the wild. Awesome shot!
  13. nearly 1000... had to post to help the cause. favourite Hendrix song. ear candy... http://youtu.be/deCtGPo0hco
  14. great report! They have some girth to them, and coolo markings too
  15. I made a post last week to get some suggestions on what to use for fall skies and I'm glad I listened. I was going to go big and slow which I did for most of the weekend but you guys said don't forget about the inline spinners etc. since it is going to be a warm thanksgiving. now the good part... Earlier today as my dad was getting the trailer in the water to take the boat out, my mom on the water front taking pictures of the fall colours, I was out in the last outting from the "big boat" thinking I was going to get skunked. So I finally as I'm right in front of the cottage I throw on the black buck tail that was productive for me in the summer. Last cast of the season less than 20 meters from the boat trailer and I had a nice follow... figure 8... BHAM! I call out they look and they have a perfect view of the fish as it explodes completely out of the water. After a few minutes I get her in the net and only one treble was on the edge of her lip. My parents are already on the way in the tinny and my mom is ready to snap the photo's... couldn't have been a better end to my season! I had my camera in the boat but I don't know how I would have gotten a picture. It was the first time I didn't have a buddy in the boat to help net one and that was also an experience. took a few minutes to revive her but I got a face full of water when she kicked away. thanks for reading!
  16. Thanks for the input guys. looks like I will stick with the bladed baits. If they produce I will be sure to post
  17. I got into fishing musky last summer and have a decent but limited tackle selection for them. I have read that in the fall go big and slow down the presentation. So all the buck tails I have gathered may not work so well this weekend. I just started to troll as well, I have the believers (8") no jakes tho... I don't want too much but if there is one lure you guys would suggest for the fall, what would it be?
  18. i love fishing topwater. didn't think that would work for eyes but i will definitely give it a shot. going to have to look into this frog migration as well.
  19. "caught the bass on musky gear.. he didn't stand a chance" lol nice Its crazy seeing bass hit musky baits... I have them bump my topraiders, but haven't hooked one yet
  20. this summer has been the first year trying night fishing... I would head out for 8pm and consistently hit decent fish right before the sun went fully down. once total darkness hit i would have no luck. This thread just inspired to get out there around 11 and try it for a couple of hours. Lets see how this weekend goes It's funny you said black... I have been using an original rap black and silver getting hits, then my dad and brother have been coming and getting more hits on a lime green split rap. Might be more sound coming from that and less dependent of the colour. Also had a nice musky follow on the surface in the propwash 2 weeks ago.. didn't have any musky gear but would have abeen a nice fish
  21. saw an episode of fishin' canada where they fished at the nuke plant... the water looked a lot cleaner out there than what I have seen in the bay. is the bay fairly shallow... never fished it.
  22. chiropractors are back pain specialists... easy choice.. just make sure you find one that will take the time with you to explain why you are in so much pain.
  23. as well forgot to mention, love the dark colour of that first ski!
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