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Everything posted by addymark

  1. awesome report man! heading up there this week, hope to have some luck. was up there last week going for some pike and had a solid 40 follow to the boat and just swim beside the bow mount for a few minutes. also about 15 minutes after that came across a school of lakers in about 6 ft of water... wierdest thing ever, thought they were pickerel at first but then i got right on top of them and definitely lakers. any thoughts on that?
  2. these are pretty sweet! I should to to find my creative self and apply it to lure making! probably save some money as well
  3. saw an episode of fishin' canada yesterday and he was fishing right next to the power plant. caught a monster carp there. then he went into frenchman's and hooked a couple of pike and one was a really nice size. I might try the bay out this season but probably not over by the plant.
  4. that's a great shot. these little guys are cute
  5. I looked briefly at the literature.. 1 or more of 3 mechanisms may be involved: widening of diaphragmatic hiatus (where esophagus passes thru), pulling up of stomach by esophageal shortening, pushing up of the stomach by increased intra-abdominal pressure. 90% ppl with hiatal hernias have sliding hiatal hernias, meaning they come and go. most will go on gastric reflux meds for symptoms and won't need any other treatments which is good. loss of appetite may be from the reflux. a change in diet like fisherman recommended might be a good idea as well. did they do imaging or endoscopy?
  6. ehg I hope your complaint resolves asap. I'm sure it is hard to deal with this as you are managing your MS as well. I think only a few people recognize that sciatica is a waste basket term for radicular leg pain symptoms. It's upsetting that practitioners in any field are using this as a diagnosis. If I were a patient and my Doc/physio/chiro/osteopath told me I had sciatica I would be a little concerned, and would not let them treat me until they found the root of the problem. Many posts on this topic read I went here and it didn't help, or I did this and it made my sciatica much worse. If you don't know what is causing the problem, know that there is a potential to exacerbate your complaint with most conservative or manual treatments. I understand with acute pain like this you will "try anything" to fix it. Just ask questions first before you let your practitioner go to town on you.
  7. very nice! enjoyed the video and song. great stuff
  8. amazing shots, and amazing animals
  9. just don't use your noodle...lol
  10. all business! nice fish! what is that thing dangling from the last ski?
  11. thanks guys. very helpful indeed.
  12. Within the last year I have started fishing for musky, and have listened to all the expert advice I have been able to read on this forum. I have had pretty good luck with them and I recently bought bigger and better tackle and hope to catch a 40"+ this fall. I have all the equipment suggested by members, but regarding bolt cutters, I have only read "get them", "you need bolt cutters", "don't forget bolt cutters" hundreds of times, but never read anything on what I'm trying to accomplish with them. I know soon enough I will have one that absolutely inhaled a lure and I want to be quick and confident in getting that fish back into the water. I understand get the lure out of the fish and put the fish back in the water ASAP, but are there certain tips/techniques any of you musky guys find work better than others? and what happens to the other end of the hook stuck in the fish's throat? fall out eventually? stay embedded? and what about jaw spreaders vs. non puncture gloves etc.? suggestions and advice greatly appreciated!
  13. that's a crazy image. But what is crazier is how Billy Nungesser did up his top button!
  14. wow! that is an unreal fish. bet she was quite the fight!
  15. maybe your in laws bought my old cottage. it was up for sale...
  16. grew up cottaging there for 20 years. Fished every corner of it. Small lake, good pike, good smallies, supposely good lakers. Caught many 4lb smallies, a multiple 8-12 lb pike (biggest was 18lbs 38"). never fished for lakers but suppose to be good. there is a small river loaded with cottages. pretty weedy, but produces many pike, especially at the mouth were the weed bed starts. portage the rapids to mutton lake and you will have luck with northerns there.
  17. I bought the newest edition of pro tools over a month ago and at first it was tough to use but it is starting to become pretty good. Still a lot more to learn though. industry standard.
  18. I don't think you are legally obligated to get consent from patients for the transfer of their files IF and only if you sell a practice or sell your files once you retire. I'm assuming the files of your old MD were sold to the other MD. In doing so the new MD knows he can make profit since he is allowed to charge a REASONABLE fee for copies of the files. Depending on the length of time you have been with your previous MD combined with the extent of your health history, what is deemed reasonable is up to the Doc. They can charge a fair bit because he owns your file, he is paying someone to stand there and copy it and he is paying for materials. I don't know the size of your files but it seems a little steep to me. Unless the price correlates with the size of your file compared to the average file... then you may be getting rinsed. But I'm not sure you will be able to do much. all the governing bodies seem to think it is okay, so it is up to the Doc. hope they reduce it though. good luck.
  19. thanks for the quick replies. I was thinking mossy green colour but the red sounds like a good idea as well. One more thing, when using the flourocarbon leaders, what knot do you use when tying to your line? or can you tie it to a 2 way swivel?
  20. are the brands pretty even? do the colours make a difference, or is it personal preference?
  21. this sounded dee-lish!
  22. those are beauty fish! would love to hook one in that range
  23. I always enjoy watching Chronzy's show, and I can't help to think that if Don Cherry got into fishing rather than hockey, he would be Darryl Cronzy. One thing that kills me every show is when he does his recipe bit. This morning I saw him pour a cup of melted butter on fish, potatoes, and onions. "He took a bite and said no calories, no cholestorol. Don't worry about clogging those arteries and all that." didn't he have a heart attack?? and even if he didn't, his nutritional advice, although hilarious is not accurate
  24. caught my first of the season on friday night. trolling on the edge of weed bed in 6-8 fow. pretty happy to break the streak
  25. would these potentially be in any body of water where pike and muskie co-exist?
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