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About Dartee

  • Birthday 03/11/1966

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Dartee's Achievements


Minnow (2/10)



  1. I travel into the states daily (for work) and a passport is a must. It is also required for my work visa. The border crossing i use does recognize the enhanced licence but will not except it in my case, it must be a passport since i'm working and not travelling for recreation.
  2. Technical Program Manager (account Manager) for a contract electronics manufacture.....
  3. I'm with Gore Mutual and have all year coverage. And I'm covered for all risks (fire/Theft /Collision, on and off the water which includes contents) with $1Mill liability. Premium is $220 for a 162 Prince with 40hp strk.
  4. As Whopper noted, a good installer will be able to make the seam disappear. Besides there is already a seam at or near the doorway to the room and if the room is wider then 12 ft there is likely a second seam in the room as well. The only catch will be finding the same carpet/dye lot, but since the house is only 2.3yrs old, odds are pretty good. Good Luck
  5. Born in Soest Germany 1yr Sudbury 1yr Bells Corners (Ottawa) 3 yrs Corkery (Between Carp and Almonte) 14yrs Westport 4 yrs Waterloo 1 yr Toronto 4 yrs Brampton 7 yrs Lyn (near Brockville) 8 yrs
  6. TinBanger The heater cable in the Trough and down into the down spout should do the trick. I have a similar issue where during the day snow melts at the top of the valley (when in the sun) (south east exposure) but when it gets to the ice-cold aluminum trough it freezes and slowly builds up eventually becoming a solid block of ice. (no ice on the roof) The wire solves this. I only have it plugged in when the temp will be between -2C and -10C, when its colder then that no issue.
  7. Not a snow flake here, just -8'C, sun is shining. Happy shoveling..
  8. "Under the new bill, teenage drivers in Ontario would only be allowed one passenger aged 16 to 19 - although there would be exemptions for brothers and sisters. Studies show just one teenage passenger with a teen driver doubles the chances of an accident." I agree with most, but the no-passenger thing is a load of ...... If that had been in place back in high school... there never would have been football or soccer teams. Most kids lived more then a 15-40 min country drive and practices always went passed the "Late bus". Everyone car pooled. 1 day 1 person, next day someone else. (gave time for the car/truck to air out before it was your turn again ).Also saved a load of $ on gas.
  9. There are plans to sink one in the St.Lawrence to take dive pressure off the wood wrecks. (Between Gan and Brockville I believe) The Eastern Ontario Artificial Reef Association says it hopes to sink the decommissioned HMCS Tera Nova by late 2009.
  10. Fill up in Brockville on the way by... was 77.9 @ the ultramar (2 lights north of the 401) this morning.
  11. Was $1.007/liter in Brockville this morn.
  12. Need to add Lakers as well
  13. For me, I take the saver off when in the garage over the season, if the boat is outside, I leave it on. It comes down to available space. When on, I can't close the garage door. For storing over the winter, I take it off
  14. Are you able to lock it in the raised position so the prop wont be in the water ? Cant get to far then...
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