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Everything posted by Jewelbee

  1. OMG....Can't believe it
  2. 60 lbs....Barks like hell....hasen't been in a boat (yet)...but tolerates being dressed like a zombie with a bloody arm around his neck...LOL! http://lh5.ggpht.com/_EN2cF4znJGI/TMpGGUHtltI/AAAAAAAAA0A/JfckAOBrWHw/s640/IMG_1278.jpg
  3. Awesome...loved the music too!
  4. I grew up in Fort Erie so was here for Blizzard of 77. I live in Ridgeway now, so was also here for Oct storm. I believe we were on generator for 3 days with that one....WHAT A MESS! The freakiest thing was going out at 3 am to fill the generator. Everything so silent. All to be heard was the cracking of breaking branches, and there was the strangest lightning flashes. It was truly the weirdest storm ever!!!
  5. Did you take this video? LOVE this guy's humor..LOL!
  6. Nice to meet you You'll Like it here!
  7. Awesome of you take her! Won't hurt her to be off her food for a while..LOL! Start her exercise slowly, you don't want her to get sore and it will help her to gain the urge to eat again
  8. I picked up a buck that appeared to have taken a dive off a QEW overpass in Fort Erie once! A good find tho.. still warm and barely any damaged meat!
  9. Try this one fast..out loud! Who slit the sheets Who slit the sheets Whoever slit the sheets Is a good sheet slitter
  10. Come on guys.....he needs to find a girl who will fish WITH him Problem solved! Welcome back.
  11. Congratulations guys!
  12. This is the BEST one
  13. Nice!!! I can dream................
  14. Not sure about now, but our group used to go to Waltonian Inn for an annual ice fishing trip. They had just what your looking for. We always had a blast and caught fish too!!!!! http://www.waltonian-inn.com/index.html
  15. Sorry to hear this sad news. He looks like he was a sweet man! Cherish the good memories.
  16. LOL..I was Sure SOMEONE would pick up on THAT one...LOL
  17. Welcome! Fun bunch here.
  18. Pleased to meet you Sis...I have no idea what happened to you, but I hope all goes well this time around.
  19. Wanna get me one a them channel cats!
  20. So sorry to hear of this! I had to put a collie to sleep with the same condition in the 80's. Broke my heart, she was 3 yrs old . I thought they had better solutions to this condition now, but I guess sometimes it can't be fixed. Rest assured, you did the right thing for her, she should not suffer.
  21. I would have PAID to see THAT!!!!!
  22. Strangest topic I've seen on a fishing site.. I guess when I'm over 65 I will be able to stop wearin' a hat to keep my hair out of my face!
  23. Beautiful!!!!!
  24. Personally........I Like talkin' to the boys Oh.....and the girls too
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