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Everything posted by AzuluSpookd

  1. SHOOT EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (with a camera of course :) )

  2. I just saw this...thoughts and prayers go out to him and family.
  3. When's the JohnnyBass annual hybernation date? I thought it was when the snow came....? lol
  4. Awesome stuff!
  5. Leechman, that is a great vid, thanks for sharing! I love the luremaking...something I'd like to get into over the winter....good stuff!
  6. Awesome stuff Moose....what a great finale....thanks for sharing..!
  7. Nope! That's just the way he types (here and on all sites)! Get with tha program!
  8. Ouch
  9. Hey wayne, yes it was yours. I got there late, around 3:30 and went thru pines to opening and I noticed fresh tracks all over the place, they were following every deer track there, it was brutal, all over, going down to the swamp, out to tay pt road, back thru to the split to where s parks, tracks led right to where that vehicle was parked...oh well, only the real hunters are gonna be out now (bow) that is, lol
  10. Sorry about your luck with the dogs. I saw two button bucks, 2 does and 2 fawns all week....could have shot any of them, chose not to...went out tonight and saw a bunch of trespassing tracks throughout the property...all over the place...I was pissed.
  11. My Great Dane has done a few things...they are the friendliest dogs in the world...but some times I wonder about their smarts! He was sprayed by a skunk and ran into the house, through the screen door and went into every single room in the entire house...it took weeks to get the smell out! I had my deer skull on kitchen counter, went grocery shopping, my wife and I came back...I looked at him sitting on the couch, eating his bone....then I hear my wife yell...ITS NOT HIS BONE, ITS YOUR DEER SKULL!! Last week, my girls made thier lunches and put all of their snacks on the counter. Woke up in the morning and every single snack was opened and eaten by him. All the wrappers were sitting on his couch. I still love him!
  12. Awesome! Great job and congrats.
  13. You're such a clown. I can't get that friggen song out of my head now. I'll be singin' it in the bush. Thanks.
  14. I've even edited to see other hunter...he's hard to spot...
  15. Is that better? :thumbsup_anim: Where's Terry when i need him...lol
  16. This is the guy I had at 20 yards, down in the swamp....He was around me for about 45 minutes...cute little fella His left is about 8 inches, but his right is only a nub....very unique...has a relatively big body though....let him go....waitin' for calf sized monster that Wayne took a pic of!! Wayne, when I'm there again, I'll give you a hand doin' whatever it is you need a hand with...I just don't do dishes
  17. Too funny, eh? That was my bud up the road, he left his recycling bin for me to fill up, but didn't tell me about that....I had quite the laugh when I got there and saw it. The neighbour was very funny tonight....I saw him walking the tree line in "stealth" mode....he must have forgot he was wearing bright orange, lol....he plopped his arse down 20yards from the pile, right in the bush....staring at the decoy for about 15 minutes, than got up and left....I was laughin' so hard....he was just waiting for him to come trottin' over to him...lol :whistling:
  18. Oh solo...that sounds so appealing.....but I'm already moose hunting just south of there from Sept 18 to 30th...not sure my wife would appreciate me being gone the entire month of Sept....or maybe she would?
  19. Hope everything works out Wayne....my wife's mom was placed in the hospital 2.5 weeks ago....tests came back that she has Sarcoma cancer, very rare...tissue of her uterus, disguises itself as a fibroid....however, her entire insides are full of cancer...has to have a complete hysterectomy....went for a biopsy today in newmarket as well, because she now has spots on her lungs...and right after that was completed, she was told she's going to Princess Margarets tommorow morning...SHE'S ONLY 56 and never smoked a cigarette in her life.....gonna be a tough xmas as this type usually doesn't end good.....M
  20. Ha Ha...you're killin' me! Just had to pinch myself....lol. I was out yesterday morn, pulled up...flag pole was bent over from the wind...said to myself, no way deer are gonna move around in this.....same thing this morn....oh well.... Hopefully by next week, you'll see a non-photoshopped one with me :thumbsup_anim: Thanks for the smile though!
  21. I don't shoot pics andy...me shoots the real things !!! lol
  22. Hey Spinner....could you give me a pm about this program? I've got a couple of good buddies that are really interested in getting' something like this set up for southern georgian bay, but don't really know where to start, who you need permission from, etc. It used to be done by the Hunters and Anglers here, but no longer do they do that....thanks.
  23. I already told you why yesterday, Brian....I couldn't get the feed there.
  24. Absolutely awesome! Congrats, you deserve it!
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