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Everything posted by Raf

  1. while it applies to you Art, that surcharge does not apply to 99% of the members here. gas vs diesel over a 12 month period is about a wash for us canadians -- they are the same price with diesel being more than gas in the winter and the opposite in summer. the us market gets screwed and the arguement for diesel is a little harder in the states.
  2. it's definately easier for those who can write off interest, capital costs to buy new. we can but i still buy used 5+ year old vehicles. LOL When my 08 Grand Cherokee diesel is done, I'll be looking at the 14 eco diesel RAM or the GC diesel
  3. 7-8 mpg difference in the meantime.
  4. Even if you dont keep it forever and recoup extra costs through fuel savings, you will get your money back on resale. Compare an 08 grand cherokee hemi vs diesel and there is a 3-5k difference in an otherwise equal vehicle. Obviously a diesel doesn't suit everyone's driving habits or wants and needs but a 4k premium over the hemi on a brand new laramie seems worth it to me if it does.
  5. if you watch OTA antenna your 720 signal is uncompressed. cable is compressed. 1080i is really 540x2, you're better off watching in 720p especially action movies and sports. we ditched cable two years ago, just OTA, streaming and other internet content now. mostly 720p and 1080p content.
  6. Diesel is cheaper than gas in summer and more than gas in winter. So the 'experts' are really going out on a limb with that one.
  7. 12 city is good and about matches what i see. The v8 gc did about 16l 100 city lol
  8. yeah 5 spd in the old GC my gas v8 GC was around 14-14.5 l/100, the diesel is 9-10
  9. you must have a heavier foot HTHM I'm consistently in the 9.0 - 10.0 range, same motor. but most of my driving is on 80 km/hr roads.. so around 90, i don't see the 400 series very often.
  10. Dion's been getting beat around the outside fairly consistently the last few weeks. I like the guy and think he's an asset but maybe he's playing hurt and should rest up. I did not notice him being beat like that, at least not on such a regular basis, earlier this year.
  11. i cant think of a more versatile rod for bass and pike than a 7' mh. mind you, pike and especially bass are a bit of an afterthought for me and i don't see a need for specialized gear in my case. but this style does everything i need it to, from husky jerks/xraps to spinner baits and #3-5 inlines
  12. cram enough people in a small area and there's bound to be differences of opinion. (sub)urban hell. blow up the world. merry christmas.
  13. the fuel issue with yammys (at least my 2010 40 4-str) was with the high pressure pump. mine was covered out of warranty under a tsb (why they don't call it a recall i dont understand). regardless, a free fix is not much good to you if you're on a week vacation and your motor starts having issues. a bit of a black eye imo and things can go wrong but overall i am very happy with the motor.
  14. it's always better to put all 4 snows on, but fwd vehicles are so nose heavy, understeer so much at the limit, and have such a large front brake bias that the fronts do most of the work that two snows are better than none.
  15. what john said.
  16. a habs loss would have made this a perfect night but they were playing the canes, a franchise as inept as ottawa, so....
  17. Bill I think that's bunk (sorry Drew). Yes, diesel is cheaper than gas in the summer and more than gas in winter for the reason above, but you're looking at maybe 5 cents either way. If gas is 97 / liter, I would expect diesel to be around 1.00 - 1.05 right now yet it's at 1.16 - 1.18 around me. We've been told that the gas drop is due to low demand for oil, so which is it? high demand for heating oil or low demand for oil? LOL
  18. why hasn't the price of diesel moved much at all, esp when regular has dropped by 20+ cents?
  19. i think you people south of 7 live in a different winter wonderland than those north of. last winter, i did not see the blacktop on my road between dec and march and i'm just slightly north of 9. we had several closures so to suggest there are only 2 or 3 days where snows are beneficial is a little short sighted IMO. which is why i suggested that for those south of 7 (or whatever snow boundary the mto can figure on) winter tires be optional (but recommended). yes, idiots will be idiots, snow tires or not and those south of 7ers who venture north will still get stuck but i'll take the improved odds. i agree, for someone who does all their driving in toronto, there's definately less need for someone to slap on snows and to legislate it may be a bit much.
  20. if your address is north of 7 i would say yes. the snowfall on thursday was a joke in terms of amount yet i wasn't laughing when the guy ahead of me couldn't climb a minor grade. the extra cost is offset by the fact that your tires will now last twice as long (ok snows typically wear quicker but you get the gist) and most insurers will discount your policy 5-10% if you use them.
  21. you are aware that you will need a 20" rim for those duratracs right? the stockers are 17" wheels. if you have the rims, then those duratracs will be slightly smaller than the stock size. they'll fit fine but my personal prefernce is to go slightly bigger than slightly smaller. you could easily get away with a 285/55/20 or a 275/60/20
  22. You will have to look outside of canada lol
  23. that's how you walk your dog. nice pup.
  24. i replaced a jake in 2014. i need to replace a couple used and abused lures in 2015 but other than that I pretty much have everything I need.
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