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Everything posted by Raf

  1. fish AND angler .
  2. what i mean by mapping is you can upload a map of the region to the gps (from your pc) and view it on the screen. this way you can easily see your position in relation to the map right on the unit. the yellow etrex does not let you do that. you can still drop waypoints and it will remember your trail though. detailed maps cost extra but the gps will come with a simple base map.
  3. the yellow unit has no mapping ability. garmin has a unit, the etrex legend, with mapping for another $20-30 more or less. it is blue. i am not familiar magellan but i am sure it will tell you where you are in the world and likely has mapping as well.
  4. Raf

    Fave Beer?

    whatever is in your cooler
  5. Congrats on the purchase to the two of you!!
  6. couldnt tell ya, i am out fishn when they are on.
  7. steve, most of us have lcd finders that show a history of where the boat's been. so long as you're trolling in a straight line you'll know the ridge you smacked.
  8. 3.25 lbs
  9. you can do either but it's a casting lure. you can fish it any number of ways, cranked as hard as you can just under the surface, cranked slow.. it will catch anything that swims.
  10. nice but... it needs playboy mudflaps and more chrome.
  11. grab a pen & paper next time you go out. let out x amount of line, if you hit bottom of y depth - shorten the lead and go over the same spot again. make a note of it. rinse, lather and repeat. this is as accurate as it gets. you'll have your own depth curve sooner than you think.
  12. too bad about your rod. i would have gone for a swim personally. the water was warmer than the air this wknd.
  13. Chances are, if you're spending 150 you will end up with a quality reel no matter the brand If it were my money, I'd be looking for a used Shimano Curado 200 or 201 if you are a lefty and putting the rest, if any, towards lures. The Curados had the reputation for being the best reels in their price bracket for a long time. The new versions will be a few more dollars.
  14. dayglo abortions all the way.
  15. Mmmmm Lard. I'm not picky when it comes to eating fish.. all of the above, plus I love them out of the smoker (cisco, trout, eel, etc.).
  16. neil
  17. the big-boo looks great. I'd cast it. The blades look good too. Mine always end up looking clumpy.. how are you applying the powder paint?
  18. limewire is good for music be careful with other stuff as it may contain virii. if you are familiar with bit-torrent network you can just about get anything.
  19. Ssshhhhhhhh Nice fish Aaron!
  20. well done Joe. Glad you had a great time.
  21. that's quite a bit further north than those two fish I think. i have been out there but limited success with muskies so far. definately go slow at first till you get a feel for the area, lotsa rocks. the water is stained close to port and gets progressively clearer the further you go out to the bay. in the dirty areas once you see the rocks it could be too late.
  22. i'll be driving right by JBs on my way home from work as I usually do. let me know what you want Roy. (plus I just wanted to change the sky in the avatars)
  23. i'll be driving right by JBs on my way home from work as I usually do. let me know what you want Roy. (plus I just wanted to change the sky in the avatars)
  24. i'll be driving right by JBs on my way home from work as I usually do. let me know what you want Roy. (plus I just wanted to change the sky in the avatars)
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