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Everything posted by Kingsalmon

  1. Would love to go, but this damn thing called "WORK" keeps me from doing things I want to do. I'm sure someone will grab the chance.
  2. Back about ten years ago I caught a few spring run chinooks from a Georgian Bay trib. One in particular was a bright silver hen about twenty pounds that almost spooled me in that river. She went balistic right after she hit. More aerial jumps and scorching runs than any steelhead I have ever caught. Twenty minutes later I finally beached her. Nickel bright and full of eggs. Weird as hell. I have seen many whitetail hens and moldy bucks on openers since then but never a nickel bright specimen. So yes, its probably not a story. I'll bet they surprise somebody tomorrow.
  3. Yes its a commodity, and demand fluctuates due to the economy and weather, but its the supply and ultimately the price that is manipulated by a handful of nations. If they WANT the price to go up, they just shorten the supply by turning off a well. Oil should be at $50 a barrel. But until such time that OPEC and Oil companies greed ceases to exist we will continue to pay whatever price they want to charge us no matter what.
  4. Let's face it. Not many people associate Attawapiskat with really really good fishing let alone know where it is. Big Bay of Quinte size walleye and Northwest Territories size monster pike on every cast That will change and the word is definitely getting out. Solopaddler has already showcased some of the incredible fishing there, but the moose hunting up there is probably the best in Ontario. Because of its distance away from the main road it has allowed it moose to go through life without ever seeing a hunter. Its a flyin beyond a flyin. I hunted at a camp downriver of Eddy's camp fifteen years ago and the amount of moose was mind boggling. Alas, it was very expensive to get in there and only made it in once but the experience was never forgotten. It is still to this day my Moose, Walleye, Pike and Sturgeon Shangrila. The only problem now is Eddie is never going to have any room for me when my work and and health finally allow me the chance. LOL.
  5. That jumping is simply amazing. Can you imagine that thing on a float rod? Lets stock Mako's in Lake Ontario!
  6. I know the waiting sucks. Here's hoping that everything works out in the end for your daughter. Mike G.
  7. I hope Troy is back in this episode. Shoot'em, Shoot'em!!
  8. My family is doing the same a week earlier and I have always wanted to catch a giant tarpon. Unfortunately March is not a good month for them. There are numerous charter operators out of Tampa that are on the net. There is a Canadian guy would charters down there and he charges about $700 for the day.
  9. Wayne, she's in the best hospital as far as I'm concerned. I had to deal with the dreadful "C" this summer and they took care of me above and beyond all expectations. I went in for a three and a half hour surgery that turned into a seven and a half hour one after they found more than the scans showed. Three doctors cleaned me up and made sure I had nothing left instead of closing me up and going for lunch. Most of the head doctors are teachers at U of T as well. If they can't help your daughter, no one can. I wish you and your family the best of luck. Michael G. / King Salmon
  10. Does anybody know where to get a Waterspike anchor (16 lbs) or a Richter Anchor (25 lbs) in the GTA area. I tried Westmarine and they are out of stock at the stores as well as the warehouse. Just wondering if someone has seen these around and they have them in stock. Thanks, KingSalmon
  11. Right about now, Irishfield probably wants his hydro back. Hopefully he didn't get affected by the tornado up there.
  12. Heard ramblings from two of my friends that hwy 11 will be closed this weekend in Hunstville. Any truth to this? I have looked and looked and the only thing I see is that Hwy 60 will be closed in sections around Deerhurst. Leaving fro Nipissing tomorrow and don't want to get stuck somewhere. THanks.
  13. Come August and if we get the normal heat this year, the only place to try for walleye is at the mouth of the French river. There is really no point looking anywhere else because they are not there. If we have a hot summer the water temperature will come up to the point where they will have to be at 40' deep at least during the day. This actually makes the fishing more predictable if you know what you are looking for. Basically humps that come up to 15-20 FOW that border deeper water over 40 feet deep. Usually during August, you will only see boats in this area from the French running straight east . Lots of humps there. Good Luck. KingSalmon
  14. Hey SandyBay, How big is the beach this year? Must be huge! Any water by the big dock? Still trying to decide if we'll be coming up with the big Stanley this year. Differing schedules mean that I cannot commit to anything. Mike G.
  15. Well, I tried. I would get the name of the guys that installed it, and poke them with a few questions, afterall, they will probably service it if it breaks down. Best of luck.
  16. Hey Solo, the Aquatherm thing posted previously is probably not what you have since that thing would not save energy by pulling heat off the water heater. Besides that technology is thirty years old. I am 99% sure that you have some water lines entering the furnace other than the lines to the water heater. The lines are routed into a pond or some other water source, maybe a well or septic. The system circulates a water/antifreeze mixture and heat is exchanged through an exchanger at the source and at the furnace. The lines to the water heater are actually for helping heat the water in the heater thus reducing your electric consumption further. Considering the governement was giving about $8500 towards new installations this would explain why it is new. My unit is twenty years old And still runs well but new units are 40% more efficient than mine. I figure it costs about $300-400 dollars a month to heat/cool our 3500 sqft plus finished basement year round. Forgot to mention that cooling is done through the same system just in reverse ie warm water is discarded through the exchanger. If you need any other info about these units just ask, I studied the whole situation before the Internet was around.
  17. Very nice boat Louis. I just have one peev about it. If you are spending really good money for your custom made boat, why would you allow them to put those standard crappy gauges in the dash. Surely, Mercury offers better quality gauges I mean seriously. Everything in that boat is top notch equipment and those things are relics. Just think about a year or two from now when everything is still looking like new and those gauges look like they are twenty years old. Sorry I had to say it. Otherwise, good luck with your baby.
  18. Thanks for the replies guys. As for replacing the bearings, the problem was there before I replaced the bearings so I thought changing the bearings might help. When I changed them, it was the same. And I'm not worried about the warranty as if I really wanted to, I could make my own reel in a few days that would rival any Islander out there. Just never have enough time in this point in my life. If its not busy at work, its busy with the 4 kids. Thanks Solo. I'll try the line trick tonight. Without the screw in, it spins for a good 90 seconds before stopping. Put the screw in, it stops in 20 seconds. Machining jobs? I could always use more as nothing is steady. Just super busy for two weeks then wondering if we should close the doors the next two weeks. As always the busy time always hits during the best fishing times, but I'm not complaining. Hopefully we'll get out soon so that I can smoke you with my new bearinged Islander. hahaha
  19. Maybe somebody can help me with my question. I have an islander that is six months old and I changed the bearings to ABEC 7's. The reel spins almost forever if I Don't put the retaining screw in. Once I put the screw in and tighten, it seems that the rubber o ring is rubbing against the bearing and slowing it down considerably. Does anyone know if this is common. I know that this has been evident with my Islander since the first day as I thought it was the bearings, but it obviously was not. Thanks for the help. Mike
  20. Any wonderful picture posts coming?
  21. CROAKER!
  22. I guess it was worth the drive. As always incredible photos, and an amazing report. KingSalmon
  23. They have to pay for their mega sports complex one way or another.
  24. Wow, you're really anxious to get out. Looking at your weather forecast, it shouldn't take too long. By next weekend you'll have ten inches of ice. Good luck.
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