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Everything posted by fishhunter

  1. 4stoke 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% no other way to go, plus better for the lakes
  2. Port Hope may be a zoo!! It has been for the 25 years that I have fished here and a few before my time im sure. Funny that people dont like the zoo but they keep coming back lol. As for the C.O. well thats a hole nother matter. Just do what you can. take a pic of the person and what he or she is doing wrong. take a pic of the car then just call local Port Hope police. They are more then happy to help weed out bad zoo animals. Have lived here 10 years and have used then lots of times to help fix a problem on the river. No need to get upset or yell just call and enjoy a good day of zoo fishing.
  3. I'm off. God im looking forward to this. 6 good friends and lots of fish for 5 of us and maybe Terry will get his 1st lol
  4. ok just picked up all the food. oh boy we are all going to have to make a date with Jenny when we get back lol Look out whites Lloyds on his way back up and got your number lol. Terry I will let you reel my fish in for me if you want, for a small fee lol see you in 27hrs Wayne.
  6. Be afraid be very afraid0 Terry lol Wayne your safe, its your place lol Fishing is never about the fish its about good friends getting together and enjoying life. You never know when the bell will ring.
  7. well i think maybe ill just bring two sets lol well in one week from today it will be time to get ready for a fun week. I'll be kind to you Terry!!!! Will only take your pics from your good side lmao. You never know, I could end up being the water hauler and dish female dog. Better keep your hooks sharp!!! lol
  8. lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Just wait now Terry. I got a hole outfit picked out for you when your doing the dishes and hauling water lol This is going to be one fun week of fishing!!!!!!
  10. lmao!!!!!!!!
  11. Now now Terry, what are we going to do with you?????? Well now that your looking for outside help i think if you dont catch a fish this trip we will have to do a big post on you lol. I have never had a friend i enjoyed ribbing as mush as you lol Its all in fun and your a great sport about it all. I do hope you cath a fish this trip lol If i was a betting man i think its safe to say you will be the water boy and dish boy every night. Deal is lowest score hauls water and cleans dishes. I have a new pair of rubber gloves for you and a nice pink dish cloth for you. Oh ya and lots of room for pics on my cam so we can show the boys how good a job you do lol lol
  12. Hey Terry is that not the norm for you lol. Needs some more lessons????? lol Ill show you in a few weeks how its done again lmao
  13. Well it all depends on whats wrong with it but here is were I go.I live in Port Hope and drive to Hastings http://www.hastingsmarine.com/
  14. Terry its not the bait!!! I have seen first hand how you catch fish lol. Wait i am wrong, I have never seen you catch a fish lol
  15. wayne 8" white tubes are the best lol!!!! i got some for my lakers this year lol
  16. Well im glad you had a good time. it was nice seeing you guys again. i was a little shocked to see you tow walking out on to lake x. now i know what that thing was under me hood lol . to bad about your ride home. i think you forgot a pic wayne. i think My big eye is missing lol well its 3:30 and me and kieth are off on a 3 hour drive to lake xx hope its as good as lake x was yesterday.
  17. just relax Terry ill show you how its done real soon lol if i recall i showed you last year too lol
  18. The Jig bite was on big time on Sat. Not alot over 3lbs but none the less over 80 fish for me and my partner. Best day in a long time. Did not matter what you put down fish attacked all day.
  19. Well to add my own 2 cents on the bay. In the last few years the fish seem to be better then ever. The last two years with no fish with any marks. I put alot of days on the bay with lots of eyes in the net and I can say fish seem to be better and better each year with lots of year classes being taken. I can only speak for myself not sure how others are doing with clean fish.
  20. lol wayne you make me laugh !!!!!! Glad to see your still in good form lol if you have that suit on when we go ice fishing im turning around and going back to the Bat Cave.
  21. It was a blast meting you all. As for my boat, I could not think of a better way to end my charter season then fishing 3 days with 3 great friends!!! Look so forward to seeing you on the ice in Feb for our winter trip Wayne Dan Terry. Hope we all had a great time this fall and look forward to seeing everyone next fall when we do it again. oh ya Terry work on geting the fish to bite for you faster so we dont have to send Dan to the bubble room lol Hope you were all rested up for sunday night Dano!!!
  22. Yes it was very nice to meet you. I was suprized how fast you got your boat on the trailer and off the ramp lol
  23. Only tip i have for all is stay away from boats. this has been the hardest year i have had in 15 years. Fish are very spooky and are moving fast when lots of boats are around. try and find water that looks like boats have not been or atleast very few.Look for fish in the upper 20 feet they are the active fish. Fish are all over just have to find active ones that are not spooked. To many people see a net in the water and start to troll that way. The only thing that does is push the fish around. If you find a good school of fish work it once or twice troll away and come back to them later and you will get then to hit again. Its hard with so many boats but if you try that you will have a better day. Just because some people are catching on one bait stick to your pattern that you set out with and if its not working then switch over. I have taken fish on almost every color and size of bait this year with very litte pattern. Mix up your leads and size of baits and try and get a pattern that works for you. Most important if your planning on letting fish go try and stay above 30feet. any deeper and its a 1 in 10 chance the fish will live. Hope this helps you and any others. Ill be on the water this weekend and have my radio on scan. will try and help people out if i can. try 69 ill leave that open for a help channel. I will be up front and say i dont talk alot on the radio do to lots of people listening and makes it hard to move around when you have alot of boats on top of you. I will be stopping by perfect veiw with wayne and the boys so any wanting any tips or help with set ups i would be more then happy to help you out. Good fishing and and play safe. opp and co will be out this weekend im sure so watch the brown pops for those that enjoy one or two out on the water.
  24. well if you paint your boat orange ill use it as a planer board lol then you will go where i go lol
  25. Only tip i have for all is stay away from boats. this has been the hardest year i have had in 15 years. Fish are very spooky and are moving fast when lots of boats are around. try and find water that looks like boats have not been or atleast very few.Look for fish in the upper 20 feet they are the active fish. Fish are all over just have to find active ones that are not spooked. To many people see a net in the water and start to troll that way. The only thing that does is push the fish around. If you find a good school of fish work it once or twice troll away and come back to them later and you will get then to hit again. Its hard with so many boats but if you try that you will have a better day. Just because some people are catching on one bait stick to your pattern that you set out with and if its not working then switch over. I have taken fish on almost every color and size of bait this year with very litte pattern. Mix up your leads and size of baits and try and get a pattern that works for you. Most important if your planning on letting fish go try and stay above 30feet. any deeper and its a 1 in 10 chance the fish will live. Hope this helps you and any others. Ill be on the water this weekend and have my radio on scan. will try and help people out if i can. try 69 ill leave that open for a help channel. I will be up front and say i dont talk alot on the radio do to lots of people listening and makes it hard to move around when you have alot of boats on top of you. I will be stopping by perfect veiw with wayne and the boys so any wanting any tips or help with set ups i would be more then happy to help you out. Good fishing and and play safe. opp and co will be out this weekend im sure so watch the brown pops for those that enjoy one or two out on the water.
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