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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Thanks for the report Rob, and I'm glad to hear everything went well! Cheers
  2. Well it's no huge secret...but you might want to head upstream from Ox bay and fish the pools and eddies below Flat rapids. Lots of bass and walleyes there. Also just downstream from the rapids there's a good hole underneath the railway bridge. For big walleyes troll at night with oversized floating Rapalas. The lodge owner should be able to point you in the right direction. While you're there get a guide for at least one day and have him take you down the western channel to the Bad River. You can't take the boat yourself...it's too dangerous for a first timer navigating down through the rapids. Well worth it though. The Bad river delta is one of the most scenic spots I've ever been to, plus the fishing is great. Enjoy your trip, it's a gorgeous part of the country.
  3. Thank you gentlemen, glad you enjoyed! So you want to paddle a garbage scow in Quetico HAHA! It's on the agenda buddy, here's hoping we can fine hone your paddling skills starting in about 3 weeks. Would love to hear about Cam lake Chris!! I'm excited for you Al, you guys will love it.
  4. Thanks for the kind words guys! When we were in Ribes a group of youngsters paddled through in the midst of a long canoe trip enroute to Little Missinaibi lake. Riley was intrigued at the time and had a million questions. I mentioned maybe bringing her to Quetico park next year, but she didn't say much at the time. Guess something made an impression on her.
  5. Wow Dan that's great! I'll be looking forward to seeing some pic's.
  6. Okay that made me laugh. Anyhow mid morning you'll be fine using either of the routes mentioned, although I do believe QEW-427-401 TO 400 is the fastest. I'm much more interested in your trip. How about a report on Flindt Landing when you return? Over the years I've done several canoe trips in that immediate vicinity getting dropped off along the tracks west of Armstrong. I agree the train is fantastic, but man is it ever expensive! I'd use it all the time if I could afford to. Cheers
  7. Yeah well, I did mine online at home in roughly 20 minutes then printed out a temporary copy of the license when I was done. You're supposed to have someone else administer the test. Fortunately I have two email addresses so I administered the test to myself. Dumb system LOL! On a related note I lost my card as well a couple years back when my wallet was stolen. It was a huge pain trying to remember which online course I used. Finally tracked it down but it wasn't easy. The fact that the government has no database of their own with everyone on it is ridiculous.
  8. You'll love it up there. If it's walleye you're after fish the harbour. Typical structure (shoals, points, windblown shorelines) with 20' give or take being the magic depth. Troll worm harnesses and boucers to find them then switch to jigs. Would love to see a report when you return!
  9. Best way to avoid that is reel the fish in super slow. Fizzing with a hypo has merit but in my experience doesn't work all that well especially in the warm waters of mid summer. Great area btw. I fished LSF and LSL many years ago and enjoyed it immensely. Always wanted to go back...
  10. Bingo, beat me to it. The fish will be deep so 2-4oz weights are standard. A small lightweight portable depth finder would be worth its weight in gold.
  11. It's not a huge secret per say, but still, specifics on this area would best be relegated to pm's.
  12. Thank's once again gents, glad you enjoyed. Great idea honey! Something to look forward to then, a canoe trip to Quetico. (I had no idea Riley posted this )
  13. Nope there's nothing in that spot. Howards camp is at the very end of the long northeast arm of the lake.
  14. I was there last year. Twin Lakes has 3 outposts on Aba as well. One is a couple of km's away from Howards camp in the narrows. The other two are about 12km's away on the main body of the lake next to each other. Last summer when I was there two of the Twin Lakes camps were occupied. It was never an issue, it's such a massive fish filled lake. When fishing the main lake you might see one or two other boats off in the distance, or many times none at all.
  15. You must be getting pretty stoked yourself. It's coming up soon isn't it?
  16. Doug you're a man of few words LOL! Glad you guys had a good trip!
  17. So glad you've all enjoyed, thanks for the kind words, Cheers, Mike Some kind words Frank. It's my pleasure helping you plan your adventure. One word. Nightmarish LOL! Holy cow Pete! Nice to see you're still alive, and yes, that big pike on Cutty was pretty memorable. We'll talk soon. We're going to have to talk!
  18. Brian the young lad was tickled pink with your response. That's his new nickname now LOL!
  19. You guys are living the dream, enjoy the rest of your trip.
  20. Those are some high words of praise Brian, coming from you it means a lot. Truth be told although putting this report together took a few hours, I don't consider it a lterary masterpiece. I have it in me to write something better, but I don't have the time. This is more of a punch in the head get your attention kind of post LOL! Thanks Rick. The jig is a weird one for sure. It's a 31/2" tail that I bought two winters ago at Tackle Warehouse. Can't remember what they called it but I can find out. I used the same grub at Abbey last summer and it slayed the walleye.
  21. Thanks all, glad you enjoyed it! Glad you liked it Dan. The camera is nothing special, but takes decent pic's. It's a Canon SX260 HS. A pretty decent little point and shoot. Some of the pic's were horribly overexposed 'cause Riley switched it to "live" setting without me knowing. I like it but it sucks the battery dry when taking hi def video. Anywhere locally that battery was at least $60. I looked around online and found an aftermarket source for $4.75 each and bought six of them LOL!
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